
Author Topic: 2018 in a nutsack.  (Read 26893 times)

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Offline odeon

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #75 on: January 04, 2019, 02:59:29 PM »
... but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing.

It doesn't. Not generally. Hell, many places require that you use your real name.

Odeon has special rules, probably for personal reasons.


These are not my rules.

Oh really? Given that the Democracy was killed, and you tend to dictate by fiat now,
whose are they?


You killed that experiment almost entirely by yourself but you always forget that little detail.

As for doxxing, that rule was in effect when Dunc ran this place. It really seems like you have selective amnesia again.

1. No. It took a vote, led by you and your little coterie, to destroy the democracy. I merely demonstrated what
was wrong with not properly creating sustainable systems. My goal was to create a stronger one, which wouldn't
be easily manipulated. But, you (and others) were too lazy. It was a fairly close vote, IIRC.

2. Ok, so you inherited and maintain a rather unique definition for the term. It's yours now.

1. Pretty much everyone was sick of your making this place into as board about running a board. If you think it was close then you really do have selective amnesia. Your goal was not a system of any kind, your goal was the same as always, disruption and bullshit for the fun of it. You've admitted as much, in so many words.

What ended your efforts was Dunc naming himself a despot. Remember that?

2. We've not accepted people's real names being published here without the consent of those affected, ever, and as far as I know, every admin agrees this is the right policy to maintain. Stop being hypocrite and pretend it's just me when you know that's just not the case.

Oh, and...

The fact of the matter is that you won't accept anyone you perceive to have any kind of power. Not me, not Dunc, not Callaway. I suspect the only reason you let the other admins be is that you think they don't have it. It was always your MO.

See, I think you started out as a spazz with a special interest in the mechanics of democracy and such, and that just happened to align with what was discussed here at the time. You took over that discussion, basically doing what many spazzes do. You kept going no matter what, regardless of anyone else's opinions, you went on and on and on, with just enough support to keep you going. But please, don't flatter yourself, it was never close. When Dunc closed the democracy experiment, there weren't many people other than you protesting.

Your problem these days is that it looks like you've bought into your own hyperbole. Reading your comments, I'm surprised you've not yet called me Hitler. And that's this thread over, btw.
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Offline odeon

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #76 on: January 04, 2019, 03:25:55 PM »
You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.

Remind me. When were they last targeted in polls or posts?

Fuck off, Cal. Your bullshit is as transparent as it ever was.

Pretty sure they're not fucking babies if tested. The thing is, they fail to piss anyone off with their behavior.

But Callaway, whom I have no love for, WAS targeted. I don't remember her jumping in and
performing admin functionality to stroke here ego the way you do.

Callaway isn't here. Py, Parts and Renaeden are. Are you being deliberately dishonest? You sure have a way of rewriting things to fit your bullshit.

You're not even making sense. Or you're trying to avoid the point - which is that there ARE adults who
have been here. People (unlike you) who don't go around utilizing the admin panel for pure spite.

I guess you did it for shits and giggles.

Yes, I had to dig into the past to find someone with an abrasive personality who managed to annoy the
shit out quite a few people with her 'holier than thou' attitudes, because the current crop of admins are
all well liked for their maturity in both handling their admin role and in dealing with others in general.

Maybe her particular flaw was instrumental in her NOT abusing the panel - it would be wrong.
Yours, that you're a fucking baby, more or less ensures that you'll react this way.

But, one can learn not to be a fucking baby. It's a lot harder to accept you're not some
incorruptible bastion of good. You should grow up.

See my other post for comments re your MO re the other admins.

I've never ever claimed I'm a "bastion of good". Quite the opposite. It's your perception and not something I recognise. I'd be interested in knowing why, though. I'm guessing that it's just your MO and the usual hyperbole, but I'm trying hard to be polite.

I also think you asking me to grow up is fucking rich, considering your history here. In so many words, don't pretend that you're the voice of reason when it's clear that you're everything but.

