Author Topic: 2018 in a nutsack.  (Read 26928 times)

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #60 on: January 04, 2019, 01:30:58 AM »

Cry me a fucking river. Your MO is always to join in to attack me. You don't give a fuck unless it's about me. Don't pretend it's about something else for you than your monumental butthurt.
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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #61 on: January 04, 2019, 01:45:01 AM »

Cry me a fucking river. Your MO is always to join in to attack me. You don't give a fuck unless it's about me. Don't pretend it's about something else for you than your monumental butthurt.

I don't have to be butthurt or cry a river. I call it like I see it. I do not give much of a fuck how much this upsets you or not. I think you acting out is all good with me as I am able to stack up more and more instances that prove the points I make.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #62 on: January 04, 2019, 06:31:02 AM »

Ok, it's a fair cop :)  I wasn't even trying to disprove that statement.  Maybe shoulda said "conclusions plural? or some other phrasing altogether , cos I do strongly disagree with certain OTT statements of yours, of the "This place is as bad as WP"  ilk. 

You're right. During the period when I was unbanned at WP, until the very end, it was far better
than this now. The only real free speech difference between WP in its heyday and I2, in its, was
that I2 allowed porn.

But, Alex didn't have the conviction to stick to any one model. At least not without someone
being his moral support.

Be that as it may, the notion that  Odeon silences all crticism of himself is laughable,

No one said that. Then again, Alex was completely hands off AND supported free speech pretty
much as broadly as possible.

During that period, almost no one was banned (and trust me, Kosmo tried so damned hard).

On the other hand, not only has Odeon banned people, deleted and edited posts, but he's also
made all of single people's posts unreadable (I was the test case), because he and his little coterie
couldn't face the truth of what was being said.

  Making snarky comebacks is not the same thing as supression at all.  Banning might be used to supress free speech ofc, but here it only ever seems to serve to interrupt a guy from banging on the same tune he's plastered all over the forum already; and I don't see any subsequent editing, save here and there for (arguably) comic effect.  We all know that tune by heart already.

Given that he's abused the editing power in the past, for more substantive reasons, and I'm sure would
again, has threatened bans for personal attacks on him, yeah, I think I'll trust your interpretation over
the one that I've formed over a decade of experience.

The aggression is all on the surface at I^2 , isn't it?

Something else you are sadly mistaken about.

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #63 on: January 04, 2019, 06:33:39 AM »
... but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing.

It doesn't. Not generally. Hell, many places require that you use your real name.

Odeon has special rules, probably for personal reasons.


These are not my rules.

Oh really? Given that the Democracy was killed, and you tend to dictate by fiat now,
whose are they?

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #64 on: January 04, 2019, 06:35:58 AM »
You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.

Remind me. When were they last targeted in polls or posts?

Fuck off, Cal. Your bullshit is as transparent as it ever was.

Pretty sure they're not fucking babies if tested. The thing is, they fail to piss anyone off with their behavior.

But Callaway, whom I have no love for, WAS targeted. I don't remember her jumping in and
performing admin functionality to stroke here ego the way you do.

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #65 on: January 04, 2019, 06:37:25 AM »
You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.

Remind me. When were they last targeted in polls or posts?

Fuck off, Cal. Your bullshit is as transparent as it ever was.

Good call. I'm  Pretty sure 'I've heard pyraxis make the exact same point before ...well, minus the "fuck off  Cal " part.  (But then, like you said,  she wasn't wearing a target, was she? That surely helps in keeping one's cool)

Heck I wish she were here. she is damned good at cutting through the crap. (besides which, I just miss her )

Ah look - there IS still a butt licker around

Offline Walkie

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #66 on: January 04, 2019, 10:37:00 AM »
Cal, your description of WP comes as a surprise. Maybe Alex changed for the better at some point? Tthe only thing I know, directly  from personal experience (as oppsed to hearsay) that he did ,  from the outset, was delete all "advertisement" (i.e. any references) of "rival" fora (as he conceived it) . That much was explicit in the rules, and constitutes a significant repression of free speech, IMO, besides being cynical as all-get-out as to  what the spazz community was all about.  Besides which, that neatly  let it slip that he was regarding  WP as a commercial enterprise rather than a public service, didn't it?  though the latter was not made explicit ( and some peope who made donations felt that they'd been scammed. onve they realised)  That said, he was a teenager back then.  Did that change, later on?

Oh! he also stole the name "Wrong Planet" from another site, which got up people's noses. of course, but lets focus on the "freedom of speech " issue.

