
Author Topic: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'  (Read 679 times)

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Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« on: January 22, 2007, 10:26:17 AM »
Since we humans seem to have this predisposition to label things and consider them as no go areas, I am curious as to what constitutes being whiny and emo in peoples' opinions... Is one to assume that one is emo if they display any obvious emotion in their posts? Or if they speak of their problems a lot...or does it have to be a certain tone to it to be considered emo or whiny? I am genuinely curious about these labels that seem to be so in fashion right now. Should they be seens as mere descriptives or are they insults, as personally, I see them as insults. The way they are generally used is as an insult, so must one assume that it is something slightly disgusting and distasteful to be emotionally honest, especially when those emotions are on the more negative side? Where is the line drawn between emo and whiny and just emotionally expressive? And just how objective is the use of these words?

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 11:17:01 AM »
It is a rather simple matter to me:

Is the person seeking attention, or simply venting for h[im/er]self?
Does the person seek sympathy or actual help?

When the former, it is a case of whining and/or emo. When the latter, it is not. I give it my best estimation, leaving some room for the benefit of the doubt. I usually do not bother pointing out whining and attention-seeking though, as it is a useless waste of time to reply to such.

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2007, 12:18:13 PM »
Couldn't have said it better myself. Fluff+
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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2007, 02:26:36 PM »
Another + for the fluffy one here. couldn't have put it better myself without being offensive. :thumbup:

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2007, 09:35:11 PM »
Between my friends I have heard too many distinct and different definitions of emo to say there is a correct definition and an incorrect definition.  So in all serious situations I just avoid using the term.  Unserious is fine.

And the word whiny I think is used to define either people complaining well beyond necessary or helpful, or a word people use to describe someone complaining that they don't want to tolerate.

I think whiny is misused sometimes, and people who are seriously depressed and seriously need compassion are getting called whiny because some people think that if you aren't content with life something is wrong with you.

And a problem is that it is either hard or impossible to tell when someone is just complaining to nitpick, or complaining because they feel trapped and miserable, so I try not to use the term whiny either in sensative situations.
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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2007, 11:16:24 PM »
Couldn't have said it better myself. Fluff+

I agree. I+Fluff.

Fluff, I +ed you earlier in another thread, in addition to just now. Good work.

Kind of a graphical representation of whiny emo'ness:


Crying Over Spilled Milk!

(I couldn't keep up with you, Dunc. I had to be offensive.)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 11:20:14 PM by DirtDawg »
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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2007, 02:52:42 AM »
Between my friends I have heard too many distinct and different definitions of emo to say there is a correct definition and an incorrect definition.  So in all serious situations I just avoid using the term.  Unserious is fine.

And the word whiny I think is used to define either people complaining well beyond necessary or helpful, or a word people use to describe someone complaining that they don't want to tolerate.

I think whiny is misused sometimes, and people who are seriously depressed and seriously need compassion are getting called whiny because some people think that if you aren't content with life something is wrong with you.

And a problem is that it is either hard or impossible to tell when someone is just complaining to nitpick, or complaining because they feel trapped and miserable, so I try not to use the term whiny either in sensative situations.

I agree and would give you +1 if I could, but that would just wreck your nice number there  :P. There have been times in the past, I have gone on because I wanted someone to notice, but a lot of the time it is because I know no other way to express the distress I am in. We each learn our own ways of dealing with and getting across when we are feeling very down or not coping. Sometimes, it might appear as mere attention seeking or emo'ness or whinyness when actually it is genuine feelings of distress. So, if one is sat at home, typing out stuff, while at the same time crying or raging because they cannot deal with their emotions at the time, is it really appropriate to refer to them as emo or whiny? Granted tho, that some forums such as intensity simply are not there to offer support and it would be pretty futile anyone offering any sort of awkward condolences if the forum had caused the distress to begin with  :laugh:

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2007, 03:04:06 AM »
Granted tho, that some forums such as intensity simply are not there to offer support and it would be pretty futile anyone offering any sort of awkward condolences if the forum had caused the distress to begin with  :laugh:

You're right there, Graelwyn. Still, we do have a forum for support of sorts, and most members respect it. If you need sympathy and support, and you need it here at Intensity, then use that forum. I'm pretty sure that nobody will refer to you or your problems as emo or whining there, or elsewhere but in reference to what's said there.

