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« on: May 09, 2020, 09:08:09 AM »
Is Trump advocating for an armed rebellion?

Of course not and only either the truly disingenuous or truly stupid really believe that.

Now is a good time to take stock of who replied in this thread to the affirmative and laugh at them.

He IS is supporting protests against overreach. Just because there is a CoronaVirus it does NOT mean that there is suddenly no Constitution or that Mayor or Governor do whatever the Hell they like. They do not have limitless authority and they are subject to the people they represent.

People CAN protest against them and free assembly is a constitutional right.

Now some people came to the protests with guns and they were in display and are allowed to carry them and did NOTHING illegal. Probably to highlight again that Constitutional rights do not disappear on say so.

Saying he is advocating for armed rebellion is worse than misleading, it is pants on head silly, and only an idiot or a liar would promote this belief.

Laugh at them when you see them.


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Re: QnA
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2020, 09:12:49 AM »
Was the Charlottesville incident a hoax?

Yes and no.

Like all things in the media it get conflated and sensationalised. The nuances are cut into small soundbytes that back an ideological agenda.

The truth, does anyone really care to hear it? Probably not. It is not as sensationalised and it far less a compelling argument for a political ideology.

The truth is that this was a perfect storm for something awful to happen, So what DID happen? Individuals mostly on the Progressive Left politically and collectivist groups started petitioning to all that could hear it that long standing statues of various notable individuals had to be removed for beliefs of who and what the statues stood for. They were adamant and vocal in their ideas. They were strongly backed by violent Leftist groups like Antifa.

This does NOT mean that everyone on the Left was in or associated with Antifa. This HAS to be very clear.

Likewise there were MANY mainly on the right who were strongly against those demands and wanted the statues to remain. Opportunistically, Some Far Right Extremists used this divide as a rallying cry and legally organised a protest.

In my humble opinion, they were spoiling for a fight. Using the law to get a permit and to use their First Amendment rights to the fullest to spout nasty White Supremacist BS and demonstrate at night with tiki torches shouting obscene slogans.

Of course during the two days this set up effectively to polarised and angry sides. One side already mentioned had people against the statues peppered with mad and angry Leftist groups like Antifa, and on the other side was White Supremacist groups sprinkled in with people not associated with the White supremacists or their ideals but against the ideals of removing statues and such.

This is precisely where the argument of there were good people both sides come from. There were. There were bad people on both sides too but to pretend that there were only White Supremacists and Antifa is ridiculous and dishonest.

The chances of something very violent happening was very high.

James Fields was one of the ugly racist White Supremacists that attended. James was mentally unstable and was diagnosed and treated for psychiatric disorders.

Immediately preceding James driving into protesters and killing Heather Heyer, Leftist protesters chased James and admitted it. What did James do? Disappear into the crowd? Run away? Fight? No he got into his car and drove into people.

Now I do not know this crazy racist’s state of mind. Was he trying to escape or was he trying for revenge? Was he even consciously aware of what he was doing?

It is not up to me to know. It was the perfect storm for something horrible to happen. Heather Heyer was killed by James and many injured. I see it as needless but textbook as to what is likely when society is so divided. It is heartbreaking.

The way it has been framed too often by too many for virtue signaling or moral preening or to push an ideology is sickening. I believe most of the outlets that pushed a Left wing narrative are actually worse than being ignorant. I think they know better but for purposes of sensationaling the tragedy and boost ratings frame it dishonestly. That is the society, culture and political landscape at the moment and it HAS to matter more than ratings on pathetic news media.


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Re: QnA
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2020, 09:15:38 AM »
I’d give Trump an A for his handling of this flu, what about you?

I personally would give it a B.

He has done very well. Not perfectly but that should not be the standard to measure any complex response. He act on information which was getting countered hourly and had no clairvoyance.

He will get run through the mud by idiots who are armchair quarterbacks who could not have done better and could not suggest who under exactly the same circu.stances could have done better (certainly not Hillary, as we saw with Benghazi) or Obama (after 62 million people in US contracted swine flu).

For the people who dislike Trump, they are NOT basing this on anything. They do not like him so they say “Well he did not do x.” or worse, without any real concept of what actions he was doing and just a highlight reel of idiot Left wing reporters trying to do gotcha questions, and their own bias, say he did nothing.

I do not need to tell you this is stupid and i suspect they know this themselves


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Re: QnA
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2020, 09:58:23 AM »
What is the best argument to be made that the Trump administration has actually handled the Covid-19 crisis well?

The best argument. No i will not give you that. But i will give you a little something to think about.

When has America had large scale lockdowns over epidemics? How quickly did Trump instigate a travel ban? Who are the people Trump has bought in to work on and combat things? Has he remained hopeful, confident and calm? Has he kept communication channels up and been accessible? Has he pushed relief packages? Is he will to break new ground in treatments before the eventual vaccine cure comes out?

Not perfect, but a decent job

That that say he did a bad job can only get there if they will to have him be a God in his response.

He is a man and no one could have ever been 100% ready and have 100% perfect response. No one is a robot. He did fine


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Re: QnA
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2020, 10:08:10 AM »
After how he handled the Coronavirus pandemic, do you still trust Trump’s judgement?

Of course i do.

I am not dishonest enough to pretend he was perfect nor needed to be. Nor that he has 100% control over every aspect and every business and every department and every person and supply line and product.

The reason i don’t is i am not an idiot


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Re: QnA
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2020, 10:15:04 AM »
Why is President Trump often mocked internationally? Is it justified?

By whom. Plenty of us international folk praise him.

