Yeah, it's two families running straight down a line.
Both marrying. My grandfather and his brother
married sisters.
My father's mother and her brother married another brother and sister, but that's not inbreeding unless the two families were related, which they weren't. It does make their children double first cousins, though.
I was pretty damned attracted to one of
my 1st cousins. Probably means she had
SOME interest in me.
I'm already growing into one. My wife says I'm in training for the next season of Grumpy Old Men.
I was born one.
An embittered, lonely old bigot in a tinfoil hat? 
With a machinegun and/or a truck full of ANFO also, hopefully. 
What is ANFO?
That somebody agrees with him? 
It makes lit less likely to go on a killing
rampage early. The Frankenstein Computer
God has no desire to see him wasted on
a minor spree.