Start here > What is Intensity²?
Last guide for Intensity Squared Newbies.
well, if we're gonna pick some nits, he also turned half the female members into "he"" but i suspect that was in a desperate attempt to disguise the shameful fact that is really a sewing circle. And i really don't mind :)
more to the point, you missed out Dirt Dawg (just spotted him lurking a moment ago) and Genesis, Al
Fun With Matches:
This is awesome.
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Walkie on July 20, 2019, 02:12:04 PM ---well, if we're gonna pick some nits, he also turned half the female members into "he"" but i suspect that was in a desperate attempt to disguise the shameful fact that is really a sewing circle. And i really don't mind :)
more to the point, you missed out Dirt Dawg (just spotted him lurking a moment ago) and Genesis, Al
--- End quote ---
Okay. I had misgivings doing it again as fuck all newbies are arriving
My heart is not in this and i am neithee as enthusiastic nor motivated. The reason i said last guide was basically no more than a tip of the hat to a better time on I2.
You are right, it is a bit shit. I was thinking of deleting it
--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on July 20, 2019, 10:08:29 PM ---
My heart is not in this and i am neithee as enthusiastic nor motivated. The reason i said last guide was basically no more than a tip of the hat to a better time on I2.
You are right, it is a bit shit. I was thinking of deleting it
--- End quote ---
Dammit, Al. I didn't mean to suggest "it's a bit shit",In fact, everybody's finding it really entertaining including myself. Haven't you noticed all the plusses you're getting? Please don't delete.
I didn't twig you were feeling this low and discouraged , or else I'd have been a lot more careful what i said. And now Walkie feels like a shit. (emo)
Minister Of Silly Walks:
Stop being such a snowflake Al. Post more like this. A bit of fun and a laugh is good for the soul.
And gender is so fluid these days, nobody cares if b you gave half the ladies a sex change.
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