So he was smart enough to leave the Russian negotiations to the likes of Manafort, Stone, Flynn and the others facing jail time and keep his own hands clean...and he made sure he nominated Barr to write his summary of innocence while he keeps the American public from ever seeing the actual summary of the investigation.
Sounds like something a totally innocent person would do.
He's still a lying, dishonest, crook and a POS.
He's now working on his budget to cut $51M from Autism programs & eliminate ALL funding for the Special Olympics, and taking down Obamacare without any backup plan which will eliminate healthcare for around 20 million people....including my SO, myself and my son who has heart issues.
But hey now the kids can pray in school again that's important

...and...maybe we'll all start dying off with no healthcare so there will be less Democrats to worry about (waiting for....The Purge to start).

Fuck you. Fuck all of you that support this stupid shit and will never have the privilege of living here and personally dealing with it.
Now I have kitchen cabinets to work on. Go pour yourself a drink and celebrate.