No, unfortunately. Haven't had much time or opportunity to do some serious rock hounding. As for Garnets, I'm astounded at the different colors they come in. A jeweler in Fryeburg Maine showed me a display of yellow, green, clear and blue garnets as well as the more common deep red. I'm still keeping my eyes to the ground most of the time. I just never know what I might find! 
Well good luck finding what you need RockHound. Garnets really are also one of my favorites, they come in all colors and some are quite rare. Star Garnets are pretty nice and come in 4 or 6 Rays. They look much like star rubies, but are much rarer. Mostly from India and Idaho the color change variety is really neat and if you can get one faceted you won't regret it! I'm really shocked honestly at the price of crystals and gems in general now days, I mostly did my whoring of them online and haven't really pulled the trigger on anything in a few months because of the price.
I don't know if COVID made everybody lose their minds and make the price on everything go up bit it's like damn. I can't do this anymore