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2018 in a nutsack.
--- Quote from: Minister of silly walks on January 01, 2019, 06:10:36 AM ---Where do all the people who get banned everywhere else hang out these days? Not to mention the nutty conspiracy theorists and stupid people who think they're smart? These are the lifeblood of I^2! I mean I only tick two of those boxes and I'm here.
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I arguably tick the same two. unless you got banned everywhere else?
I like that people have to try really hard to get banned here :)
But then again, it gets a little bit tedious when they do try really hard :LOL:
oh! I went for "bewbs" , but that was more my opinion on the poll than an answer as such (Oops! trust a Spazz to state the obvious ::) )
I got banned from here and 4chan for posting my name address and picture when I was having a psychotic episode. :hahaha:
Minister Of Silly Walks:
--- Quote from: Walkie on January 01, 2019, 10:19:37 PM ---
--- Quote from: Minister of silly walks on January 01, 2019, 06:10:36 AM ---Where do all the people who get banned everywhere else hang out these days? Not to mention the nutty conspiracy theorists and stupid people who think they're smart? These are the lifeblood of I^2! I mean I only tick two of those boxes and I'm here.
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I arguably tick the same two. unless you got banned everywhere else?
I like that people have to try really hard to get banned here :)
But then again, it gets a little bit tedious when they do try really hard :LOL:
oh! I went for "bewbs" , but that was more my opinion on the poll than an answer as such (Oops! trust a Spazz to state the obvious ::) )
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Yes, same two. I've never been banned or even warned on any forum. I'm actually on my very worst behaviour at I^2, in case you couldn't tell. I'm usually much nicer.
With some of the characters we have on here, being the owner or the head admin (of this forum or any other they are likely to be members of) is basically the same thing as having a big target painted on your back. No matter how thick skinned you are, there are those who will chip away at any perceived sore spots year after year, trying to get you to use your buttons, just so they can go all drama llama about it when you do.
The difference is that everywhere else they simply get banned, often repeatedly banned.
So the reality is, IMO, I^2 will have had its day when putting up with the antics of the resident drama llamas becomes too much for Odeon.
--- Quote from: Jack on January 01, 2019, 06:05:45 PM ---Why do the stats show so many more new members than the member list?
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Maybe the bots that register but fail the CAPTCHA become part of the statistics?
--- Quote from: Sofa King Wasted on January 01, 2019, 06:45:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeot on January 01, 2019, 04:54:30 PM ---I edited your stupid poll. It was missing an option. Fucking wanker.
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--- Quote from: odeot on January 01, 2019, 05:05:13 PM ---Came to think of it, it was missing two options.
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Narcissists always respond to ego damage. you're as predictable as the tides.
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I'm a narcissist for reacting to your hoping I drop dead? As MOSW pointed out, you would have been banned anywhere but here by now. You again tried your best to piss me off and you succeeded to some extent since I bothered to edit your poll. Congrats, well done. Exactly how does that equal me being a narcissist rather than you being a twerp?
It's your MO we're witnessing here, not mine.
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