How are you doing lately ma petite soeur? 
I am doing ok. Experiencing uni stress again, am only in the third week and I have an assignment due next week and some homework due tomorrow. Next year I am definitely switching to going part-time, full-time does my head in.
I went to the housing place I am registered with this morning to ask what is going on as I got a letter from them months ago saying a house might be available for me soon. Well someone else got it.

So I am still waiting. My stepdad told them (he was with me and so was my mum) that he and my mum were selling the house soon and moving into a retirement village. But they aren't really. He just said that to hopefully get them to give me priority or something. He can be quite tricky, my stepdad.
And my car needs a service. So I have been thinking about that too.
Thanks for asking.

I am really glad to see you back here, the place isn't the same without you.