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Test for Dementia

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--- Quote from: PMS Elle on April 21, 2006, 05:14:17 PM ---I'm slightly demented.  That was really entertaining and I think I will repost it in my own online blog without asking your permission at all because I'm too demented to think how to ask your permission- should I use gestures, or ask?

Oh, damn, I should type a request.


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You may repost it if you wish.  I enjoyed it too.

--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on April 21, 2006, 05:55:03 PM --- Surely you can overtake the last person if you lap them {or at least pass them} ???

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How can you overtake the last person?  YOU would BE the last person if you were behind everyone else.

But if you're in first and you're running around a track you could catch up to the last person and lap them

yes, then you would have lapped them.
to overtake them means that you bettered your position and worsened theirs.

i am not sharp.  i am easily fooled.  judging by the fact that i was feeling proud after getting the first one right then failed with each of the remaining questions.


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