Author Topic: Does anyone know how to move to another town?  (Read 715 times)

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Offline Tom/Mutate

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Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« on: March 15, 2007, 04:31:18 AM »
I have the chance of a job in a city near to me , an informal offer and an interview.  But I would have to move there, as its slightly to far to commute and i wanna move anyway.  I just don't know how to go about it if I do - Do you try to get a flat first, and then look for the job when that is guaranteed?  Or Visa Versa?   And how do people look for a flat in another town when they don't have the week free?  Look on weekends?  Search on the net?  I never know how up to date the sites are.  Anyway if anyone's done it I would be grateful for advice, thanks.


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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 04:52:43 AM »
I live on the Swedish countryside. When I was 19, in 1990, I went to Gothenburg, Sweden's second largest city (about ½ million inhabitants) to study at the uni. At first, I hired a room by a woman I know there, but later I found flats on my own. This was before the internet, so you had to find flats other ways. At the uni, there were usually message boards, one for each institution and one in the hallway near the entrance. There you could usually find paper pieces with flat ads. I found two flats that way, both in about a week. I called the numbers and met up with the owners of the flats. At that time I didn't even know that I had AS (or that there was something like AS, for that matter), but I knew that I was "different". Anyway, I got both of these flats (not at the same time, of course), because the owners (I had second-hand contracts) found me proper and reliable.

You have to get somewhere to live before you move. If you have money spared to pay a flat for half a year or so, that will do at the beginning.


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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2007, 05:06:31 AM »
There are three things to consider really - support, work and accommodation. I assume you want to move to get a bit of space from your parents and shit, am I right? If you are unlikely to get much help from family and friends at home while you sort it out, litigious's suggestion above is the best one - if you have enough money to do it. otherwise, if you can manage the commute, get a job first - its a bit of a ballache until you've shifted, but in terms of getting your shit together and not finding yourself penniless in a strange town its wise. get a local paper for the town you want to move to or if they have online classifieds browse them - you can make appointments to view flats in your lunch break/after work.

good luck. it'll be worth it.


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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2007, 07:21:04 AM »
When I did my big move to a city to go to nursing school.  1) I made sure I had a job first, 2) I picked up a local paper and scanned for apartments and apartment sharing possibilities..the same day.  After a little leg work, I found a decent apt. that had separate rooms for each of us, there were 3.  I stayed for about a year, during which time I got well acquainted with the city of Albany NY.  Eventually I found a nice, but, tiny apartment within my budget, for myself and within walking distance of work and school.

Thats what worked for me.

Good luck!

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2007, 01:39:40 PM »
I have moved several times.  In my opinion, you want to absolutely know that you have the job or another source of income first, then look for the place.  If you find the place first but then the job does not happen, how will you pay for your new place?  Around here, many apartments want you to pay the first and last month's rent plus a security deposit which is usually the same amount of money as another month's rent, so you will need to have some money saved if they do it the same way there.  You could look for a place in a local newspaper or maybe online, but you will want to see it before you rent it if it is at all possible.   I think that you shouldn't have any problems scheduling appointments to see places when it is convenient for you.

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2007, 02:19:22 PM »
I have moved many times Myself, I agree make sure You have that job first.
Guardian of the Empire

Offline Tom/Mutate

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2007, 03:47:29 PM »
I have been talking to my parents about it, so I have their support at least.

Offline Leto729

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2007, 04:27:05 PM »
I have been talking to my parents about it, so I have their support at least.
That is good do You need a job with there support then?
Guardian of the Empire

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2007, 06:18:26 PM »
I have been talking to my parents about it, so I have their support at least.
see if you can get some housing finacial support through the disabilities office in your state, or wherever you are.

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2007, 08:22:29 PM »

First off, are you employable? This can matter quite a a bit. If you are employable, you should save cash, and visit the town that you plan on moving to. --This can be made easier if you have acquaintances in this town who can lend you floor/couch space to utilise whilst checking out the town you plan to move to.

I'd like to say also, that if you are collecting disability payments, I have no Idea as to how you would relocate to another town under that scenario, sorry. --You may want to ask around for people in your own country as to how this can best be done. The US Disability System is barely known to me, and the UK version is even more alien to me.

Save up more cash, and check the pricing/availability of apartments, and neighborhoods. In the US, it is best to find a place that rents for at most one third of your monthly post tax income. If you can find something that you like for less than that, get it. You may have to share a place. --If you know people from forums that live where you want to move check into an apartment sharing scenario, but be forewarned, DO NOT DO THIS WITH A GIRL/GUY THAT YOU WANT TO PURSUE A SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH!!!!!! THIS SETS YOU UP FOR A COMPLETE DISASTER IF THE RELATIONSHIP DOESN'T WORK OUT!!!! --YOU WILL WIND UP HOMELESS!!!!

You may have to save up yet more cash to pay a deposit equaling the three times the monthly rent in order to sign a lease. If you have a lack of rental history, what this does is ensure that you have not only your first and last month's rent payed, but also to pay for anything in the apartment that you may destroy or otherwise fuck up. --Be mindful of the neighborhood you want to move to. Anything close to government housing projects ( I think they're called Council Estates in the UK) could potentially be inviting disaster in the form of High Crime Rates, Drugs and Violence.

That being said, though I currently live in The Slums and I can get by quite well with no problems, as nobody really fucks with me anyways.

Once this is accomplished, find a job in the town that you want to live in. One way of doing this is to find a job at a place that has locations in both the town that you currently live in, as well as the town that you want to move to, and transfer over to the new location.

DO NOT just decide that you want to move to a new town and make the rash decision of just moving there w/o cash and knowing nobody, chances are incredibly high that if you do this, you will wind up homeless.
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Offline jonathan79

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2007, 09:25:02 PM »
I would say it depends on how much money you have.  If you've got the cash, get there first, then find a job and a place.  If you're strapped for cash, then you gotta commit first.  Only problem is, if you commit without getting over there to see what it's like, then you're liable to wind up in a job you hate, or a place that totally sucks.  The latter which happened to me when I moved for school. 

Offline McGiver

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Re: Does anyone know how to move to another town?
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2007, 05:27:19 AM »
i guess we have learned that advice can be confusing when given en masse.

many different interpretations about how you should handle the timeline.

well, let me just add:

you are young and are not deeply rooted with a family of your own.  and you are at the time of life when you are searching for yourself.  so i just say....follow your instinct.  put aside your reservations and fears and just explore life.
but make sure that you don't burn your bridges with your parents....just in case.