What is probably closer to the truth is that I rub you the wrong way. To some degree it's surely a question of our differing personalities (no, I don't particularly like you either, even though I do enjoy many of your posts) but mostly because you perceive me to be in power. And that last bit is true. I am and you are not. Deal with it.

But power is relative and this is a fucking message board. Apart from using the admin panel to fuck with Al and Scrap when they annoy me enough (how's that consistent with being a bastion of good, I wonder; I think I've pretty much said I had enough), and sometimes making sure that you and others can go on posting. It's just a message board, though, and while I'm sure it tickles your democracy sensibilities, that's all it is. I'm not Alex Plank. I'm not making a profit, nor am I trying to, I just make sure it stays online. For now, at least. If you don't like how this one is run, go start your own.

Ah, yes, sorry. I forgot. You did start your own. How *is* that going?
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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #77 on: January 04, 2019, 04:52:53 PM »
Doxing is publishing personal information on the internet.

So if I publish information specifically about who you are IRL without your consent, that's doxing.

It's not some definition that Odeon made up.

Ask Lestat, for example, how he would feel about someone publishing his actual name on here.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline odeon

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #78 on: January 04, 2019, 05:01:29 PM »
You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.

Remind me. When were they last targeted in polls or posts?

Fuck off, Cal. Your bullshit is as transparent as it ever was.

Good call. I'm  Pretty sure 'I've heard pyraxis make the exact same point before ...well, minus the "fuck off  Cal " part.  (But then, like you said,  she wasn't wearing a target, was she? That surely helps in keeping one's cool)

Heck I wish she were here. she is damned good at cutting through the crap. (besides which, I just miss her )

Ah look - there IS still a butt licker around

Ah, the famed free speech. Dare to defend our target and you're fair game.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Walkie

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #79 on: January 04, 2019, 05:13:16 PM »
Cal, well at least your arguments are a whole lot more cogent, closely reasoned  and credible than Scrap’s.  So kudos  for that much

One problem with   trying to bludgeon someone  admitting he was wrong is that that judgement is , generally speaking, to a large extent subjective; and I’ve come across any number of different perspectives on the issues in hand.  You can’t guarantee that the wrongdoer has the same perspective as yourself. Far from it.  So your demand for an honest admission might easily come accross as a demand for an abject lie. Just to shut you up. 

Personally speaking I’ve been in that position any number of times during my formatives years. I wouldn’t mind betting that most, perhaps all  spazzes have, and are consequently highly defended against it and /or highly stressed by it.

 Let’s take “Odeon genuinely believes he was right” as a working hypothesis, then try to put yourself in his shoes. Extremely uncomfortable, no?  Now, let’s take “Odeon suspects he might have bene wrong” as a working hypothesis  and put yopurself in his shoes. What do you do? Expose that vulnerability to the howling mob, in the middle of a public forum”  Hell, no.  Now take “Odeon knows he is wrong” as a…. fact. Of course it’s a fact cos you can see him squirming and lashing out in self-defence . QED. You see the logical error?

Actually, I really don’t think you have to be a baby to buckle under that sort of stress, just more-or-less human., like I said.  And never mind how "power" the target has as a forum admin, I'm pretty sure they'd feel powerless against that kind of onslaught ; especially if they are, basically,  loathe to ban people.

You think people should grow up. I’m it sure anybody is being given  a fair chance to grow up if they’re still being called out on things that happened ten years ago…or even three years ago, which is more to the point, IMO. 

I was interested to get your perspective on the Democracy wash-out. So it was basically a case of tough love accidently  achieving the oppsite of the desired effect?  I mean from your side. Well,well  you can’t blame folk for not quite getting that. Nor  can you blame them for revising their opinion of your younger self   from “wantonly destructive” (or whatever)  to “arrogant” once they do get it. Ofc that was neither the first time nor the last time that some I^2 regular screwed up in a similar fashion.  Nor is the first or last time they’ve  blamed somebody else for the resulting cock-up.

