Author Topic: What is your personality like in real life?  (Read 842 times)

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Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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What is your personality like in real life?
« on: September 07, 2020, 08:06:55 AM »
Just want to see if people differ/are similar here compared to IRL.

I would say that I'm a bit different IRL compared to how people probably see me on here - I'm generally quite easy going, up for a laugh and value friendly banter, very "yeah sure, I'm not fussy" kind of person. While I'm still somewhat blunt towards people, I am far less combative compared to online - If I don't like someone IRL, I tend to ignore them.

I can also appear "quiet" to some - it's not necessarily shyness, but I really have to "click" with someone to get the social gears moving. This is why I value being in groups, I can get the overall vibe and become more comfortable talking to others, although my "social rhythm" is complete shit. 1 to 1s, unless I really click with someone, are generally awkward. Protip: don't do a lot of small talk and you'll be half way there already.  :zoinks:

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2020, 08:11:20 AM »
It depends on the company. I'm not a very social person but I can fake it well enough.

Odeon's an internet version of me (duh!) and so not all that different from me IRL, if you are the right company.
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Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2020, 08:16:10 AM »
I'm generally curious as the internet makes people exaggerate or slightly alter aspects of their personality, even if it's at a subconscious level.

For example, people, including myself, are generally more open to speaking their mind online than in real life.

Offline Jack

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2020, 08:28:20 AM »
Joining this forum occurred during a time in life which required a reinvention of self. It simply was never important in life to project to others, a person who is generally emotionally uninvolved, confident or intelligent. This forum was used as a practice ground for personal development, so yes, this is who I am at work.

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2020, 08:43:25 AM »
I'm much more outspoken here, generally because I can't come up with most of this shit in real-time, verbally. My conversational skills suck pretty bad.

Also here, I try to actually be a part of group dynamics, where IRL I sit perpetually on the fringe, never influencing anyone or keeping up with any of the gossip.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2020, 09:07:55 AM »
exaggerate or slightly alter
Would't consider it an exaggeration, maybe an alteration, but definitely willing to discuss topics here which are off limits at work. When coworkers venture into topics unrelated to work, have been known to say, the data; that's all I want to know about. :laugh: Though at work am similarly willing to engage in playing devil's advocate, or presenting alternate solutions or points of view which aren't otherwise being considered.

Offline Walkie

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2020, 11:39:31 AM »
I'm much more outspoken here, generally because I can't come up with most of this shit in real-time, verbally. My conversational skills suck pretty bad.

Also here, I try to actually be a part of group dynamics, where IRL I sit perpetually on the fringe, never influencing anyone or keeping up with any of the gossip.

I should think that Pyraxis is typical  (Nooo,  I certainlly don't mean neurotypical, just typical of us lot,  in this respect)

Online interaction (especially on a message board) is liberating because it removes a lot of the communication barriers. No body language.  No pressure to respond immediately.  Indeed, you can totally zone out in the midst of a discussion, and nobody will notice, and you won't even miss anything
What's more , in a spazz group, the usal social conventions don't apply. eg, nobody expects you to do small talk; and - contrary to the neurotypical norm-  people will get mad at you if they think you're being dishonest, and not for being too frank .

So of course we shine on these forums. And  I think that what comes through is generally closer to our real personalities than anything that our  neurotypical workmates and neighbours see, I've heard of people inventing an "online persona"  for themselves  but I'd be highly surprised to find spazzes on spazz boards doing that. I'm sure most of us just relish the chance to really be ourselves, for a change.   :)

On a related note: why are we so resistant to Zoom meetings? Could the unstated  main reason be that Zoom puts some of those barriers back? Most admit, i'm nervous for that very reason. But by the same token, it  could be therapeutic couldn't it?

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2020, 12:07:27 PM »
really be ourselves
My real self is too much of an introspective navel gazer to effectively communicate with anyone outside of being an unresponsive blogger. This limits me to friendships with people who are a rarity in being the same, or at least willing to engage in a mutual exchange of two people talking to themselves in the mirror. Turns out it makes me a good listener. :laugh:
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 12:54:55 PM by Jack »

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2020, 05:34:29 PM »
What you see is what you get.  :santa:

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2020, 07:03:26 PM »
A little quiet... keeps to himself, um... doesn't ask about your mother in person due to being afraid of being punched in the face... yeah, stuff like that.

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2020, 07:14:23 PM »
Party animal.

Okay, maybe not. I generally hate parties.

I am quite reserved but also very talkative in the right company. Maybe too talkative.
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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2020, 07:30:22 PM »
I'm the same IRL as I present myself here. I'm open minded, I have zero tolerance for bullshit and gossip. I'm told I'm easy to be around because I make people feel comfortable and I'm easy to confide in. People call me "the vault" because what they say to me goes no further. I'm not the least bit catty because I find it unnecessary and exhausting. I love love love music whether it's listening to it, dancing to it or singing. I love deep conversations but prefer small groups to large ones. Sometimes I'm chatty but other times I just sit back and listen and will contribute if I have something to say. I think I have a tendency to adapt to my surroundings and the energy of the people I'm with. But if I'm at your house and you have pets, do not expect me to sit on the sofa because I will be on the floor with the dog/cat/rabbit/hamster/whatever pet you have and I won't apologize for it either  :laugh:
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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2020, 09:11:03 PM »
Party animal.

Okay, maybe not. I generally hate parties.

I am quite reserved but also very talkative in the right company. Maybe too talkative.

I'm talkative when I have the right group of people to hangout with

This is a message board, not a ouija board  :zombiefuck:

Offline odeon

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2020, 01:13:05 AM »
Guessing a lot of us can be.

When the Usenet was still a thing, I travelled to Vancouver to meet people from the newsgroup I frequented at the time. It didn't take them long to ask me if I was always that subdued in real life. :laugh:
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Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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Re: What is your personality like in real life?
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2020, 03:21:01 AM »
I'm the same IRL as I present myself here. I'm open minded, I have zero tolerance for bullshit and gossip. I'm told I'm easy to be around because I make people feel comfortable and I'm easy to confide in. People call me "the vault" because what they say to me goes no further. I'm not the least bit catty because I find it unnecessary and exhausting. I love love love music whether it's listening to it, dancing to it or singing. I love deep conversations but prefer small groups to large ones. Sometimes I'm chatty but other times I just sit back and listen and will contribute if I have something to say. I think I have a tendency to adapt to my surroundings and the energy of the people I'm with. But if I'm at your house and you have pets, do not expect me to sit on the sofa because I will be on the floor with the dog/cat/rabbit/hamster/whatever pet you have and I won't apologize for it either  :laugh:
Yeah, I've always imagined you'd be similar IRL, you're pretty down to earth and easy going in general.  :thumbup:

I've ditched friends in the past purely because they constantly gossiped and talked complete nonsense. Nice to my face but then talking really maliciously about me behind my back. I call those kind of people "social tumours" as they only grow to be a burden unless you cut them out. I even had good friends ditch me because I was with the "wrong" people - nothing political or anything like that, purely because they had personal hangups with those people that was never disclosed to me. As a result, I find it difficult to make friendships IRL, and often prefer animals over people when it comes to bonding.

Yeah, the "energy" of the group is why I tend to prefer them over 1 to 1 conversations - if I'm in a good group full of easy going people, I really open up and makes me more willing to talk to others. Agree with you on large groups though, it just becomes unwieldy at that point and my "social rhythm" only can handle so much without appearing like I'm deliberately talking over others (this was often a criticism towards me, also have been deemed "domineering" due to this too  ??? ).

My dancing is legendary, especially when drunk  :laugh: