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2018 in a nutsack.

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--- Quote from: odeon on January 19, 2019, 03:05:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: Calandale on January 18, 2019, 12:48:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on January 18, 2019, 12:20:11 PM ---Wondering what Cal et al see as their end game. Their arguments are as ridiculous as ever and replying to them in kind is not much of an effort. I can do this forever, but nothing is likely to change and honestly, there's no point anyway. I'm not going to change my views - I see evidence that I'm right every day - and I'm guessing they won't either.

So... :popcorn: :yawn:

--- End quote ---

Oh, at this point there is no end game.

I've decided that I'll just play the game the way you do - by calling you a FUCKING BABY
all the time. Because it seems to get through where logic and ethics don't.

It won't change anything. But at least you know you're forever a FUCKING BABY

--- End quote ---

In other words, if you can't get your way you'll just continue behaving like the WANKER you are. Gotcha.

--- End quote ---

Yes. I'll keep pointing out that your'e a FUCKING BABY.

Until maybe, just maybe, you grow up.


--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on January 19, 2019, 07:26:40 AM ---
Only a child would fail to grasp this.

--- End quote ---

No. Children are smarter than this.

Only a FUCKING BABY would be able to hide from themselves so completely.


--- Quote from: Pyraxis on January 18, 2019, 10:04:11 AM ---
--- Quote from: Jack on January 17, 2019, 04:35:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: Jack on January 16, 2019, 05:22:45 PM ---The stats show there was a new member joined yesterday, but there's no new member. What happened there?

--- End quote ---

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I just checked. The IP has been reported as spam 1996 times and originates from somewhere in the Ukraine.

The standard process at the moment (not that I agree with it necessarily) is to withhold registration confirmation until the IP can be checked, which usually ends up taking a day or two until an admin gets to it. Unfortunately most of the ones we get at the moment are spambots.

--- End quote ---
Thanks. Odeon previously said it might be bots that register but fail the captcha. That didn't make sense because it seems failing the captcha wouldn't generate a successful registration. Did this spambot pass or fail the captcha?

There are now three new members for this year. Are these bots passing the captcha, or somehow managing to successfully register while failing it?

They seem to pass the captcha but we still need to approve them.


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