I  was also slightly interested to hear that Odeon supposedly misused the blabberiser to silence the opposition during that all- important election.  That explains your antagonism.  But again, I’ve heard multiple perspectives , and I find no reason to take yours- nor anybody else’s, for that matter -  for the one  bona fide objective perspective on that.  And unfortunately , I don’t have a perspective of my own, cos I just wasn’t active enough on the board at that point in time to form a clear perspective of my own, (dammit. I always seem to miss the juicy bits).  The only thing I (vaguely)  recall is your previous  behaviour.

So, all I can say about that is : yeah,  that was really bad, if it was exactly like you say.  But inasmuch as you make an issue of it now, and add to the litany of “proof” against Odeon, seems to m e very much like flogging a live defendant with a long-dead horse

It’s bad enough that most of the present butthurt actually stems from about  three years ago, when Zegh abruptly left the board , pursued by a torrent of abuse, which still goes on to this day (witness Scraps’ regular negs of Zegh’s posts) . I went to the trouble of tracking down all of the relevant posts, right back to that event and beyond,  and reading them carefully. ( But God that was a schlepp. I’m not gonna do that with many of these  issues! )

Again , you get a lot of conflicting perspectives. But what emerged was that Zegh was a whole lot less innocent than he appeared on the surface  (that is to  people like myself, fwho found him interesting to talk with, but didn’t get into any fights with him)  and that Odeon almost certainly totally missed the worst of Zegh’s postings.   

So my conclusion runs thus:  Scrap’s  claim that Odeon was biased in favour of Zegh was probably a)  true and b) not actually  Odeon’s fault really, just the unfortunate result of Odeon  not  being omniscient, together with abusage of the shoutbox .

But also, I gotta thank Al for pointing out to me some even older posts from Zegh, in which he made his toxic intentions abundantly clear. So you certainly can’t call Zegh an innocent victim of the forum bullies.. Maybe a victim of his own cavalier  belligerence.

So I think I figured out what went wrong there, but I never figured out how to fix it . Starting from it’s morally ambiguos beginnings , the thing has just gathered momentum down the years, gathering all kinds of extraneous shit as it rolls .  At this point in time , the thing that bothers me most about that  event is that nobody   (except Odeon) - seems to give a flying fuck for the possibility that Zegh might have run off and killed himself, or otherwise come to grief.  Seems that whatever his fate was, he deserved it for being a cry-baby, and for finding Intensity too hot to handle.

In the present day,  it’s basically  about personal butthurt , self-righteousness  and the flogging of long-dead horses. So I don’t blame the majority who don’t give a fuck about that issue at all. It just looks like another way to propagate the combative playground  culture, which was the real villain of the piece in the first place, IMO. 

It’s so freaking tiresome and  gives the lie to all the calls for frankness and honesty which   people throw out like gauntlets: a completely self-defeating gesture, if ever there was one. Surely to god, there have to better uses for Free Speech than that? At least that’s how most of the current denizens  see it.  So maybe we women (as we mostly seem to be) don’t belong here?  Or maybe it’s time that all the old diehards  admitted that that the playground culture turned out to be a bigger disaster than Democracy? Never mind what kind of half-baked gibberish Mc J wrote about that on the front page.  Heck, maybe it’s time we trawled through all that stuff about Intensity’s mission , and decided which bits we really can and do  subscribe to.

“Back up your words “ sounds OK… until you find out that people think it means “ submit yourself to an endless cross-examination concerning your character defects   which  can only end   when you  finally scream yes! You’re  right. And I’m wrong’ “ . Leaving aside that McJ isn’t God, I can’t believe that’s what he really intended anyway.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 05:27:04 PM by Walkie »

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #80 on: January 04, 2019, 08:10:05 PM »

1. Pretty much everyone was sick of your making this place into as board about running a board. If you think it was close then you really do have selective amnesia.