Obama is complete opposite and yet Russia mocked him. Philippines mocked him and China mocked him.


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Re: QnA
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2020, 10:17:58 AM »
What makes you different from a typical Trump supporter?

I am not an American and I am not a Conservative. That makes me different to most.

I look at the US as a role model for other Western Countries and a lot of how Western culture and Western Politics is affected by European Leaders and American Leaders.

When every Western Country is following the lead of Obama and Merkel it was not healthy. The balance between Merkel and Trump is healthier. I would actually prefer if it was moderate Left on both sides but Progressives and their ability to shame and deplatform and force themselves on the Left and subjugate the Left means that this is not likely and a better option to Progressives on both sides is moderate right.

I actually do no much care for Conservative policies. They do not really do much for me. I do not hate them nor am I in fear of them. I just do not jibe with them.

But I see real harm in Progressive Policies. Real harm to culture and to those that throw in with the victimisation crap.

Trump is NOT PC, he does not buy into that and this is what compels him in my eyes.


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Re: QnA
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2020, 10:27:54 AM »
On what perspective Trump is better than Obama?

Obama was polished, had great poise and articulation and a sense of grace about him.

He was also an empty suit with corrupted ideological leanings.

Trump is complete opposite.

He is boorish and uncouth but one Hell of an effective President


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Re: QnA
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2020, 10:30:04 AM »
Did Trump save the world from North Korea?

Before taking office everyone was terrified that North Korea with its frequent tests would not be far off from reaching America and with loaded warheads could start nuclear war. In addition ISIS was responsible for bi-weekly acts of terror and had a Caliphate in Syria and that general area. Sending terror attacks in every country.

You may not remember or like to dismiss it. But Donald Trump mopped that mess up. You can thank him if you like.


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Re: QnA
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2020, 10:39:55 AM »
Why did Donald Trump think it is safe to hold a campaign rally when coronavirus has detected in many states in the U.S.?

Yes should shut down all work, all services BECAUSE there may be some undiagnosed and infectious people.

OR get on with life and not be a bed wetter.

Which do you think is the better idea?


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Re: QnA
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2020, 10:45:51 AM »
Why do you support Donald Trump?

I will give you my reasons and you may be both surprised and dismayed.

I am Centre Left in political views. I never found Conservative thought particular egregious, I just do not agree with much of what they said. The moderate Liberal of the past was always much more closely aligned. They were about and close to my views. Sometimes a little Left of me and sometimes around where I was.

I tolerated Conservative views and enjoyed rebutting their opinions and arguing them and I am sure it was enjoyed by them too. I was tolerant of the different opinions and ready and happy to defend my own. I like testing my values and solidifying my positions on things.

There were always crazies on the Left and crazies on the Right but these kooks were extremists. We laughed at them.

However things have in times reasonably recently changed to the detriment of the Political Left. Progressives have taken over the party and much of the Western culture and not to its benefit. The Progressives of course are not the tolerant Liberals of the past but rather a nasty Authoritarian group willing to use the progressive stack to attack people by virtue of immutable characteristics and use the outrage and cancel culture to beat down those that disagree with them, under the faux moral and intellectual righteous indignation their breed of bigoted ideology.

In 2012 I was initially exposed to these cretins. I was in Atheist spaces and these Progressives came into there and essentially told us how the spaces (that had been running fine without them) would now run and if we disagreed that Atheism was not Atheism Plus (plus social justice, feminism and the like) then we were bigots and extremists and essentially needed to be purged.

Ever since then I have chosen to actively fight these people. Every year I saw them became more dominant on the Left until nowadays the mainstream left in in the same territory as we would have called kook extremists of yesteryear. The actual Liberal is a rarity and most either take on Progressive Ideology or join Conservatives. Progressivism is poison.

Still what is a person to do. The Progressives grow in power and the Progressive Globalist ideology becomes how it is done in the Western World Its two biggest leaders become it champions and role models - Merkel and Obama.

Then Trump! He is the anti-PC, anti-Progressive powerhouse putting the brakes on cultures want to throw itself blindly off the cultural cliff. He pushes back. On that alone I would back him. I am pretty indifferent to most policies. I am resigned to his manner in as far as I can say that it comes as part of the whole attitude and personality that is able to stand up to the criticisms and investigations and objections.

Hell, I would LOVE things to go back to the way it was in the past but I am not even sure it could and I think most on the Left have sold their soul to Progressivism. I do not care if the answer is Conservatism as long as it is not Progressive,


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Re: QnA
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2020, 10:48:07 AM »
Who stands the best chance of beating Trump in the next election, and what difference will it make to non-Americans anyway?

As an Australian, I say the difference Trump HAS made is for the first time in at least 8 years the Western World’s unquestioning loyalty and commitment to Progressivism and Globalism as the only way to exist in modern First World societies has been rocked.

Means a Hell of a lot; I do not want Australia blindly going the way of Sweden or Germany or France.

If the two main role models was Europe ‘s Angela Merkel and America’s Obama, now they have two separate role models and each with a track record.

Trump is the only answer. He is the cultural alternative to cultural suicide

I think the Democrat Party is screwed. I think there is no best candidate.

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Re: QnA
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2020, 11:17:28 AM »
Did you have a difficult birth?
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Re: QnA
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2020, 11:20:11 AM »
Short of oxygen perhaps?  :zoinks:

Retired despot, landlord and shitstirrer :deadhorse:

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Re: QnA
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2020, 11:21:03 AM »
Short of oxygen perhaps?  :zoinks:

I'm thinking no oxygen at this point.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein