I meant from the perspective of a demographic which I "should" fit into.
I am among the youngest of the baby boomers, by most definitions. Take a look at the fucked up bulllshit "my peers" do, think, fight for, believe in, try to sell, etc. I can not identify with many of them, at all. I do not "act my age" as I am expected to, by the others my age. The fact that I have worked around teens, or youngsters in general, most of my life (I believe) has kept me from dragging the boomer's net over people, many times, by helping me to see a more free range of possibilities in people's thoughts and actions. Music is ideals, too.
It is one world, but it has more than one person in it ... (that I would consider killing).
Close contact with my four brothers-in-law, yesterday, really pounded this difference home, once again.