I think that's you. The vote was about 60/40, IIRC, and even people who DIDN'T appreciate
what I was saying were shocked by what you and your group managed to do - depriving
ourselves of democracy.

Your goal was not a system of any kind, your goal was the same as always, disruption and bullshit for the fun of it. You've admitted as much, in so many words.

I certainly did NOT. I admitted that I enjoyed the political fight. That I always do.
I also do enjoy the lulz of watching people slit their own wrists. I got a huge laugh
out of the '16 election. Doesn't mean it's the result I wanted.

What ended your efforts was Dunc naming himself a despot. Remember that?

I don't think he would have done that if there wasn't a majority in the relevant poll.

Speaking of Dunc though, he was an interesting character. He wasn't as across the
board capricious as you have proven to be, but he sure had his moments. I don't remember
any particularly targeting me, but the whole sinbin thing and some of the bans he dropped
were purely personal. I think he was more corrupt than you, just not as active.

2. We've not accepted people's real names being published here without the consent of those affected, ever, and as far as I know, every admin agrees this is the right policy to maintain. Stop being hypocrite and pretend it's just me when you know that's just not the case.

You keep missing the point. It's NOT about the rule, but your special definition of the term.
Language is important.

Oh, and...

The fact of the matter is that you won't accept anyone you perceive to have any kind of power. Not me, not Dunc, not Callaway. I suspect the only reason you let the other admins be is that you think they don't have it. It was always your MO.

Hmm...I don't feel Callaway ever had any more power than other admins. She just grated
on me worse than any of the others who held the role, because of how much she disliked
me across the board for some of my views.

See, I think you started out as a spazz with a special interest in the mechanics of democracy and such, and that just happened to align with what was discussed here at the time. You took over that discussion, basically doing what many spazzes do. You kept going no matter what, regardless of anyone else's opinions, you went on and on and on, with just enough support to keep you going. But please, don't flatter yourself, it was never close. When Dunc closed the democracy experiment, there weren't many people other than you protesting.

I can remember people, like DD, who HATED what I was doing, furious at the outcome of the vote.

I think your assessment of my interest is probably correct, although it's not really democracy -
it's iron clad processes for protections. My current job is a great outlet for this, where I'm largely
doing just the kind of stuff that I was doing as we were setting up the democracy experiment:
trying to build in protections against things going wrong in decision making processes.

Your problem these days is that it looks like you've bought into your own hyperbole. Reading your comments, I'm surprised you've not yet called me Hitler. And that's this thread over, btw.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #81 on: January 04, 2019, 08:10:28 PM »
Walkie, the whole point of I^2 is to have the absolute minimum of rules. You are supposed to be able to troll, bully, badger, and so on.

When you or I are subjected to a sustained torrent of bullying or misrepresentation or batshit crazy conspiracy shit, we can walk away. There are nicer communities out there. At some point it's going to get too much for Odeon and he will simply shut the place down and walk away. Yes, I know he shouldn't use the moderator buttons when the vitriol constantly directed at him goes beyond the pale. But really, there's no end to it otherwise.

The problem with some of the disordered personalities on here is that they want to wail at the injustice that they are being subjected to. So they dig and dig and dig until they finally get the "unfair" reaction that they want. Then it's drama llama time again.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #82 on: January 04, 2019, 08:31:16 PM »

You're not even making sense. Or you're trying to avoid the point - which is that there ARE adults who
have been here. People (unlike you) who don't go around utilizing the admin panel for pure spite.

I guess you did it for shits and giggles.

I'm afraid so. Hell, there was a practice of new admins throwing pranks. I really didn't
understand how some people felt about their profiles and that they saw them as some
sort of non-mutable thing.

I didn't mean any harm, even if I had a point to make.

See my other post for comments re your MO re the other admins.

