In your shoes, I'd probably shut up about conspiracy theories. 
Russiagate WAS THE Conspiracy Theory.
As demonstrated by the Mueller Report.
YES! Two years $40 million dollars and what did they have to show? Let's be very real:
A dozen Russians not aligned with the campaign buying social media ads and the like less than $1 million in a campaign where both candidates between them spent about $2 billion.
A handful of process crimes that did not exist prior to the start of the investigation and had no bearing on the election.
A prosecution for the Campaign Manager for shit that occurred years before the election and had nothing to do with the 2016 election.
In fact, the report admits to no collusion which is what was its whole purpose.
We good so far?
Now he realises that because he has wasted time and there was nothing of any substance there, in true Weissmann fashion (see his "success" with Arthur Anderson) he did not have enough for a conviction and did not want to state on the record that he had nothing to charge with (which kind of was his mandate to find evidence of crimes and make a conclusion) so he threw up a lot spin dressed up badly as evidence and demurred saying that he could not exonerate.
The only way to exonerate is if someone is charged with something (which he was not brave enough to do) and exoneration was NOT his mandate. Furthermore by saying effectively
"You have told me have told me to find evidence of crime and to conclude one way or another if there is anything substantial enough to charge. I have spent two years and $40 million. Here is some stuff Trump did or said that I looked at and did not like. You make the decision as to whether it broke a law, I'm too gutless to make that call because if I call it against Trump it does not hold water and would be overruled by any reasonable accounting - however if I call it for Trump then I will probably be hated by all the Democrats and Progressives that hailed me as their hero and give Trump a win, someone else decide, I'm out"
Barr looked at it and saw for all the spin there was no substance and called it no obstruction.
No collusion and no obstruction of the crime that wasn't.