
Author Topic: 2018 in a nutsack.  (Read 26833 times)

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Offline Bastet

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2019, 11:54:53 AM »
I got banned from here and 4chan for posting my name address and picture when I was having a psychotic episode. :hahaha:

lol - self DOXing is a banning offense?

Umm, I think she got this wrong.

What did I get wrong? I posted my name and adress on here and left for months then came back and was banned. Also, I still have the screen cap of the 4chan ban.

Your posting your name and address here had nothing whatsoever to do with your ban here.

The reason for my ban said " repeated d0xxing" so I'd like to know who's address or phone number I put on here? I have a screencap of your banning reason, too.

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Offline Walkie

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2019, 02:43:56 PM »
Bastet, sorry my memory is a bit vague, but you certainly doxxed other people than yourself, I just can't recall whom. Maybe other members  can confirm?  The evidence will surely be gone, ofc.

There was one heckova furore over this psychotic episode of yours. A lot of ugly things were said- and not only by yourself.  I recall that you alienated some of your supporters by being an
absolute bitch towards them and others.  The word "unforgivable " was used.  As you might expect, a  number of people were pissed off  with Odeon  for not banning you. And for a while it seemed like everybody was at everybody elses throats. Much butthurt was triggered. Much salt was rubbed into festering wounds.

 Then the doxxing started , and Odeon felt he had no realistic  choice but ban you. No stopping you otherwise. IIRC the overwhelming consensus (some sadly, some jubilantly) was in agreement with Odeon on that point; and also the consensus was that you were deliberately  doing your damnedest to get yourself banned.

I accept that you weren't at all well, so  personally, I'm entirely willing to forgive you all that, and hope that others feel the same way , Clearly, you're pretty sore about being banned, and  clearly you don't recall the half of it... which might be something of a mercy, so I'm not gonna go and on about it.  But hey! give Odeon a break, hmm?  He resisted banning you til the last. That's a fact.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 03:05:21 PM by Walkie »

Offline odeon

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2019, 03:13:45 PM »
I got banned from here and 4chan for posting my name address and picture when I was having a psychotic episode. :hahaha:

lol - self DOXing is a banning offense?

Umm, I think she got this wrong.

What did I get wrong? I posted my name and adress on here and left for months then came back and was banned. Also, I still have the screen cap of the 4chan ban.

Your posting your name and address here had nothing whatsoever to do with your ban here.

The reason for my ban said " repeated d0xxing" so I'd like to know who's address or phone number I put on here? I have a screencap of your banning reason, too.

You posted the real names of several people here, including mine (in the karma log), and then promised to do the same on FB. You went from warned to sinbinned to banned pretty fast, IIRC. Did you forget all of this?
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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2019, 03:21:16 PM »
And Walkie is right - I didn't want to ban you. I thought you were going through something and hoped you'd get over it.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Jack

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2019, 05:06:46 PM »
Why do the stats show so many more new members than the member list?

Maybe the bots that register but fail the CAPTCHA become part of the statistics?
It's really annoying that you don't know. :laugh: Isn't there some admin discussion forum where you can find out? Bots that register and pass the captcha would make more sense. As far as I know, the member list doesn't display banned members. Can't you see all of your members?

Ah, but the number of people registering is not the same as the number of members. :laugh:
The statistic is for new members.

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2019, 05:14:31 PM »
Oh look - Odeon's back to destroying free speech by editing poll options.

Joy! This place sure lives up to what it was intended as

Offline Walkie

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2019, 06:08:41 PM »
Oh look - Odeon's back to destroying free speech by editing poll options.

Joy! This place sure lives up to what it was intended as

Yep.  Here's's a similar example of somebody destroying free speech in the film Love actually:

(NB,. Just in in case of confusuion, I should say: the band, Blue didn't really declare that they had little pricks . It was just that intellectually dishonest character, Billy Mack making it look like they were saying that)

« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 06:10:31 PM by Walkie »

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2019, 06:10:19 PM »
Narcissists always respond to ego damage. you're as predictable as the tides.

I'm a narcissist for reacting to your hoping I drop dead?

That isn't what I said, I was merely noting the fact that the would is better off without you in it.

As MOSW pointed out, you would have been banned anywhere but here by now.

Bullshit! Neither Dunc nor McJagger would say half the inflammatory shit that you say to me, which you then try to blame me for and accuse me of starting shit when anyone can look at the posts and see that you started it. Lying, projecting hypocrite!

You again tried your best to piss me off and you succeeded to some extent since I bothered to edit your poll. Congrats, well done. Exactly how does that equal me being a narcissist rather than you being a twerp?

I wasn't even trying to piss you off, you just have a hair trigger these days because you're no longer surrounded by the army of sycophants you had in the past and that makes you feel insecure, just like a narcissist.

It's your MO we're witnessing here, not mine.

 ::)  Projecting again.

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2019, 06:37:03 PM »
Oh look - Odeon's back to destroying free speech by editing poll options.

