Something I want to adress is that I think that intensity being a place where you are free to say what you want, but you have to back up your words was a poorly worded attempt at saying that you are free to say what you want, but you had better be preprepared to hear people excersizing their right to call you an idiot if you say something stupid, that they have a problem with, and you can't defend your idea for shit. Not that that is very eloquent itself, but saying you had better be prepared to back up your words is misleading. I don't have to back up my words. Nobody here has to back up their words. You need to back up your arguments if you don't want people thinking you're an idiot(like happeh), but you are free to spout nonsense constantly if you damn well please(like flo).
I think the spirit of intensity is not curtailing the flow of thought and opinion with bannings and censorship. The essence of intensity is to be allowed to say what you are thinking, not be forced to. Cowardly or not, if people don't want others to know that it is them who is doing some bit of thinking, it isn't violating the spirit of intensity.