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2018 in a nutsack.
Yuri Bezmenov:
Once again, site activity drops, members leave and we fail to recruit anyone new.
The only plus is that we had some old members pop their heads in.
How much longer can this go on??
Minister Of Silly Walks:
Where do all the people who get banned everywhere else hang out these days? Not to mention the nutty conspiracy theorists and stupid people who think they're smart? These are the lifeblood of I^2! I mean I only tick two of those boxes and I'm here.
Jack voted never.
Here's some graphs, since Hubert isn't here to make them.
Queen Victoria:
For me, until I die. Then it won't matter.
Isn't this downturn a common phase of organizations/internet stuff? Now there are few younger members on Facebook. Instagram is the new hangout.
Also I think that autism is now one of the "golden child" of society. It's more accepted so folks don't need a safe/weird place as much.
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