The other significant repression of free speech on WP , IMO, comes from hearsay (but from pretty reliable sources) . which is that Alex would  unceremoniously ban people just for criticising him- even by PM! as well as  erasing said criticism, so the board was chockfull of shiny happy people on the face of it. 

WP isn't the only place that operated like that. But if you want freedom of speech, then freedom to criticise authority figures is probably the most impiortant aspect of that. Take that away, and all sorts of outrages become possible. So that's something that  I particularly look for in a spazz forum.

So, yeah I'm reassured by the fact that posts criticising Odeon are in evidence all over the place, in entirely unnecessary quantities. I'm confident  that the only posts that were actually removed were posts thast went to the extemes of doxxing and out-and-out libel wrt to RL.  Obviously we differ there, but if you 're calling Odeon's occasional usage of the Blabberiser, or his modifyng Scraps little poll,  a "repression of free speech" then that's laughable, IMO. You can call it childish; you can make a good case for "inappropriate usage of Mod Tools, occassioned by butthurt" but repression of free speech?  FFS, Scrap wasn't saying anything we hadn't heard before, and it wasn't what you'd call a serious crit, just another nasty little taunt.

Some people will keep pushing into that grey area between reasonable criticism  and gratuitous personal attacks. In fact , they gleefully push right through that grey area and out the other side. Where do you draw the line? That's the really big problem on I^2 . the line has become so blurred that you can't draw it anywhere at all without being accused of inconsistency, etc., and there's a whole bunch of people ready tio jump on Odeon's back whenever he tries to draw that line, whether in regard to attacks on himself or attacks on others.  He quite literally can't do right.  That he's been triggered into responding in like kind more than once only makes that task more impossible.  More fool him, but what's done is done and there appears to be  no going back from there now

So , Odeon's stuck as whipping boy , no matter what , but free speech is alive and well in spirit, if not according to every single spazzes over-literal, pernickety to the nth degree  letter. And pissing all over it surely won't improve that situation.  That just gives shedloads of  our vistors the impression that freedom of speech is a really bad idea. :(
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 11:07:31 AM by Walkie »

Offline Walkie

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #67 on: January 04, 2019, 11:03:03 AM »
PS. Cal, it's no secret that Pyraxis and I are friends IRL , also no secret that I've precious few friends left these days (on account of a recent spate of deaths) so ofc I fucking miss her.    Also, it's  surely no surprise that I agree with other peoples' positive assessment of her moderating skills.  Call that butt licking if you like  ::)

Offline odeon

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #68 on: January 04, 2019, 11:16:00 AM »

Cry me a fucking river. Your MO is always to join in to attack me. You don't give a fuck unless it's about me. Don't pretend it's about something else for you than your monumental butthurt.

I don't have to be butthurt or cry a river. I call it like I see it. I do not give much of a fuck how much this upsets you or not. I think you acting out is all good with me as I am able to stack up more and more instances that prove the points I make.


Your every post confirms your butthurt.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #69 on: January 04, 2019, 11:20:41 AM »
... but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing.

It doesn't. Not generally. Hell, many places require that you use your real name.

Odeon has special rules, probably for personal reasons.


These are not my rules.

Oh really? Given that the Democracy was killed, and you tend to dictate by fiat now,
whose are they?


You killed that experiment almost entirely by yourself but you always forget that little detail.

As for doxxing, that rule was in effect when Dunc ran this place. It really seems like you have selective amnesia again.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline odeon

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #70 on: January 04, 2019, 11:22:38 AM »
You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.

Remind me. When were they last targeted in polls or posts?

Fuck off, Cal. Your bullshit is as transparent as it ever was.

Pretty sure they're not fucking babies if tested. The thing is, they fail to piss anyone off with their behavior.

But Callaway, whom I have no love for, WAS targeted. I don't remember her jumping in and
performing admin functionality to stroke here ego the way you do.

Callaway isn't here. Py, Parts and Renaeden are. Are you being deliberately dishonest? You sure have a way of rewriting things to fit your bullshit.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #71 on: January 04, 2019, 01:01:06 PM »
Cal, your description of WP comes as a surprise. Maybe Alex changed for the better at some point?

Alex changed many times. Remember, he was a kid when he started the site.

That said, he was a teenager back then.  Did that change, later on?

Yes. I believe he no longer is a teen. :D

He was during the liberal period I referred to.

The other significant repression of free speech on WP , IMO, comes from hearsay (but from pretty reliable sources) . which is that Alex would  unceremoniously ban people just for criticising him- even by PM! as well as  erasing said criticism, so the board was chockfull of shiny happy people on the face of it. 

He was almost entirely hands-off during the period of which I speak - and since, AFAIK, given that he
suggested I come back, but couldn't unban me without upsetting his staff.

