I find the fact that we got so epically trolled... amusing.
There are still several possible explanations. I still think there is an outside chance that it was Al losing the plot and he is now back to reclaim his "Al-ness". But the more I think about it, the less likely it seems.
Which brings us to someone with a LOT of time on their hands trolling us. And they did it well.
Maybe time to have a laugh about it and move on?
Yes it was hilarious all around and BECAUSE I have been a poster here for over a decade and have always been the same sort of poster none of you would have been fooled by the fact that the troll was gheying in the karma panel, not being combative, not responding at you with walls of text, was running from confrontations, had started a new account, took on a persona that had nothing to do with anything I ever held any store in and so forth, none of you would have second guessed that and sought confirmation right?
I mean given ALL that it still tricked you? Really? If any of you had a sudden personality shift you would have all gone along with that like a dock of sheep following poor leader opinions?
I wonder.
The ALM troll has posted since I have been here and no doubt will continue after I left. At least perhaps you will not be a gullible at their efforts and can stop falling over yourselves to pat them on the back for being so clever when ALL of the above was pretty bloody obvious that Blind Freedy could have seen it.