It's not just about ME. We're talking about people who are more stable adults.
And, to be perfectly honest, I feel enough of the impulses that you must feel to
take the actions that you do. As shown by my fighting style online. I'm pretty
close to what you are - but with a shred of honor towards public duty.

I've never ever claimed I'm a "bastion of good". Quite the opposite. It's your perception and not something I recognise. I'd be interested in knowing why, though. I'm guessing that it's just your MO and the usual hyperbole, but I'm trying hard to be polite.

I haven't said you are. What I think is that you need to put a regulator in front of your
decisions. Any time you want to touch the admin panel, ask yourself, "is this for the
good of the site, or is it something for my ego?" Take a couple seconds/minutes/whatever
before taking the action, and cool down.

Like I said, I feel those impulses. I've been there. In more important places than some
message board.

I also think you asking me to grow up is fucking rich, considering your history here. In so many words, don't pretend that you're the voice of reason when it's clear that you're everything but.

Meh. Who better to understand than someone who sees clearly because they have similarities?

What is probably closer to the truth is that I rub you the wrong way. To some degree it's surely a question of our differing personalities (no, I don't particularly like you either, even though I do enjoy many of your posts) but mostly because you perceive me to be in power. And that last bit is true. I am and you are not. Deal with it.

Heh. Actually, I rather like you. There are some posting tactics which each have
that I know annoy the other, but *shrugs*.

I really do see you as abusing your power here though. Not horribly - most
web site admins are as bad or worse. But, GIVEN the goal here, it's pretty bad.

Ah, yes, sorry. I forgot. You did start your own. How *is* that going?

More than one.  :zoinks:

As to chaos, it was a very interesting experiment. I was surprised it worked as well as
it did even.

My most recent has a very interesting cautionary tale that I didn't expect. Which is that even
just free speech is too much for most people. Especially when practiced by someone they
respect. I've still got a lot to unpack from that experience (although it's ongoing).

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #83 on: January 04, 2019, 08:34:26 PM »
You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.

Remind me. When were they last targeted in polls or posts?

Fuck off, Cal. Your bullshit is as transparent as it ever was.

Good call. I'm  Pretty sure 'I've heard pyraxis make the exact same point before ...well, minus the "fuck off  Cal " part.  (But then, like you said,  she wasn't wearing a target, was she? That surely helps in keeping one's cool)

Heck I wish she were here. she is damned good at cutting through the crap. (besides which, I just miss her )

How did Odeon become a "target"? If I "target" Odeon, did he ever "target" me? It would be dishonest to pretend he did not but I want to see your answer and how far your defence of him goes?
Has he ever tried fighting as a member vs another member and then escalated to Admin tools when hamstrung , angry or frustrated?
Repeat the same narrative with Scrap and the same with Cal.
This is simply pigeons coming home to roost. He gets the a return on the investment of really shitty initial behaviour.

I would love to see your defence of this Walkie. I will start you off "Poor Odeon is not responsible for his behaviour because..."
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #84 on: January 04, 2019, 09:20:36 PM »
Cal, well at least your arguments are a whole lot more cogent, closely reasoned  and credible than Scrap’s.  So kudos  for that much

One problem with   trying to bludgeon someone  admitting he was wrong is that that judgement is , generally speaking, to a large extent subjective; and I’ve come across any number of different perspectives on the issues in hand.  You can’t guarantee that the wrongdoer has the same perspective as yourself. Far from it.  So your demand for an honest admission might easily come accross as a demand for an abject lie. Just to shut you up. 

Personally speaking I’ve been in that position any number of times during my formatives years. I wouldn’t mind betting that most, perhaps all  spazzes have, and are consequently highly defended against it and /or highly stressed by it.

