She didn't have that much meat on her bones, I'm not sure it would be worth it.
Did she fuck off back to AFF or disappear completely?
'kay, WTF is Meadow, anyway?
I would assume that it is female and according to (some other thing I have no clue about = Cumberdale? Is it actually my old "friend-like" horror, left behind forgottenence that had better things to do than ... ) another, it is presumably some weak instance of lame 'tard, possibly razor-boned, most likely forgotten cousin coupling where I had mistakenly misbegotten another abundance of young ones or some shit.
FFS, I am becoming laboured with all the grown kids waking up and deciding I am their daddy. Honestly it was fun the first couple of times, but one reaches a point ...
WTf is Meadow, anyway?