All the rooms in the house that I want to go through to sort/organize/purge. So much to do I'm overwhelmed and this constant feeling of nausea isn't helping matters much.
Tackle them one by one, don't expect to get through them in a month or even two. Will take time, you don't just purge your house, also your mind.
And, then, rejoice over every square metre that you have made yours. And be content if you can keep it yours, in weeks that you don't manage to reclaim more space, and don't be hard on yourself if you fail at keeping it the way you want it now and then. Life will get in the way.
On desponding days, feel the despair, but, not for too long, start thinking on the things you have achieved already, and, you know, and have to accept that you have done an awesome lot already.
Still purging here, and I did start a few years before you did.
Most has been done though. Now I want more......