 Let’s take “Odeon genuinely believes he was right” as a working hypothesis, then try to put yourself in his shoes. Extremely uncomfortable, no?  Now, let’s take “Odeon suspects he might have bene wrong” as a working hypothesis  and put yopurself in his shoes. What do you do? Expose that vulnerability to the howling mob, in the middle of a public forum”  Hell, no.  Now take “Odeon knows he is wrong” as a…. fact. Of course it’s a fact cos you can see him squirming and lashing out in self-defence . QED. You see the logical error?

Actually, I really don’t think you have to be a baby to buckle under that sort of stress, just more-or-less human., like I said.  And never mind how "power" the target has as a forum admin, I'm pretty sure they'd feel powerless against that kind of onslaught ; especially if they are, basically,  loathe to ban people.

You think people should grow up. I’m it sure anybody is being given  a fair chance to grow up if they’re still being called out on things that happened ten years ago…or even three years ago, which is more to the point, IMO. 

I was interested to get your perspective on the Democracy wash-out. So it was basically a case of tough love accidently  achieving the oppsite of the desired effect?  I mean from your side. Well,well  you can’t blame folk for not quite getting that. Nor  can you blame them for revising their opinion of your younger self   from “wantonly destructive” (or whatever)  to “arrogant” once they do get it. Ofc that was neither the first time nor the last time that some I^2 regular screwed up in a similar fashion.  Nor is the first or last time they’ve  blamed somebody else for the resulting cock-up.

I  was also slightly interested to hear that Odeon supposedly misused the blabberiser to silence the opposition during that all- important election.  That explains your antagonism.  But again, I’ve heard multiple perspectives , and I find no reason to take yours- nor anybody else’s, for that matter -  for the one  bona fide objective perspective on that.  And unfortunately , I don’t have a perspective of my own, cos I just wasn’t active enough on the board at that point in time to form a clear perspective of my own, (dammit. I always seem to miss the juicy bits).  The only thing I (vaguely)  recall is your previous  behaviour.

So, all I can say about that is : yeah,  that was really bad, if it was exactly like you say.  But inasmuch as you make an issue of it now, and add to the litany of “proof” against Odeon, seems to m e very much like flogging a live defendant with a long-dead horse

It’s bad enough that most of the present butthurt actually stems from about  three years ago, when Zegh abruptly left the board , pursued by a torrent of abuse, which still goes on to this day (witness Scraps’ regular negs of Zegh’s posts) . I went to the trouble of tracking down all of the relevant posts, right back to that event and beyond,  and reading them carefully. ( But God that was a schlepp. I’m not gonna do that with many of these  issues! )

Again , you get a lot of conflicting perspectives. But what emerged was that Zegh was a whole lot less innocent than he appeared on the surface  (that is to  people like myself, fwho found him interesting to talk with, but didn’t get into any fights with him)  and that Odeon almost certainly totally missed the worst of Zegh’s postings.   

So my conclusion runs thus:  Scrap’s  claim that Odeon was biased in favour of Zegh was probably a)  true and b) not actually  Odeon’s fault really, just the unfortunate result of Odeon  not  being omniscient, together with abusage of the shoutbox .

But also, I gotta thank Al for pointing out to me some even older posts from Zegh, in which he made his toxic intentions abundantly clear. So you certainly can’t call Zegh an innocent victim of the forum bullies.. Maybe a victim of his own cavalier  belligerence.

So I think I figured out what went wrong there, but I never figured out how to fix it . Starting from it’s morally ambiguos beginnings , the thing has just gathered momentum down the years, gathering all kinds of extraneous shit as it rolls .  At this point in time , the thing that bothers me most about that  event is that nobody   (except Odeon) - seems to give a flying fuck for the possibility that Zegh might have run off and killed himself, or otherwise come to grief.  Seems that whatever his fate was, he deserved it for being a cry-baby, and for finding Intensity too hot to handle.

In the present day,  it’s basically  about personal butthurt , self-righteousness  and the flogging of long-dead horses. So I don’t blame the majority who don’t give a fuck about that issue at all. It just looks like another way to propagate the combative playground  culture, which was the real villain of the piece in the first place, IMO. 

