Author Topic: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".  (Read 7655 times)

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #150 on: April 02, 2019, 10:53:48 PM »
Humans are stupid and clearly prefer to die.
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Offline Jack

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #151 on: April 04, 2019, 03:55:41 PM »
I disagree.
Why is that? It was a resolution proposed to congress by the republican senate leader, and not one person voted for it, not even him. If one supports something and then offered to have it, but in such an unrealistic extreme to be impossible to support, it's easy to say they don't really want or support it. It was intended to be divisive to the democratic party. It was in fact a stunt, recognized as such, and all the present votes were a unified protest vote.

It's the only idea that actually attempts to address the problems you have. The numbers mean that the country isn't ready for it, just as MoSW says, but the fact remains that there are no competing proposals. They voted down

Climate change is real. I admire AOC for trying to do something about the problem instead of spending her time bitching about her opponents.
She does have a dream, but it's an immature daydream which has opened herself, her party, and the entire cause of combatting global warming to mockery. If nothing else, the democratic party has a lot of pressure now to do better than her.

The way I see it, if even small parts of that dream are implemented, we're all better off. The alternative is - wait, there is none. *Nobody's* come up with anything, unless you count the Trump administration wanting to drill for oil in areas banned by the Obama administration.

It's drastic, sure, but not immature. If anything, it's far more mature than the spite from her opponents because it tries to solve the problem rather than ignore it.
Parts of it. Will concede parts of it are deserving of some level of respect, but only with the clarification it deserves both mockery and respect.

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #152 on: April 04, 2019, 04:37:05 PM »
How is suggesting the sort of action that would have half a chance of at least slowing down global warming "immature"? Sure it's not going to happen given the political climate but anyone who is prepared to stick their neck out and actually try gets my respect.

What are all the mature politicians doing? Well, they're all very busy not giving a fuck. Or maybe a few actually give a fuck but they sold their souls long ago. Science denial is not mature. It's fucking uneducated stupidity.
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Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #153 on: April 04, 2019, 04:58:54 PM »
Well I like her, because I think all of our most powerful leaders should have no political experience. The green new deal should have been kept under tighter wraps until 2020 and we can elect Oprah. Trump may be able to create jobs, but Oprah would definitely give everyone jobs and an electric car.  :zoinks:


Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #154 on: April 04, 2019, 05:04:03 PM »
I also think americans should have to pedal to earn electricity rations. I know pedaling doesn't generate much electricity, but seriously, contribute to the solution you fat asses.  :zoinks:

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #155 on: April 04, 2019, 05:13:04 PM »
"They'll ban cars."

Internal combustion engines in cars, yes, that's one of the stated goals.

"They'll ban airplanes."

Most domestic flights, yes, that's the entire rational for the national high speed rail system.

"They'll ban cows."

AOC has said in her own words that she wants to drastically reduce the size US cattle population. (read:food rationing)

What's YOUR solution to the problems the Green New Deal addresses?

Since most of the issues it addresses are fake, the solutions are fake too. As I said earlier, it's just a pretext for a massive governmental power grab. AOC is at the core of her being, a fucking Pinko.  :bint:

Climate scientists all agree that she has massively overstated the problem of climate change and her GND does nothing to address the problem of increasing greenhouse gasses coming from developing countries like India and China, not to mention the possible time bomb of greenhouse gasses coming out of the permafrost in Siberia. The GND does NOTHING to address these issues, instead offers free UBI and college tuition to freeloaders around the world because she wants to do away with ICE and the whole immigration process.  :tard:

Everyone is opposed to this trainwreck of a resolution, even the AFL/CIO, even former founding members of Greenpeace.

Offline Jack

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #156 on: April 04, 2019, 06:20:03 PM »
How is suggesting the sort of action that would have half a chance of at least slowing down global warming "immature"? Sure it's not going to happen given the political climate but anyone who is prepared to stick their neck out and actually try gets my respect.

What are all the mature politicians doing? Well, they're all very busy not giving a fuck. Or maybe a few actually give a fuck but they sold their souls long ago. Science denial is not mature. It's fucking uneducated stupidity.
Idealism ignoring all practicality is a trademark of immaturity, but so is being needlessly argumentative, so it's not like I'm dishing what I can't take.

Offline Jack

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #157 on: April 04, 2019, 07:16:16 PM »
(read:food rationing)
Am thinking everything would have to be rationed. From my understanding, the expected cost per household would be greater than the median income per household.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #158 on: April 04, 2019, 07:38:30 PM »
Idealism ignoring all practicality is a trademark of immaturity,

(read:food rationing)
Am thinking everything would have to be rationed. From my understanding, the expected cost per household would be greater than the median income per household.


A point I made earlier, that we don't have the money to pay for this in the first place, the estimated cost is several times the US GDP.

People like odeot and MOSW don't let these inconvenient details get in the way of their utopian idealism though, it's more important that they be morally correct than factually correct.   :tard:

Offline Jack

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #159 on: April 04, 2019, 08:59:09 PM »
Again, the general public are duped to believe they are the problem and/or the solution. How about the federal government should clean up its own house first. The department of defense as an entity has been labeled both the nation's and the world's largest polluter, producing more hazardous waste than the top five largest US chemical companies combined. The single largest consumer of fuel in the world, and thus the largest greenhouse gas emitter. The third largest polluter of US waterways. So on and so on. In the meantime, I'll eat meat and drive my car, and wont criticize AOC because she doesn't use the subway.