Joy! This place sure lives up to what it was intended as

Yep.  Here's's a similar example of somebody destroying free speech in the film Love actually:

(NB,. Just in in case of confusuion, I should say: the band, Blue didn't really declare that they had little pricks . It was just that intellectually dishonest character, Billy Mack making it look like they were saying that)

It's more than that. For one thing, der Fuhrer here obliterated the actual words, and voting. It was even done
(due to the way SMF works) without recording the fact in a visible manner.

It's a habit with our Fearless Leader to use his admin powers in such a manner. I mean sure,
Scrap's obnoxious as all hell sometimes (like here), but the reaction is worse than the original offense.
Moreover, one expects more (not less) from those in power.

And it's not like he hasn't acted in just such a manner, unprovoked, in the past.

He's a fucking baby.

Offline Bastet

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2019, 07:47:51 PM »
I got banned from here and 4chan for posting my name address and picture when I was having a psychotic episode. :hahaha:

lol - self DOXing is a banning offense?

Umm, I think she got this wrong.

What did I get wrong? I posted my name and adress on here and left for months then came back and was banned. Also, I still have the screen cap of the 4chan ban.

Your posting your name and address here had nothing whatsoever to do with your ban here.

The reason for my ban said " repeated d0xxing" so I'd like to know who's address or phone number I put on here? I have a screencap of your banning reason, too.

You posted the real names of several people here, including mine (in the karma log), and then promised to do the same on FB. You went from warned to sinbinned to banned pretty fast, IIRC. Did you forget all of this?

I don’t remember everything and I won’t go into detail how little I was thinking of this place when I had voices in my head telling me to do crazy shit. I was burnt out and angry at some offline bullshit that I vomited all over my Facebook about. I believe you, but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing. I posted my name and address and was a combination of ragey and manic and was being trolled by the very eerily lucid voices in my head. They actually taught me things I never knew like paysan is French for peasant. They had me pronouncing it properly, too. I actually had to look them up to confirm this when I realized they lied about a lot of things. They were very funny to talk to.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 09:03:00 PM by Bastet »

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline Walkie

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2019, 08:34:27 PM »
Oh look - Odeon's back to destroying free speech by editing poll options.

Joy! This place sure lives up to what it was intended as

Yep.  Here's's a similar example of somebody destroying free speech in the film Love actually:

(NB,. Just in in case of confusuion, I should say: the band, Blue didn't really declare that they had little pricks . It was just that intellectually dishonest character, Billy Mack making it look like they were saying that)

It's more than that. For one thing, der Fuhrer here obliterated the actual words, and voting. It was even done
(due to the way SMF works) without recording the fact in a visible manner.

It's a habit with our Fearless Leader to use his admin powers in such a manner. I mean sure,
Scrap's obnoxious as all hell sometimes (like here), but the reaction is worse than the original offense.
Moreover, one expects more (not less) from those in power.

And it's not like he hasn't acted in just such a manner, unprovoked, in the past.

He's a fucking baby.
 I agree with a lot of your points , Cal, but not your conclusion. You forget this was never actually a serious thread, just a self-evident  bit of dick-waving of a type we;ve seen countless times before. Odeon's response was a self-evidently childish prank of a type that , arguably, ought to be beneath a forum admin, but  " the reaction is worse than the original offense" ? Don't make me laugh.

 Odeon's  reaction, for the record, was to insert "Scrap is a wanker"  as every poll option (though the votes were not altered- for what that;'s worth"). Scap's counter to that is to change every option to "odeot molests little boys" which is of an entire;y different order to the "Wanker " taunt isn't it?  Indeed, people have been known to quit I^2 in a huff over Odeon's refusal to treat sex crime  taunts as a bannable offense. That one really gets peoples hackles up, not just Odeon's.

Unless you actually buy Scrap's little conspiracy theory that Odeon's "abuses of power" are merely the tip of the iceberg, and we;re really looking at a power-mad narcissist, surrounded by a cohort of sycophants.  then it's pretty damned clear that Scrap's behaviour is worse.

I've never see4n anything to suggest that Odeon's overt behaviour us merely the tip of the iceberg. Looks to me that what you see is pretty much what you get.

What  I'm looking at here  is a sort of "playground monitor loses his rag" situation.  Nothing more sinister than that,. Shouldn't happen in an ideal world , like you said., but What the heck, playground monitors sometuimes turn out to be human...even on Spazz boards. There's actually been a thread about that (can't be arsed with looking it up) where a few of us had a bit of a go at Odeon about it, and a reasonable discussion ensued.  is Scrap inviting a reasonable discussion? the hell he is.

Well that all goes to show how right you are when you say " Scrap's obnoxious as all hell sometimes", doesn't it?

When I was looking at this thread earlier, i wondered to myself if scrap had twigged that Odeon has reason to feel a tad more vulnerable today? or if he might just   have the humanity to lay off awhile, once he does twig it?

