Why don't many people ask you that many questions? Is it because you're not popular or that you're boring?
Of all things to be asked by ones husband. Have you no respect?
I have plenty of respect, do you not think I would've asked her in person about those things first? And discussed my intent to ask the questions here?
The questions were not for her in any case, but rather to drum up questions for her from those here. It's as though everyone here respects her too much and thus risk seeming like you don't care enough to take an interest, or you have no respect and don't care to take interest.
We can all become so self-absorbed in our own lives that we fail to stop and take an interest in the lives of those around us. I am guilty of this; I'm not very good at the whole taking an interest thing, she doesn't get to talk to me much, either through a collective fault or through my fault, so perhaps in some unconscious cog I figured I'd drum up some interest for her to talk about her life and times and troubles and fears. Tis the least a good husband would do.
Perhaps it is the place of the question thread to be forgotten, lost of page 2 where no one will see it. Perhaps no one respects them enough.
Yes, I know all about respect. Thank you.