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CoronaVirus Scanner

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This is the best one I've found thus far if you are interested.

I think this one is good. But of course, the one for the United Kingdom is far from accurate imo. People in the UK have definitely recovered from it but it isn't tracked. It was in the beginning though.

Oh yeah. that's gotta be a glitch, I'm sure you have recoveries in the UK

Not impressed. They don't provide their sources properly, nor the methods those sources use, which means that what's presented is not an accurate overview. Most health authorities update their numbers once a day and there is always a lag, especially with the number of deaths, plus the testing is inadequate, etc, and so the "live updates" thing is merely a gimmick that doesn't mean anything.

If the world doesn't ramp up testing pretty much all of these sites will be meaningless.

The US is only a few days away from Corona killing as many Americans as World War I, The Vietnam War and The Korean War combined.  All in 7 months.  Or in simpler figures, half a World War II.


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