I just read, on an NHS website, that yams don't count towards your 5-a-day, but sweet potatoes do! Well, l I normally call them sweet potatoes, but if anybody here prefers to call them yams, may I suggest adjusting your vocabulary to make them into a more-nutritionally-rounded veg?
Actually I was trying to find out why potatoes don't count. This appears to be a question of intention. It's because people add potatoes to their meal to bulk it out and increase the starch content, so say the NHS, and this magically negates all the vitamins and minerals contained therein . So...if you can manage to think of potatoes as just another vegtable, you should be alright.
Rice doesn't count either, by the same logic. And there was I thinking that a vegan like myself didn't need to worry about her 5-a-day . But given that I often throw potatoes , yams and rice into the same pot, looks like I might have a problem, after all, and need to sprinkle in a bit of mumbo-jumbo to help me out.