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Last guide for Intensity Squared Newbies.

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--- Quote from: Minister of silly walks on July 20, 2019, 10:24:10 PM ---Stop being such a snowflake Al. Post more like this. A bit of fun and a laugh is good for the soul.

And gender is so fluid these days, nobody cares if b you gave half the ladies a sex change.

--- End quote ---

yeah, that's a better way of putting it  :plus:
FFS, i only mentioned the sex change as an excuse to get a little dig in re, Al's  ""sewing circle" complaints .  If i cared that much, I'd have a cute girie name and a ghastly pink ava, wouldn't i?  :LOL:

Fun With Matches:
I thought the sex change was on purpose just to mess with the newbies' heads.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Walkie on July 20, 2019, 10:17:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on July 20, 2019, 10:08:29 PM ---
 My heart is not in this and i am neithee as enthusiastic nor motivated. The reason i said last guide was basically no more than a tip of the hat to a better time on I2.

You are right, it is a bit shit. I was thinking of deleting it

--- End quote ---
Dammit, Al.  I didn't mean to suggest "it's a bit shit",In fact,  everybody's finding it really entertaining including myself. Haven't you noticed all the plusses you're getting? Please don't delete.

I didn't twig you were feeling this low and discouraged , or else I'd have been a lot more careful what i said.  And now Walkie feels like a shit.  (emo)

--- End quote ---

I wasn't feeling low. Instead I am rather just trying to convince myself I care, and I really feel like I am faking it a bit and going through the motions. It is all a bit pointless. No one joins and this will not convince anyone to do so. So it is just at best me trying to humour you guys over a long old and stale joke and at worse me navel gazing. Odeon is actually very correct (for once) it used to be better. The joke is not as fresh as it was. I2 is not as fresh as what it was and I am neither as motivated or as enthusiastic as I was. The profiles are forced and unfunny as a result.

I was not criticising you Walkie. I was agreeing.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: givvassapaand on July 20, 2019, 11:06:08 PM ---I thought the sex change was on purpose just to mess with the newbies' heads.

--- End quote ---

Correct. It is meant to portray us in a manner in which we aren't and completely mindfuck the newbies. That was the goal anyhow.

Queen Victoria:
The PR (Princess Royal) is the daughter of Queen Victoria.  She's quiet, but has become famous for using the heads of arguing members as bowling balls.


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