
Author Topic: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...  (Read 9290 times)

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #120 on: January 21, 2007, 04:09:28 PM »

hey, what's that supposed to mean? :green:

He does a Swede thing, being sarcastic against you for telling an unpleasant truth.

Will you stop trying to put things in my mouth? -1
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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #121 on: January 21, 2007, 04:10:42 PM »

hey, what's that supposed to mean? :green:

Waitasec, I'll have to go read that thread. ;D
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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #122 on: January 21, 2007, 04:13:54 PM »

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

You're right, which is why I'm doing what I can to put a stop to it. Violence isn't best fought by more violence, however.

What are you doing to put a stop to it?
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14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #124 on: January 21, 2007, 04:31:28 PM »

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

You're right, which is why I'm doing what I can to put a stop to it. Violence isn't best fought by more violence, however.

What are you doing to put a stop to it?

I'm taking every opportunity to fight bigotry and racism, which I think are some of the causes for the kind of violence we're talking about (I think you might have noticed me taking an active part in some discussions of relevance to these subjects here at Intensity, but I'm doing more of the same elsewhere). I'm trying to make people see that the Muslims aren't necessarily trying to take over your country or kill all the infidels. I'm trying to prevent bullying and violence among kids at my kids' schools by talking to the kids, talking to teachers and the principals, etc. I'm writing about these things in various places, and I'm participating in various activities to help immigrant groups find places to be, for example, helping to arrange screenings of films from their home countries.

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #125 on: January 21, 2007, 04:33:59 PM »

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

You're right, which is why I'm doing what I can to put a stop to it. Violence isn't best fought by more violence, however.

What are you doing to put a stop to it?

I'm taking every opportunity to fight bigotry and racism, which I think are some of the causes for the kind of violence we're talking about (I think you might have noticed me taking an active part in some discussions of relevance to these subjects here at Intensity, but I'm doing more of the same elsewhere). I'm trying to make people see that the Muslims aren't necessarily trying to take over your country or kill all the infidels. I'm trying to prevent bullying and violence among kids at my kids' schools by talking to the kids, talking to teachers and the principals, etc. I'm writing about these things in various places, and I'm participating in various activities to help immigrant groups find places to be, for example, helping to arrange screenings of films from their home countries.

i showed support by purchasing the dvd bend it like beckham

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #126 on: January 21, 2007, 04:35:06 PM »
Ah yes, that will help, I'm sure. :green:
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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #127 on: January 22, 2007, 12:19:18 AM »

You do realize that several of your quoted publications are extremist publications? Folkets Nyheter, as an example, is funded by well-known right-wing extremist organizations with nazi connections. They advocate white supremacy, racial biology, and so on.

I'm pretty sure that none of these publications would publish violence perpetrated against Muslim immigrants in Sweden. While the crimes they do write about are awful, the articles always have a slant and an agenda beyond mere reporting. It is in their interest to spread this type of news.

Oh, and since most of you don't speak Swedish, you'll probably miss the headlines of Folkets Nyheter #10: My absolute favourite is that a secret super-state is planned by the US, Canada, and Mexico! Something for our 'merican members to worry about. ;D


the mexicans are too stupid and the canadians are not proactive enough.

maybe those slimy americans though.
