Been away for a bit. Glad you're doing good now Jesse.

Youngest nephew tested positive a few weeks back, than the older one, BIL & SIL followed...and other nephew.
All the nephews had it bad, but none were in the hospital for it, none had the shot. BIL & SIL had mild symptoms (they had the shot).
A friend's husband down the road was on a vent for awhile, but is getting better (no shot).
SO's bartender just tested positive 2 days ago (shot? no clue, SO doesn't feel it's "his" place to ask

A lot not vaccinated around here and still refusing to do so (including my son) and a lot of crap over masks (I still wear one and get sh*t about it almost everywhere I go). Keeps a large percentage from talking to me also...which is kind of a bonus.

Don't think it's a question of "if" anymore as much as "when" and who shakes it off the best. Got both shots months back, still have to get the booster yet...the gambling odds seem a little better with it than without.