This has nothing to do with your industry standards you stupid twat.
It's about not disclosing information, against the wishes of members, that could be used to identify us in real life.
What is so hard about that?
You're fucking dense. How many times do I have to say that I support the policy,
but that it's more effective if you use words to describe it which conform to general
standards and understanding.
Yes. The definition in the dictionary you stupid fuck.
Not your industry specific definition that doesn't apply here. You stupid fuck.
Ah yes. Your ignorance of other definitions from the one dictionary that you pull down
is definitely a good reason to use a non-standard meaning without further information.
Because, everyone should be as ignorant as you are, no?
This is the same shit as with Odeon. It's like - "I can find some reason to bend this into
something that, if you drink the cool-aid, is acceptable to the most short sighted of us,
so there is no need for improvement."
The difference, of course, is that Odeon's corruption is a core character trait. You could
(I assume) get over your ignorance. You're not personally invested in maintaining it,
as he is to his self-image as someone who is not a FUCKING BABY.