It’s so freaking tiresome and  gives the lie to all the calls for frankness and honesty which   people throw out like gauntlets: a completely self-defeating gesture, if ever there was one. Surely to god, there have to better uses for Free Speech than that? At least that’s how most of the current denizens  see it.  So maybe we women (as we mostly seem to be) don’t belong here?  Or maybe it’s time that all the old diehards  admitted that that the playground culture turned out to be a bigger disaster than Democracy? Never mind what kind of half-baked gibberish Mc J wrote about that on the front page.  Heck, maybe it’s time we trawled through all that stuff about Intensity’s mission , and decided which bits we really can and do  subscribe to.

“Back up your words “ sounds OK… until you find out that people think it means “ submit yourself to an endless cross-examination concerning your character defects   which  can only end   when you  finally scream yes! You’re  right. And I’m wrong’ “ . Leaving aside that McJ isn’t God, I can’t believe that’s what he really intended anyway.

Lestat keeps in contact with Zegh. He is not coming back and apparently otherwise happy. He stated that his reasons for leaving were due to the fighting between him and me. So....this false inference that no one but Odeon knows or cars what happens to Zegh and thinks whatever happens to him is perhaps hope he kills himself because he deserves it is......bullshit. Isn't it? I mean you based it on fuck all. Who here did you ask about Zegh? Anyone? You based this on ONE statement that you saw from Odeon and suddenly his opinion is the bastion is unique/more moral/benchmark? What do I or anyone else here ACTUALLY think of Zegh? Have you asked? I would want him dead? Why? I don't give a shit about him. He is a loser and can dish it but not take it. He has left, that was his decision and what he does now is of no real concern to me. He is doing fine? Great. If he was rainy-faced I would imagine he ought to get over it. Bigger things in the world than to be depressed based on a forum. So why are you making baseless lies? They ARE lies as seen above and I am wondering why you are making them?

As to what Odeon did and did not get, no. Just no. What you are stating here is not true. Odeon jumped right on Zegh's dick and rode it long and hard. I explained it to him and he did not budge. It became one of his hills to die on. Fine with me. It was NOT that he was unaware, he just did not want to take responsibility or admit his bias and stupidity. His decisions naturally came to bad ends. His actions from there on continue to screw the pooch.

Why defend Odeon and excuse him so readily and based on nothing deserving?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #85 on: January 04, 2019, 09:47:34 PM »
Quote from: Calandale link=topic=25487.msg1201806#msg1201806

I haven't said you are. What I think is that you need to put a regulator in front of your
decisions. Any time you want to touch the admin panel, ask yourself, "is this for the
good of the site, or is it something for my ego?" Take a couple seconds/minutes/whatever
before taking the action, and cool down.

Hmm...there is one thing which doesn't require the admin panel, wherein
impulse control will be difficult, yet probably annoys some people as
an abuse: moving karma quickly through the buttons themselves.

IIRC (and the 'reason' mod may have changed this), admins can just
push as often as they like, even when thumbs were limited.
That didn't require any special access, so it's less likely to notice
what you're doing (especially across several posts). I know this was
something I caught myself doing accidentally.

Personally, I think such meaningless things should just be opened up
to anyone. It probably helps some people to push that button again
and again. But IF you see any reason (due to your own or others'
feelings) that we should be limiting karma changes to one/minute
(or whatever) with a reason, breaking that pattern is an abuse as well.

Another imbalance is the custom tag limitation. This one is definitely
for NO fucking reason except bullying. Baked into how Dunc configured
the place. Like I said, he was very spiteful - something I noticed
long before I drew his, your, or most anyone's approbation. The way
he treated Flo, and a few others was just out of bounds.

There were never any moderators - just spiteful petty tyrants.

