^You are right, I have not been online much. I have been trying to let my arm/hand get better but it hasn't really. I think there is something wrong with the nerves near my elbow. I will ask the doctor about it when I go next week for a review of my medication.
I tried to get my Dexamphetamine 'script filled and the chemist told me that it had to be
handwritten instead of typed. So I had to make a trip to the doctors' and get a doctor (anyone there)to write it out. Lucky the doctor I see regularly was there and wrote the 'script out "properly" for the chemist. Also had trouble getting my free medication. But I have it now.

GA tells me he has noticed that I have been a bit more cheerful but I haven't noticed, heh.
I went and saw my psychologist (autism related) with GA and found out that I can work on my conversational skills if I want to.
So instead of:
Other person: Hi how was your weekend?Me: ok.*Conversation ends there.It could be:
Other person: Hi how was your weekend?Me: ok, I did (insert activity here). How was your weekend?Other person: (tells me what they did)Me: (comments on what the other person did in a pleasant manner and might ask another question). *Conversation may continue...
I think this is quite funny but also realise why people may think I am rude. And I know I cannot do this conversation style all the time as talking tires me physically and mentally (still to figure out
why this happens), though I can at least try it out.
I haven't done much else. Been grocery shopping and watching Star Trek DS9 (watching the series in order).
Thank you for caring and asking about me.

* renaeden feels warm and fuzzy