I remember a bit of an uproar when The Master regenerated into Missy. And I saw the even greater uproar when the Doctor regenerated into a woman. And I just kept thinking, give her a chance. Every new Doctor has to have a time for people to get used to them and understand the new quirks that each actor brings to the part. I think Jodi Whittaker has the physicality and the idea of the Doctor pretty well down. I spoke to PI on FB about it and she loved the new Doctor. If there is a problem it's in the laps of the producers, directors and writers. I go back to the 3rd Doctor all the way thru the various regenerations until the final movie (american produced, I might add). I saw the new set ups with Chris Eccleston (who I liked btw), and David Tennant, who I put on a par with Tom Baker (#4). The rest I never saw enough of to say much about them. The originals had a quirky low budget charm to them. As they started to build the Time Lord Mythos, it was intriguing to watch that develop. My only problem with the new incarnation of Dr. Who, is the plot lines are more graphically violent, and confusing for me to follow. The explanation of the transition from the old to the new, throwing in the War Dr. as well as Timothy Dalton as a vicious tyrannical Rassilon, one of the original engineers of the Time Lords power. I've caught bits and pieces and follow most of it on the FB pages I belong to. It's a lot easier for my short attention span to sort out the plots that way. The storyline of the meeting of Missy and her master predecessor intrigued me.
Anywho, thats my tuppence worth. I have fond memories of that show and of meeting Doctor #3 and Elisabeth Sladen, aka, Sarah Jane Smith at a WHO CON back in the 80's. I had a major crush on her!!!! Sad to hear how her life was cut short by cancer.