Just found my answer FFS:,19253.msg1201670.html#msg1201670

So, Odeon's a baby, if you like. Or rather, odeon can be pricked into using his Admin tooks in a thoroughly childish fashion. Dear me,. Civilizatuion will come to an end if we let this go on.

I've been on fora where the Admin surreptitiosly deleted dozens of  (active) user accounts, on the suspicion those users were malcontents . And I've been on fora where consensus said that that the site owner has every right to act like a petty tyrant, if he pleases., even down to surreptitios deletions , public slander  and abusive PMs ...well, ok though , those latter two made people pretty damned  nervous though, even to the point of creating yet more actual malcontents ripe for deletion. One of those Admins just pulled the plug on the whole damned forum eventually- without so much as a second's notice.  Now that is tyranny. That is abuse of power.

Needless to say, scrap wouldn't havbe lasted ten seconds on one of those other fora; and nobody would ever have known where he got to; they'd just be encouraged to assume that he quit. of his own accord. 

I really don't see you , I, Scrap, or anyone here, including Odeon, ever allowing that sort of thing to take root on I^2. . The childish japes are not the tip of the iceberg , they;re the whole damned story, IMO., and somebody's being a drama llama about it. Or something.  I don't see anybody acting like a grown up...well, nobody except for those who maintain a cautious distance from the whole sorry show.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 08:38:10 PM by Walkie »

Offline Calandale

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2019, 09:00:03 PM »
... but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing.

It doesn't. Not generally. Hell, many places require that you use your real name.

Odeon has special rules, probably for personal reasons.

Offline Bastet

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2019, 09:04:33 PM »
... but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing.

It doesn't. Not generally. Hell, many places require that you use your real name.

Odeon has special rules, probably for personal reasons.

I knew I was right. I did make some threats I reread, so I'd imagine he was scared a google search from an employer would bring them here. Lol

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2019, 09:17:08 PM »
Quote from: Cal

He's a fucking baby.
 I agree with a lot of your points , Cal, but not your conclusion.

Oh come on. He can't take shit, and over-reacts to nearly everything that makes
fun of him or his friends. It's not like I called him a monster. He's a fucking baby.

You forget this was never actually a serious thread

No, I didn't. Doesn't mean he can 'play fair'.

the reaction is worse than the original offense" ? Don't make me laugh.

The offense was being an ass. An appropriate response is NOT to escalate things to admin powers.
So yes, the offense is actually FAR worse than Scrap using the ability every one of us has to create
annoying threads. The only mitigating factor is that it didn't mean much. Unlike other actions
that this little dictator has used previously.

Unless you actually buy Scrap's little conspiracy theory that Odeon's "abuses of power" are merely the tip of the iceberg, and we;re really looking at a power-mad narcissist, surrounded by a cohort of sycophants.  then it's pretty damned clear that Scrap's behaviour is worse.

Nope. I don't think that he rises to that level. I think he's a fucking baby. One who has consistently
abused power here. And seems to get off on whatever positive herd reaction he has gotten from the past
(maybe still some?) from his bullying use of that power.

I've never see4n anything to suggest that Odeon's overt behaviour us merely the tip of the iceberg. Looks to me that what you see is pretty much what you get.

Yeah. I think silencing the speech of others at a forum is about as far as it can go, that we can see. How he'd
react if given any actual ability to make life better or worse for anyone is a complete mystery to me. I know
that I wouldn't trust someone, based on the behavior he's shown here, to anything approaching real power.
But, there are probably worse people in the police departments and local governments all over.

What  I'm looking at here  is a sort of "playground monitor loses his rag" situation.  Nothing more sinister than that,. Shouldn't happen in an ideal world , like you said., but What the heck, playground monitors sometuimes turn out to be human...even on Spazz boards. There's actually been a thread about that (can't be arsed with looking it up) where a few of us had a bit of a go at Odeon about it, and a reasonable discussion ensued.  is Scrap inviting a reasonable discussion? the hell he is.

Ok. I'll buy that. It's the hypocrisy which gets me. How, other than making this into a money making operation,
this place is honestly no better than WP now.

You don't see Pyraxis or any of the other admins pulling this shit. They're not perfect, I'm sure. They're
just not fucking babies.,19253.msg1201670.html#msg1201670

So, Odeon's a baby, if you like.

Thanks. Yes. That was my conclusion. That this WHOLE screed was supposed to disagree with?

Damn. Why am I wasting my time wading through this?

Let me guess, somehow in the rest of it you're trying to disprove my conclusion again?
It doesn't really look that way.

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Re: 2018 in a nutsack.
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2019, 09:21:38 PM »
... but I didn’t think posting just persons name equated to d0xxing.

It doesn't. Not generally. Hell, many places require that you use your real name.

Odeon has special rules, probably for personal reasons.

I knew I was right. I did make some threats I reread, so I'd imagine he was scared a google search from an employer would bring them here. Lol

Or something