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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2018, 02:40:38 PM »
For sure Rockhound! Glad she is doing better.  :)

More women than men seem to have Thyriod problems or at least that is what the doc told me, I was worried about it but now not so much because it will be removed January 31st. I can wait one more month but up until this point I was a nervous wreck

Offline Walkie

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2018, 02:51:45 PM »
Sending strong hopes for good outcomes for Jesse and for Ren's sister.

And change your practitioner.

My brother's girlfriend was going to a doctor for months. She had funny symptoms like one eye felt much bigger than the other. Losing her sense of taste. Doctor diagnosed various things including ear infection and hypochondria. After she went into a coma and couldn't be woken she was taken to hospital and found to have a large brain tumour. By that stage nothing could be done and she died a few days later, never came out of the coma. My brother tried to get something done about the malpractice but didn't get anywhere.
That's really awful :(. That said, I wouldn't call it malpractice, neressarily. Don't know about where you're living, but In the UK, stuff like that gets missed all the time,  simply because they don't have the resources to investigate everything, and yeah, hypochondia is definitely over-diagnosed.

My Dad is a case in point. He  had several huge brain tumours and was pretty much at death's door  by the time it was realised he had cancer at all.  Mum asked for him to be given a brain scan, because it was clear to all the family that something wasn't right,  and was told (by their NHS GP) that she would have to pay to get it done privately if she insisted, but that she'd be wasting her money. You could maybe call that medical arrogance , but it wasn't malpractice, just the way it goes, sadly.  If doctors was dismissed for malpractice every time they missed something, or misdiagosed something.  we'd have no doctors left at all.  That said, some NHS doctors are arrogant bastards, but most are just overworked, underfunded and human.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2018, 02:54:22 PM by Walkie »

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2018, 04:15:52 PM »
IMO you are wrong there Walkie hun, that sounds like malpractice to me. If the reason they miss something is because they were being an arrogant cunt, then that makes it their fault, since if they were not that arrogant bastard, and behaved like a decent human being and decent doctor, it might well not have ended that way.

I wouldn't call for any doctor who misses something to be struck off. It is WHY they miss something and HOW they miss it, as well as what they miss, that makes the difference between tragedy, and tragedy that is the result of malpractice and could have been averted had the one responsible only done their job properly. That, IMO makes it malpractice.

What would you call, then, something like either of these:

Hospital medic, having set a line in a patient's vein, to treat an infection with intravenous antibiotics delivered as a drip, then asking the patient if they are allergic to any antibiotics, told 'you can't use fluoroquinolones safely due to tendinitis, seizures preexisting, as well as taking tizanidine (a muscle relaxer, it is specifically a contraindication to their use), also allergic to penicillin-type beta-lactam antibiotics, although no experience with carbapenems, cephalosporins seem alright [two other types of beta-lactam antibiotics, that cyclic amide ring is the allergenic structural part, the beta-lactam core, although allergic sensitivity varies and not all patients crossreact with other major families if allergic to one family], I told him, when he asked what happens 'if I am either not very lucky, or untreated, I die'.

He then set up an antibiotic drip, answering only, when asked 'what is that?' 'it's something to treat your infection'

Only when really really pressed and demanded of him 'I KNOW that, I am asking you what specific antibiotic is in that IV bag', to which he replied (forget now which exact one) 'penicillin'. The same thing, I'd told him seconds before that even orally, could kill me in minutes if I was not damn lucky. Last time, accidentally (possibly accidentally at least, it was a capsule of one my borderline hellwhore former housemate had been taking a course of at the time, and I have my suspicions that she switched capsules, after I'd put a med of my own out ready to be taken moments later, in an attempt to poison me, nonfatally probably, so she could be the center of attention and receive gratitude for bringing me round with artificial respiration, AFAIK asthma inhaler to widen my airways, after I dropped to the ground unconscious minutes later. She really was THAT much of a mental little piece of shit, and a viper in the nest of the vilest kind possible), I nearly died. By mouth.

IV, it'd have killed me. I howled and shouted in protest after requesting was ignored, fucker walked off and actually said 'you'll be alright, I'll come back in 10 minutes to check on you'

I ended up having to use my knife to sever the IV line itself, with the contents crawling just a couple of inches away and advancing steadily towards my vein. Leaving the drip contents as a puddle on the floor.

When he EVENTUALLY came back, he was like 'what the fuck', before I chewed him out for nearly committing at the mildest, negligent manslaughter.

