Who gets to decide what is and isn't hate speech though??
As it stands right now, silicon valley is defining hate speech as anything that challenges the Leftist dogmatic orthodoxy.
We're already seeing this on Twitter and since many "journalists" source from Twitter, that skews the news in a Leftist direction. Twitter is indirectly creating propaganda this way.
So Twitter is indirectly creating left-wing propaganda by eliminating what it considers hate speech?
As opposed to FOX News and affiliated news sources which very deliberately create right-wing propaganda?
My heart bleeds for the poor rightists.
No there is ideological viewpoints on both sides of the political divide. Years ago the Right were trying to de-platform, censor and sink their hooks into culture and social mores. I was opposed to that. It was a time before the social media we have today and they were not as pervasive as the Progressive Left today. But it was still wrong and for the same reasons. Don't like these violent games and rock music and think it is all the work of the devil? Too bad. Play or do something else. Make other choices but do not limit other people's experiences and expressions because they run counter to yours.
Now the Progressive Left do it and not under the guise of moral religiosity as the Right did but under some bizarre belief that views that do not fit a particular brand of Leftist ideology is "hateful" or harmful.
It was bad when the Right did it and it is bad when the Left does it.