18 is when my heart got broken, 18 was when I was placed in TILSOH (otherwise known as SAIL), 18 was also the year of many things for me... there would be certain things I would want to relive, but the main core of it I would rather not.
I had to look up TILSOH & SAIL. Employment program of some kind that you didn't like. Am I right?
TILSOH was my pet name for it.... SAIL was the idea that the county had for a transition program for students (no matter if they were ADD, ADHD, Autistic, Intellectually Disabled, Downs, Etc) to have their diplomas withheld until they were 22 or they found them a "job"
I hated it, because I was too self-aware and I didn't like the "one size fits all approach" with how the program was run... the lower functioning crowd or the downs individuals were easily picked on by the behavioral cases.... the program even had one student who was an RSO in the program itself. Of course the guy was a complete idiot being a retarded pedophile, so what else is new with something that is severely flawed, and pathetic.
For those of you who aren't in the states
*RSO= Registered Sex Offender