As a teenager, I never understood dating well enough, to begin with... I had a couple of girlfriends (one who was a complete sociopathic slut, the other a girl I've been lifelong friends with) yet lately I can't tell anymore with people now.
I used to be the outcast, the one who was constantly rejected... yet lately I've been getting unwanted attention from a fellow inhabitant from the TILSOH era (If you have no idea what TILSOH is I'll be glad to explain it to you when the time is convenient)
This person is a bit "simple" in some areas, a bit loud uses their anger as an excuse to control, and has the mentality of a dictator stuck in Middle School!!!!
They're not my type, and I told them I am not interested in them that way...

I might as well just hide in my basement when I am not working then.