I'm astonished!
according to the NYT:
80 percent of Americans mistakenly believe that women and men are already explicitly guaranteed equal rights by the Constitution. But it currently does so only for the right to vote.
So maybe as a Brit, I can be forgiven for believing the same? Right up to this week.
The Equal Rights Amendment was supppsed to fix that, but basically got derailed by a Conservative woman called Phyllis Schlaffly
https://www.history.com/news/equal-rights-amendment-failure-phyllis-schlafly )
I personally got the message when I watched the last episode of a new historical drama serial on BBC i-player:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p08ggcmd/mrs-americaI was totally expecting a happy ending for the feminists, with Sclaffler finally getting her come-uppance, but to my disbelief, it turned out the other way round. And it seems that American feminists are
still working to get the ERA ratified and enshrined in the Constitution, to this very day

Now let Al come back here and say that feminism is redundant