WP isn't the only place that operated like that. But if you want freedom of speech, then freedom to criticise authority figures is probably the most impiortant aspect of that. Take that away, and all sorts of outrages become possible. So that's something that  I particularly look for in a spazz forum.

Agreed. And having all your posts obfuscated (as Odeon did to me and others) is, IMO, worse than
banning. It's bullying and taunting, on top of silencing.

if you 're calling Odeon's occasional usage of the Blabberiser,

Occasional my ass. He used it to silence opposition to closing down the democracy experiment here.

then that's laughable,

Yeah, okay. Silencing your opposition at a key moment, for a significant period.
You must think Putin's a riot.

IMO. You can call it childish; you can make a good case for "inappropriate usage of Mod Tools, occassioned by butthurt" but repression of free speech?  FFS, Scrap wasn't saying anything we hadn't heard before, and it wasn't what you'd call a serious crit, just another nasty little taunt.

So here's the gripe there: only those we supposedly should trust have access to the admin panel.
I don't give a shit if Odeon did what any other member could do, even if one SHOULD expect a bit
more than we do of those not in positions of power. But no. He goes beyond not simply wading into
the tiresome tactics of not responding with anything but the bullshit single word or image posts
to sometimes serious complaints, but he also abuses the admin powers themselves, to further
his ends in bullying.

Some people will keep pushing into that grey area between reasonable criticism  and gratuitous personal attacks

Yep. And there's ONE staff member whose petty ways encourage that behavior.
These things escalate, but Odeon's got such a fragile ego, he can't bear being attacked.
Very much like Alex - just with different retaliatory practices.

Like I said, a fucking baby. Not what you'd want to entrust a community to.

He quite literally can't do right.

I have more hope that this isn't an incurable personality flaw. That rather, he could actually
learn from others as to how to engage without just making himself seem a bigger baby each time.

That he's been triggered into responding in like kind more than once only makes that task more impossible.  More fool him, but what's done is done and there appears to be  no going back from there now

Maybe not for him - or perhaps you'd be the same. Others learn to grow up.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #72 on: January 04, 2019, 01:02:41 PM »
PS. Cal, it's no secret that Pyraxis and I are friends IRL , also no secret that I've precious few friends left these days (on account of a recent spate of deaths) so ofc I fucking miss her.    Also, it's  surely no surprise that I agree with other peoples' positive assessment of her moderating skills.  Call that butt licking if you like  ::)

It's not her ass your tongue is twirling in.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #73 on: January 04, 2019, 01:06:45 PM »
... but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing.

It doesn't. Not generally. Hell, many places require that you use your real name.

Odeon has special rules, probably for personal reasons.


These are not my rules.

Oh really? Given that the Democracy was killed, and you tend to dictate by fiat now,
whose are they?


You killed that experiment almost entirely by yourself but you always forget that little detail.

As for doxxing, that rule was in effect when Dunc ran this place. It really seems like you have selective amnesia again.

1. No. It took a vote, led by you and your little coterie, to destroy the democracy. I merely demonstrated what
was wrong with not properly creating sustainable systems. My goal was to create a stronger one, which wouldn't
be easily manipulated. But, you (and others) were too lazy. It was a fairly close vote, IIRC.

2. Ok, so you inherited and maintain a rather unique definition for the term. It's yours now.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #74 on: January 04, 2019, 01:17:20 PM »
You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.

Remind me. When were they last targeted in polls or posts?

Fuck off, Cal. Your bullshit is as transparent as it ever was.

Pretty sure they're not fucking babies if tested. The thing is, they fail to piss anyone off with their behavior.

But Callaway, whom I have no love for, WAS targeted. I don't remember her jumping in and
performing admin functionality to stroke here ego the way you do.

Callaway isn't here. Py, Parts and Renaeden are. Are you being deliberately dishonest? You sure have a way of rewriting things to fit your bullshit.

You're not even making sense. Or you're trying to avoid the point - which is that there ARE adults who
have been here. People (unlike you) who don't go around utilizing the admin panel for pure spite.

Yes, I had to dig into the past to find someone with an abrasive personality who managed to annoy the
shit out quite a few people with her 'holier than thou' attitudes, because the current crop of admins are
all well liked for their maturity in both handling their admin role and in dealing with others in general.

Maybe her particular flaw was instrumental in her NOT abusing the panel - it would be wrong.
Yours, that you're a fucking baby, more or less ensures that you'll react this way.

But, one can learn not to be a fucking baby. It's a lot harder to accept you're not some
incorruptible bastion of good. You should grow up.