Basically, my view of moderation and administration is that unless something
is threatening the usability of the site (and this can be interpreted)  nothing
should be done with the admin panel to someone's detriment. And IF something
is, the remedy (after discussions ect) is a ban. So, it's reasonable to ban advertising
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 09:49:08 PM by Calandale »

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #86 on: January 04, 2019, 11:51:59 PM »
Well no discussion needed really IMO to dump spammers. The bots and probably low-paid chinese with nets strung outside the windows of high rise buildings to catch the suicide wouldbes and drag them back to work, are no good to anyone, the shills and advertiser types, just chuck 'em, no questions asked, actual users is another matter.

Although, it seems to me, that things have been VERY unevenly, I mean, compare DFG going off the rails, a valued member of our little pack of misfits, and that mcdangly or whatever the fuck his face was, shit, there had to be a thread and pretty heated discussion in the elder's forum about what to do, despite the fact the sonofawhore OBVIOUSLY contributed nothing, ever, to the forum, and that aside, had made threats about going on a killing spree in a school.

Fuck me, wasn't it his suicide threats that eventually proved the actual reason for him getting the long-deserved boot up his arse? we need to get our fucking priorities right.

As for karma....well it's largely a way of people personally either praising or slagging someone off for a given post, I don't take it too seriously, although I suppose it functions as a general barometer of how much someone is liked or disliked here, at least, as long as the application remains even amongst ALL members. Doesn't matter if they are an admin/mod or one of the rest of us, it needs to be applied the same way if it isn't to be used for personal grudges beyond reason.

And, really, there is no negative side to it being even-handedly applied. Nobody loses out for it, other than someone wishing to abuse the system.

Custom titles, weren't they/aren't they at a user's request? mine was.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #87 on: January 04, 2019, 11:57:34 PM »
 :spitscreen: Thanks Lestat, I struggle to remember McDangly's actual user name as well. I got a kick and a big chuckle out of seeing that "McDangly" has stuck though.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #88 on: January 05, 2019, 12:00:10 AM »
Oh I can remember It's handle, I just didn't feel like according It that level of respect.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #89 on: January 05, 2019, 12:23:41 AM »
Hmm , thought I'd have a quick check on I^2 before going to bed.  Very silly of me.  :LOL:  i don't even have time to take all this in, but I'll just throw in a quick response to Al:

Thanks (-ish) for the reassuring info re, Zegh. Last time i enquired (probably something  2 years ago, mind) , that info , for whatever  reason, was not forthcoming, and it must have come up during one of my breaks, i suppose.   Ofc,  Scrap's and your  well -known sentiments dominate my memory ( you just gave a handy example "I don't give a shit about him. He is a loser and can dish it but not take it" That's exact;y the kind of thing I meant ) and only person I could recall caring was Odeon, which was pretty frustrating to me , because my point there was not about odeon, was it?I would rather have left his name out of it,  at that juncture, but then fairness and honesty pushed into adding that caveat in brackets *sigh * . I also meant  to keep your name out of it, because I was criticising the culture not any particular individual , and didn't want anyone taking it personally, if i could possibly avoid that.  (small chance, i know)

I'm pretty sure that I never said , nor even  thought   that you, Scrap or anyone positively wanted Zegh dead. That musta been somebody or something  else. I just got the impression he's beneath contempt in you guys eyes , and therefore deserving of whatever (which equates to a rough paraphrase of what you just said, does it not?  ..unless i somehow misunderstood it?)

But feel free to impose your own narrative over that, and to assume that every little inaccuracy found in my accounts must be down to deliberate lying.  Just don;'t insist on me answering for said lies every time. Beecause I don't have the energy to try to disabuse you every time , and you surely don't have the right to demand that.

Needless to say,  I woulda received that info a whole lot more gratefully and gracefully , if not for the subsequent spiel. But I am glad to hear it, nonetheless :)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2019, 02:04:52 AM by Walkie »