Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

Genesis vs. The State of Florida

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Why are you the go-to destination when your Governor wants to censor books, and have these ridiculous rules!?!?!? Also, you're not that appealing.. unless you're wanting to go find a Cuban Girl who has the same values... but the thing that's less appealing about you Florida is that you're the place where old white people go to DIE!

Also, your politics since Tim Scott, and Now Ron DeSantis (drag queen in secret) is wanting to invoke his views upon us all!



Let's get the facts straight here.... DeSantis is a self-hating Drag Queen, where the OXMC is Putin's side hoe.

But seeing that the politics of Florida is more Fascist tendencies, and OXMC being the puppet of an oligarch with former ties to the KGB is scary enough as it is.

The useful idiots outside of the Q Continuum.... and no I'm not talking about the QAnon Bullshit -_-

Arya Quinn:
Sucks that it wouldn't be safe for me to set foot in Florida anymore.

My bitch ass wanted to go to Disneyworld.

conlang returns:
I haven't been to Florida since 2011.  It's a terrible place. 


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