And then tried something similar right after, by changing to metronidazole, which I didn't even allow him to set up at all. Not before he told me precisely what drug he intended to administer. Had to rip him a new asshole  verbally, after telling him I'd drunk an entire bottle of southern comfort not too long before, but long enough for my liver to begin converting EtOH to acetaldehyde. Metronidazole is WELL known as a drug one MUST NOT give to someone with alcohol in their system or drink for several days after, because it acts like antabuse (disulfiram); a drug given as a primitive, and barbarous early treatment for no-hoper alcoholics, the idea being to make them so, SO ill, without killing them, that they won't ever touch another drop. They are given the drug, and a short time later, told to consume a tiny measure of alcohol, it near enough kills them, and makes them wish it had. But stops just short, of actually killing them.

It has done, though AFAIK. But metronidazole plus more or less a liter of rye whiskey, the very thought of what that would do to someone, the magnitude of that result and scale might well kill someone IMO, even alcoholic mouthwash can make people sick as fuck. He just denied it, said 'oh you'll be fine', it's an antibiotic, it'll make you better not make you ill'

I had to give him a fucked-off lesson in enzyme inhibitors, pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of metronidazole, in minute, excruciatingly thorough (for him, and deliberately so), explaining precisely what happened, how, and why, and TELL him what antibiotic to use, hell's shitting TEETH that guy was a pillock alright!
IMO a patient very, very rarely should EVER need to tell a hospital doctor how to go about his job safely, once, far less twice.               
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2018, 04:36:22 PM »
I'm so sorry Minister of silly walks. That's goddamn awful!  :-[

((Hugs))  :grouphug:

I honestly do not think anybody knows what they are doing. I watched my grandfather go through something similar, he was 79 had a stroke (was in a coma) but still breathing on his own and the doctors didn't want to lay him flat to scan his brain to see where the bleed was because they were afraid he was going to choke. He died 3 days later, I kinda figured they just thought he was an old man so why even try. It was incredibly upsetting, and still pisses me off to this day

Thanks Jesse. It goes to show that you shouldn't trust doctors too much, there are a few good ones out there but lots who are bumbling along. My brother's girlfriend died in 1995. She was in her twenties.
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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2018, 06:15:20 PM »
Ren, I'm so sorry about your sis. Hope for the best and a speedy recovery for her.
Thanks Jesse. :)

Imo, it's taken too long for her operation date to be given. She was told months ago that she has cancer. Cancer can spread quickly sometimes and if it were in my body, I'd want it removed as quickly as possible. I think my sister has been very patient.
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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2018, 07:13:24 PM »
Good luck Jesse. And you to for your sister, Ren.

My grandmother had her thyroid radiated away.
She needed medication for the rest of her life after that. My grandfather would joke that 1,5 cent a day was a bargain for a wife like his.

They were a sweet couple.

Grandfather did die at almost 90, because a replacement GP missed that he had a severe lack of iron. When his own GP cane back it was too late, he was too weak, the blood transfusion went wrong on him.

The man had had cancer, tuberculosis, medical treatment always was good, even during WWII. And then the stupid lack of iron killed him.
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Offline Walkie

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2018, 07:48:13 PM »

What would you call, then, something like either of these...

Yep, that sounds like malpractice to me.  And I'm really sorry that you had to go through that , Lestat :(

 But, let me repeat,  medical staff often make mistakes because  of being worked into the ground and therefore being half asleep on the job, The fault. in such cases,  lies with the system and with funding deficiencies . And serious illnessess often get missed because the Doctor has to decide which of his patients are most likely to benefit from expensive diagnostic procedures, and because they have to taje too many patients on, rush through their consultations, and don't get a chance to get to know their patients properly, nor to read through all their medical notes. Agan, not really the clinician's fault.

There are also some arrogant bastards who don't bother to listen to the patient and  make dangerouss asumptions , like I said,  who really ought to have their ass hauled before a Tribunal, IMO. Patients can usually tell that type , and those doctors do get bad reputations within the community, yet  they rarely get disciplined, for some reason. Maybe because it's hard to prove? Or maybe because the NHS is so short -staffed, they figure a dangerous doctor is better than no doctor? (and I might grudgingly have to agree, on balance)  Or because the management is mostly done by psychopaths ?  I dunno. But it really is hard to sift  out system failures from character failures,  and  on the basis of a brief post like Jesse;s on a forum. I surely wouldn;t presume to judge the matter.  Fair enough?

When my Dad was dying, he was insulted by one of those Arrogant Bastards, and that still rankles of course. But that's not to say he would otherwise have been diagnosed sooner.  The diagnostic [rocedures were eventually orderered by an exceptionally conscientious GP , who spent hours going through his notes, until she found the red flag  (melanoma that had been removed 20 years earlier, and never followed up ). That was after he started having seizures.  It was actually  nobody 's fault in particular, not even the Arrognnt Bastards's fault, it must be said, though that's a very sour memory.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2018, 08:01:13 PM by Walkie »

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2018, 10:33:10 AM »
Omg you guys!