I think you have a lot to contribute to Intensity. You won't agree with everybody and you will probably be mad at some, but you do add to the site.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2007, 03:17:47 AM »
Thanks +1   I shall try and use that forum. I have always had the unfortunate habit of hinting in other posts my feelings rather than outright posting about them lol, hence oftentimes, people don't see and I am left thinking(and this applies to my whole forum lifetime) why doesnt anyone see. I suppose it is a form of magical thinking in that I assume people will just notice my subtle hints and realise. 


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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2007, 03:03:09 AM »
Emo to me is people being really whiny and bleating about problems which aren't as big as they say it is, it is reflected in 'Emo' music. I admit I have been through emo periods before, however I have come to my senses.

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2007, 12:25:30 PM »
I just thought emo was a fasion trend, an indie music fan in tight jeans with a long half-fringe.  Although how to define one or his music I have no idea.  I have really lost the plot when it comes to new music.


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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2007, 09:03:03 PM »
I just thought emo was a fasion trend, an indie music fan in tight jeans with a long half-fringe.  Although how to define one or his music I have no idea.  I have really lost the plot when it comes to new music.

Emo music is that pretty whiny stuff they are playing a lot in places like music shops, think of Good Charlotte and My Chemical Romance, it is an assault on the senses literally.  :P

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2007, 09:27:33 PM »
emo is an enigma.

someone once called Embrace emo, i thought that was totally not true. Embrace is not an emo band, they just make good music, is that a crime?

i could probably better explain my thoughts on emo if i was still taking brainpower pills.

i guess emo to me is dwelling in negativity and self-pity instead of trying to see the good in things and trying to make things better and to stay positive.

i guess i used to dwell like that, i couldn't see a reason to keep trying because i figured that we were all just floating on a polluted ball full of sick suffering stupid people in an empty and cruel universe that had no reasonable purpose, so i whined a lot out of frustration and boredom. i was basically going crazy because i didn't feel i had any purpose. i was desperately trying to figure out why it all sucked so much and if there could be a benevolent god despite it all, but i felt like i was just going around in circles. i dunno if that's emo or what, but i was really really whiney. :)

but i also appreciated it a little, the darkness. when you're in that pit you feel free'er, less afraid in a way because you have so little to lose, you have less hope so you have less to be disappointed by. and a twisted sense of humor is always a good companion. :P

only thing i would change about that part of my past would be the whining, people must have really thought i was annoying, though i was just trying to reach out and poke other people to look around and see what i saw, it confused me they were so oblivious or uncaring or unaffected by all the suckitude of existence, i felt so alone.

emo is just a word, in reality there are only people living life the best they know how, not one of us deserves judgement for what we do, cuz we only do stupid things when we are too blind to see a better way, but yet we judge, cuz we are too blind to see a better way.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2007, 09:29:39 PM by Millabella »
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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2007, 10:01:30 PM »
emo is an enigma.

someone once called Embrace emo, i thought that was totally not true. Embrace is not an emo band, they just make good music, is that a crime?

i could probably better explain my thoughts on emo if i was still taking brainpower pills.

i guess emo to me is dwelling in negativity and self-pity instead of trying to see the good in things and trying to make things better and to stay positive.

i guess i used to dwell like that, i couldn't see a reason to keep trying because i figured that we were all just floating on a polluted ball full of sick suffering stupid people in an empty and cruel universe that had no reasonable purpose, so i whined a lot out of frustration and boredom. i was basically going crazy because i didn't feel i had any purpose. i was desperately trying to figure out why it all sucked so much and if there could be a benevolent god despite it all, but i felt like i was just going around in circles. i dunno if that's emo or what, but i was really really whiney. :)

but i also appreciated it a little, the darkness. when you're in that pit you feel free'er, less afraid in a way because you have so little to lose, you have less hope so you have less to be disappointed by. and a twisted sense of humor is always a good companion. :P

only thing i would change about that part of my past would be the whining, people must have really thought i was annoying, though i was just trying to reach out and poke other people to look around and see what i saw, it confused me they were so oblivious or uncaring or unaffected by all the suckitude of existence, i felt so alone.

emo is just a word, in reality there are only people living life the best they know how, not one of us deserves judgement for what we do, cuz we only do stupid things when we are too blind to see a better way, but yet we judge, cuz we are too blind to see a better way.

Totally identify with that lot, definitely rings a bell, lol.

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Re: Define 'Whiny' and 'Emo'
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2007, 10:49:31 PM »
One of my friends considers emo to mean music which is emotionally moving.  He called twsited transistor emo.  I am not going to contridict him, but I have seen several people define emo as several different things, so I don't even have a good definition of emo to judge how right or wrong he was.
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