Author Topic: New Normal  (Read 9780 times)

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2020, 09:11:18 AM »
Mango cider? Damnit why can't we get that here.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline odeon

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2020, 07:29:26 AM »
You can have ours.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2020, 07:37:10 AM »
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline renaeden

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2020, 10:19:44 PM »
Mango cider sounds delicious.

The main difference for us is that we now do our grocery shopping online. I think it saves us money as we're not buying random things. The fruit and vegetables we buy are usually good except the one time I had to eat all the bananas within two days or they had to be thrown out.
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Offline FourAceDeal

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2020, 01:31:57 AM »
Lilley's Mango Cider.  The uncarbonated stuff in the boxes is better than the fizzy bottled version.  It's just sweet enough to slide down easily pint after lovely pint.  Discovered it in the cider tent at a beer festival about 6 years ago and it's now one of my summer party favourites.
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Jesse

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2020, 11:34:44 AM »
I buy almost everything online these days, except for groceries.
Basically this sums up what I do

I'm outside a lot, just not in buildings or closed spaces. My sister got COVID and was sick for a whole month, She's a CNA and caught it at work. and now has anxiety about catching it again, said it was a bitch to have

I've known 2 people thus far that have died from it. My Pediatrician from when I was a kid, and My half siblings auntie died of it in June

So basically, I'm just not putting myself in a building unless I have too but get plenty of Sunshine. and of course I wear an n99 mask if I do have to put myself at risk

Stay safe everyone

Offline Walkie

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2020, 12:54:56 PM »

Stay safe everyone

Thanks . but I think that we've all given up on staying safe on my estate.  :laugh:  It mixes elderly/disabled n the lower floors with young-but-mentally-fucked up on the upper floors, Seemed like a great idea idea at the time, I suppose.  To make matters worse,  there's a young guy,  upstairs from me squeezing himself and three others into his single-bedroom  flat;  and they come and go all the time, making no effort to socially distance. To make matters worse again, we have communal facilities, such as a laundry. which you can't avoid using if you're in one of the really tiny flats (like mine) which simply don't have space for a washing machine. And to cap it all , they've temprarily housed the local homeless people in the student flats acrioss the road. A lot of those people are addicts of course. And being housed a few yards from my block's entrance has by no means cured said addicts their peculiar compulsion to congregate there,  leaving behind an highly disconcerting variety of sharp objects and  body fluids

I really applaud that last one , though (housing the homeles in student flats)  just wish it could be permanent. As one who was recentl;y evicted just  to make room for yet more student housing, I delight in the poetic justice of it, if it should happen that  the Uni goes bust  and  homeless folk end up taking  over (or should I say repossessing?)  their housing . I've surely nothing against education , but the grasping, grinding bums-on-seats ethos of the modern education factory  is more  about exploitation than education  IMO.  And as it's mushroomed out, to provide more work for builders, more profit for landlords, and otherwise improve the local economy,  nobody's celebrating the  the trickle down effect. That's just another  crackhead pissing in your porch.

Cam't blame the folk round here for giving up on attempting to protect themselves. Can't even blame the crackheads for totally opting out of reality. I  just wish they'd keep a bit more distance from those of us who'd just about rather be alive than not, on balance.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 12:57:48 PM by Walkie »

Offline Jesse

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2020, 02:34:04 PM »
Yeah. I think people here are fatigued about the whole matter, I'm seeing more and more not wearing masks when I do go into places, can't really blame them but still. Wear a mask, it's not that hard to do. I'm very fortunate that I live in a rual area so I'm not ontop of people. I live way out in the freaking desert, My biggest problem is haunted native american land I live on

Anyways, I'm fully expecting the pandemic to be a disaster this winter. I bet this thing is gonna kill almost as many people in the US as the Spanish Flu did, which is sad.


Offline Walkie

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2020, 11:09:12 PM »
My government has issued the followng - unusually sensitive- advice:
"In settings where face coverings are required in England, there are some circumstances where people may not be able to wear a face covering. Please be mindful and respectful of such circumstances, noting that some people are less able to wear face coverings, and that the reasons for this may not be visible to others."

It'sgood to read this, because that's my own attitude already. I find it painful to see other people getting judgementul about it (or anything else, come to that)  even if i'm not the target.
Personally, i've ben wearing a face mask, or one of my snoods at very  least on the rare occasions when  i have to enter any other building bar my own. But it's been ridculously difficu;t (and horribly expensive)  trying to find a mask that doesn't set off my asthma or worse. and i'm not sure that the exceprtions ( a sort of perspex shield, and my own snoods ) quite meet the legal requirements, nor other folks'expectations.

At least my pwn difficu;ties help keep me mindful, as per the above govt advice, though i don't think i really needed any more reminders of what it's like to  have an invisible difference  :LOL: I shou;dn't think that any of we spazzes  need that.

And now we're getting to that time of yeasr when i'm likely to have an asthma attack every time i go outdoors  *sigh* cos breathing in cold air also triggers it for me.  That's gonna be fun  :LOL: I already had a taste of what's it's like to be asthmatc during a covid outbreak, during  the spring. People draw back from you, staring  in horror , as if you've turned into a zombie, They oughtt to issue asthmatics will bells to ring and warn others of our approach, eh? so we don't give them too nasty a shock.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 11:11:40 PM by Walkie »

Offline odeon

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2020, 11:47:50 PM »
I need a t-shirt saying "It's just a cough!"
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Offline FourAceDeal

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2020, 04:03:22 AM »
I need a t-shirt saying "It's just a cough!"

I've got an awful cold at the moment.  But the new normal is that I'm really pleased that my face is so full of snot I can barely breathe, because that means it's not the 'rona and just a sodding cold.
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2020, 09:06:15 AM »
I need one that says "It's just allergies!"  :laugh:
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2020, 10:14:27 AM »
I'd love one that said "expose your nose to spite your face", with an image of some gobshite wearing a mask with their nose sticking out.

Offline FourAceDeal

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2020, 04:33:03 PM »
Perhaps we're overthinking it.  A T shirt saying "Wear a mask, you twat." should cover ever eventuality.
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Walkie

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Re: New Normal
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2020, 11:06:11 PM »
Perhaps we're overthinking it.  A T shirt saying "Wear a mask, you twat." should cover ever eventuality.

Er, no. You're underthinking it.

A good half of us are complaining about  people mistaking us for lepers who ought to be  be at home,  self-isolating whenever we have an attack of asthma or hayfever. In which case, I'm pretty sure that 'wear a mask, you twat" would  read like. "Protect yourself, if you're worried , you pussy.  Don't expect me to  give a damn"  :LOL:.  Not exactly the reassuring message  we're looking for  :laugh:

EDIT: And so is Odeon underthinking it, mind.  Seems, he   hasn't twigged that  "It's just a cough "is only gonna make him sound like Reggie  :laugh:
Hope you haven't bought that T-shirt already,  Odeon.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 11:37:34 PM by Walkie »