And if you end up not using the whassits, we don't use that one at all here, it isn't available in this country, so if you get all healed up and they are still there, PM me.
As for pill form, I very much doubt propofol would be compatible with oral use, it is so short acting, it's just not a drug that could be worked into a tablet form, it'd be absorbed slower, and chances are, either all, or almost all gone by the time it'd be absorbed. As for getting used to it, would be a bad idea, a physical dependency on the stuff would be a DISASTER, GABAa agonists have hellish withdrawals, benzos, barbiturates, etc. People say even a moderate benzo WD is worse than severe H withdrawal. And I believe that, they say given the choice, they'd take opiate WD any day, if they had to go through one or the other.
And the ultrashort duration of propofol would necessitate continual IV infusion, similar to say, remifentanil (a fentanyl derivative with an ester linkage critical to activity, lasts literally minutes, if an IV bolus dose were given, so it's used only in surgery, since the moment the IV is discontinued, it continues to act for perhaps 2-3 minutes, 5 minutes at the most extreme optimistic end. )
And anaesthetists who abuse the stuff/use it recreationally, there is an ultra-fine line between them getting off, and a lethal OD; propofol use recreationally by anaesthetists who decide to have some fun with it very often have ended up dead.
Surprisingly simple structure though, it's just 2,6-diisopropylphenol. Has to be used in an injectable emulsion formation, in intralipid, which causes allergic reactions in some people, not the propofol, but the intralipid delivery vehicle. A newer derivative, fospropofol, a phosphate ester of propofol which is hydrolyzed in-vivo rapidly, allows it to be used in aqueous solution is now available and avoids reactions to intralipid.
Quite astonishingly, propofol itself (under the name '2,6-diisopropylphenol') can often be bought on ebay in half kilo to 1kg lots! Not, mind you that I'll ever actually buy any, unless I need some to create something else in the lab using it as a starting block to build from, but damn.....if ebay actually KNEW what it was, they'd have a shitfit. Not that anyone need contact them, I doubt most people would know it for being propofol, and those who do know their pharmacological chemistry well enough to realize, realize how damn dangerous trying to use it/make fospropofol with it and use that would be and wouldn't do it for that very reason.
Can't say the same for some of those volatile anaesthetics though, at sub-knockout concentrations, though, I've always really enjoyed diethyl ether, either inhaled or used to make some rather unique cocktails of my own invention (like the manhattan project. A variant on the jagerbomb theme, needs a couple of special ingredients, rather hard to find these days here, care+ brand codeine cough linctus, it used to be preserved/flavoured with chloroform, although of recent years its been taken out, so 3-4 drops of CHCl3 need to be added, and it HAS to be care+ brand, no other will do, with a few drops of chloroform added back in, to recreate the original flavour, this is layered thickly in a tall glass, then tesco own brand lime fizzy pop, the cheap stuff from tesco, again, got to be JUST that specific kind, this is mixed to taste with the right amount of vodka, and after putting the back of a spoon at the top of the thick cough mixture, the lime pop/vodka blend (and make it a GOOD vodka, and it should be nicely chilled, fresh from the fridge) before layering it, using the back of the spoon to make sure it stays as two distinct layers, the sugary syrup being far denser helps in this, but it has to be done with care to stop them mixing) and at the top, a mixture of sugared lime juice, fresh-squeezed, a little bit of vodka to help solubilize the ether, in a small, lightweight shot glass, and a teaspoon and a half or so of diethyl ether mixed in, some lime zest grated over the top, and then, two slices of lime, freshly cut, with a knife cut made into each to allow them to be fixed at the top of the glass, and one of lemon with two cuts made in it, then the cuts used to create a lock-gate kind of structure, around the shot glass full of the ether/sugared lime juice/lime zest floated on the top of it) that keeps it in place.
One shots that down, and then drinks down the rest. The nice cold middle part has a nice kick to it, and then the thick, sugary codeine linctus, flavoured with a few drops of chloroform as it ought always to have been in and of itself, damn changing the fucking recipe, it coats the throat, tastes great, AND gives one a nice codeine buzz at the end, after a little while, the alcohol wears off, leaving one with a nice ether high (where alcohol is very sedative, with a little bit of dissociative effects, with diethyl ether, the two are reversed; plus EtOEt, unlike EtOH, doesn't give one a foul hangover. Has a fair history of being consumed by mouth, the irish did it, as did the polish during alcohol prohibitions, the americans might have, not sure on that, often as a 'kropka' (polish, meaning 'dot'), a little bit, floated on ice cold milk, and was very popular, especially in poland, where it became so common, ether drinking, that apparently almost all school kids would arrive stinking of ether, and fucked out of their faces, LMAO. Apparently it became so problematic in terms of schoolkids drinking it, and adults drinking it, that it was banned, and smuggled over the border, strapped to people's chests, along with all manner of other tricks to hide it from customs inspectors.)
So I invented that cocktail, the manhattan project using it as inspiration, has a REAL hefty kick to it, and then a delayed second kick when the codeine takes effect. Nicely relaxing. The name being a portmanteau of the manhattan cocktail and manhattan project US nuclear program

Not that I'd drink them, but I find those fluorinated ether volatile anaesthetics they use for inhalational anaesthesia rather pleasant, sevoflurane for example. Smells/tastes great too when going under.