A honey-do project I ordered for Sugarbutt. 
What's honey-do? Is it an American thing?
I'm not sure if it's only an American thing, though it's commonly said, a honey-do list, which are generally task or errands given to a spouse or partner. As in, here's some things I'd like you to do honey.
I ordered a cord concealer kit for a cord that's been bugging me for a long time, but I wanted him to do it because I can't see straight and I would likely stick it crooked to the wall. 
My honey do lists often tend to become "Honey, overdue" lists.
Certain things get priority status, though. Safety, plumbing or electrical, always taken care of immediately.
We had a dishwasher leaking and some paint had peeled in a spot. THAT was moved to the top of the list once the appliance was replaced.
Could not allow peeling paint in our new home!
Just a couple of hours after I posted about how I prioritize plumbing, my neighbor rang the doorbell. FFS!! WTF!!??!!
OK, she wanted inform us that our side outdoor faucet is just running and flooding everything.
So, she was doing us a favor.
Coincidentally, about a week ago she was complaining about our sprinkler system going too much and making the place between our houses too wet. I told her that since the rains started up last month I have turned the sprinkler system off. It's not running. But she was right. There was swamp between our houses. I passed it off as a damn lot of rain, which we have had.
Turns out today it is one of those safety check valves that screwed up last spring on the other side of the house. Fortunately, last spring I bought a spare when I fixed the other one. Those things are $38 a pop, so keeping a spare is no small endeavor.
Now I have both current and ready for twenty more years of service.
I hope. Jacking with those things is a major pain! For one thing they are designed to never be removed. There is a set screw that is tightened, tightly that is made to break off if you try to take it off. This actually makes repairs more difficult. But, I got it done.
I suppose I had some neggie kharma coming after talking like I did before about my honey do list priorities.