Offline Minister Of Silly Walks

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #160 on: April 05, 2019, 12:35:50 AM »
How is suggesting the sort of action that would have half a chance of at least slowing down global warming "immature"? Sure it's not going to happen given the political climate but anyone who is prepared to stick their neck out and actually try gets my respect.

What are all the mature politicians doing? Well, they're all very busy not giving a fuck. Or maybe a few actually give a fuck but they sold their souls long ago. Science denial is not mature. It's fucking uneducated stupidity.
Idealism ignoring all practicality is a trademark of immaturity, but so is being needlessly argumentative, so it's not like I'm dishing what I can't take.

So basically doing fuck all, just because nobody else gives enough of a fuck to support any initiative that might prevent us from making the planet uninhabitable within the foreseeable future, is the mature approach?

While an orange toddler sits in the Oval Office and you've got a political system full of science deniers and all sorts of other dingbats? (not really any different to our political system).

Look, I'm not doing anything to save the planet. Apart from driving a car with a small engine and using public transport as much as I can and yelling at my kids for wasting electricity. Which is fuck all really. But I admire someone who is getting in there and having a go at it.
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Offline odeon

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #161 on: April 05, 2019, 03:34:30 AM »
I disagree.
Why is that? It was a resolution proposed to congress by the republican senate leader, and not one person voted for it, not even him. If one supports something and then offered to have it, but in such an unrealistic extreme to be impossible to support, it's easy to say they don't really want or support it. It was intended to be divisive to the democratic party. It was in fact a stunt, recognized as such, and all the present votes were a unified protest vote.

It's the only idea that actually attempts to address the problems you have. The numbers mean that the country isn't ready for it, just as MoSW says, but the fact remains that there are no competing proposals. They voted down

Climate change is real. I admire AOC for trying to do something about the problem instead of spending her time bitching about her opponents.
She does have a dream, but it's an immature daydream which has opened herself, her party, and the entire cause of combatting global warming to mockery. If nothing else, the democratic party has a lot of pressure now to do better than her.

The way I see it, if even small parts of that dream are implemented, we're all better off. The alternative is - wait, there is none. *Nobody's* come up with anything, unless you count the Trump administration wanting to drill for oil in areas banned by the Obama administration.

It's drastic, sure, but not immature. If anything, it's far more mature than the spite from her opponents because it tries to solve the problem rather than ignore it.
Parts of it. Will concede parts of it are deserving of some level of respect, but only with the clarification it deserves both mockery and respect.

What parts deserve mockery, in your opinion?
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Offline odeon

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #162 on: April 05, 2019, 03:58:44 AM »
"They'll ban cars."

Internal combustion engines in cars, yes, that's one of the stated goals.

"They'll ban airplanes."

Most domestic flights, yes, that's the entire rational for the national high speed rail system.

"They'll ban cows."

AOC has said in her own words that she wants to drastically reduce the size US cattle population. (read:food rationing)

What's YOUR solution to the problems the Green New Deal addresses?

Since most of the issues it addresses are fake, the solutions are fake too. As I said earlier, it's just a pretext for a massive governmental power grab. AOC is at the core of her being, a fucking Pinko.  :bint:

Climate scientists all agree that she has massively overstated the problem of climate change and her GND does nothing to address the problem of increasing greenhouse gasses coming from developing countries like India and China, not to mention the possible time bomb of greenhouse gasses coming out of the permafrost in Siberia. The GND does NOTHING to address these issues, instead offers free UBI and college tuition to freeloaders around the world because she wants to do away with ICE and the whole immigration process.  :tard:

Everyone is opposed to this trainwreck of a resolution, even the AFL/CIO, even former founding members of Greenpeace.


a) quote the passage that says that internal combustion engines should be banned
b) quote the passage stating that "most domestic flights" will be banned
c) explain how "most domestic flights" equals "banning airplanes"
d) link to the AOC quote and *relevant passages in the GND text*

Also, please

a) show where you got "all climate scientists agree that she's vastly overstated the problem" from - links, please; whitepapers will do fine, too
b) explain why it's better to do nothing because there are countries that still produce greenhouse gasses

Take your time, but please don't lie about or misrepresent what's actually in the GND. I've read the full text. Have you?

"Most climate scientists". ::)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #163 on: April 05, 2019, 04:00:56 AM »
Idealism ignoring all practicality is a trademark of immaturity,

(read:food rationing)
Am thinking everything would have to be rationed. From my understanding, the expected cost per household would be greater than the median income per household.


A point I made earlier, that we don't have the money to pay for this in the first place, the estimated cost is several times the US GDP.

People like odeot and MOSW don't let these inconvenient details get in the way of their utopian idealism though, it's more important that they be morally correct than factually correct.   :tard:

We're still waiting for your solution. Or that you demonstrate that a solution is not needed.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex and the "Green New Deal".
« Reply #164 on: April 05, 2019, 04:07:25 AM »
Again, the general public are duped to believe they are the problem and/or the solution. How about the federal government should clean up its own house first. The department of defense as an entity has been labeled both the nation's and the world's largest polluter, producing more hazardous waste than the top five largest US chemical companies combined. The single largest consumer of fuel in the world, and thus the largest greenhouse gas emitter. The third largest polluter of US waterways. So on and so on. In the meantime, I'll eat meat and drive my car, and wont criticize AOC because she doesn't use the subway.

The fact is that we are all part of the problem, like it or not.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein