So, Odeon's a baby, if you like.
Thanks. Yes. That was my conclusion. That this WHOLE screed was supposed to disagree with?
Damn. Why am I wasting my time wading through this?
Let me guess, somehow in the rest of it you're trying to disprove my conclusion again?
It doesn't really look that way.
Ok, it's a fair cop
I wasn't even trying to disprove that statement. Maybe shoulda said "conclusions plural? or some other phrasing altogether , cos I do strongly disagree with certain OTT statements of yours, of the "This place is as bad as WP" ilk.
I've never been seriously involved in WP , but it does sound uncomfortably close to those other fora that I talked about , going by what I;ve heard about the place. Though not quite
that bad to be fair, it certainly had (or has?) surreptitious bannings, and genuine suppression of free speech. to the point that criticism of Admin was suppressed, and so was mention of any "rival " fora suppressed
It was actually that (overtly stated) suppression of information that stopped me getting involved in WP way back when it first started out . There was already a thriving spazz network, and I was a member of a couple of those "rival " fora that Alex didn't want to "advertise for free" . He;d come to us, when WP was still in the planning stage, full of questions, and we'd given him loads of ideas and advice and publicity. cos that was the way the spazz network was. Nobody thought it was a competition, and that very notion was offensive to most of the rest of us, and that supression of the free exchange pf information got a lot of peoples' alarm bells ringing. So I stayed clear, and when I started hearing stories from WP mods, i was not at all surprised. But i can't claim intimate knowedge of that forum.
Be that as it may, the notion that Odeon silences all crticism of himself is laughable, and Scrap's posts here form part of the proof! Making snarky comebacks is not the same thing as supression at all. Banning might be used to supress free speech ofc, but here it only ever seems to serve to interrupt a guy from banging on the same tune he's plastered all over the forum already; and I don't see any subsequent editing, save here and there for (arguably) comic effect. We all know that tune by heart already.
Frankly, it pisses me off when anybody bangs on about supression of free speech on this forum, because that makes me think they have no idea what that's really like. I only got to know what it's really like because, for some reason, I'm the kind of person that people tend to spill to, when they;'ve reached the end of their tether, and when their self-esteem has been so badly damaged that they hardly dare speak to anyone at all. And I've been privilileged to be shown the PMs and e-mails (often from Mods and Admins) that served to get them into that state.; and it kinda snowballed from there and i got to find out more and more about the rotten underbelly. That hasn't happened here, to my knowlwedge, and I'd be bloody amazed to find out that was happening, The aggression is all on the surface at I^2 , isn't it?
I might find that horribly tedious at times, but , at the same time i find it reassuring.