Lestat - you are one brave dude, super smart too. I never told you this but I do read almost all your long winded replies on here especially about drugs. Really fascinating stuff :bee:

Ren, See that is what I'm saying. They should have made her Thyriod removal top priority especially if it is Cancer, knowing the system though it was probably some red tape bureaucracy bullshit keeping things hold up. My doctors called my insurance company before they would do any surgery for me to see if they covered it. It's like yeah, I have a tumor and I need it removed. Soo there's that

'andersom ' - I'm sorry, I think a lot of times they just figure old people are on there way out and don't give a fuck if they catch anything j time to do any interventions. It's really sad, work your whole life to pay to live and this happens. Thanks for the well wishes
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 10:35:07 AM by Jesse »

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2018, 11:54:37 AM »
Jesse, anyone taking that attitude towards old people's healthcare needs tying to a post and whipping to death with a knotted rope soaked in salt water.  'meh, they'll be dead soon, so why give a flying fuck anyway?'' that really is the kind of thing that should earn a doctor a beating to death, slowly.

As for the US, healthcare system seems completely FUCKED.

I cannot believe the way both ciitizens and governments react to the idea of an NHS, as if it's actually evil, and anyone who supports it sucks the devil's own dick. They'd sooner have a system of insurance, and anyone who can't afford it, is screwed. Or if someone ends up with say, it paid through their employer, and they turn out to be a dishonest, complete bastard who goes on to shaft an employee and stop paying what the employee is entitled to, the result could be a dead employee.

I know someone who WAS put in that situation, and no minor issue either, she needed corticosteroids, due to a severe  deficiency  of ACTH, and also antiseizure meds (which you DON'T just suddenly stop, its just something one does not do), the result could be damn dangerous, likewise with corticosteroids) her boss was a fucking prick, could well have killed her.

Needless to say, he best hope I never get close enough to him to come within physical contact range, and likewise, that I never find out his mailing address.

Jesse-thanks, although I'm not sure what you mean. Wasn't bravery, it was just cutting through that IV line before the contents got to me. I prefer living to not living, so there really wasn't much choice. Besides if that prick had to clean up a big mess on the floor, good, so much the better, serves him right for such a goddamn stupid fuckup in the first place. Both for making one and BEING one too :tard:

IMO the US system is whats evil, the fact they would leave someone with cancer to check if their insurance will pay for it, and if not, they can just go get fucked and die, until it gets to the point where their insurance covers some painkillers for palliative care.

That friend of mine, I was  REALLY worried that bastard boss of hers might have got her killed, I mean shit....just because he was a nasty piece of work and a greedy bastard, the US healthcare system is so bad that it allows for situations where a person's life can be put at risk not because of their health, not because of the hospital, but because some third party decides they are going to be a cunt and stop contributing what they have to, and if someone can't afford to take them to court and force it from them, they might well be left to die.

Thankfully she's still with us, but damn, worried about her isn't even close to describing things.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2018, 12:36:47 PM »
FWIW I think conventional medical practice is to chemically shrink a tumour before removal.  I would want any tumour out ASAP.  Hit me with the drugs later.
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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2018, 12:41:58 PM »
Jesse, really glad youre finally getting the procedure you needed. The waiting game sucks, but at least it is scheduled. Wishing you luck as you go into this, hopefully it is benign.... Its not great that that doc gave you misinformation, and worse that they would hesitate to do the procedure without having an assurance from insurance. They should have had it scheduled and been fully intent to do the procedure regardless. The hippocratic oath is a joke nowadays. An effing joke.

Do you have any pre surgery prep you have to do?
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2018, 02:15:19 PM »
Yep you are right, it's insane to think in today's world in the richest country in the land you need an approval for not just the procedure but even to stay a night in the hospital. If they remove the whole thyriod I can stay one night, if they remove only half I have to go home. It was the same with my hernia repair (which I had just yesterday) kicked me out 30 minutes in recovery because I could urinate I mean it is a joke when  you get right down to it!

I do. This Thyriod surgery will take anywhere from 2-4 hours under general anesthesia which I think is cool because it's like missing time. It definitely isn't like sleeping even though that's the common idea among everybody, they put a mask on you, strap your arms down pump you full of Protocol? And it's good bye sucker

Lestat you seem brave to me! :laugh:

I will try to attach the letter they gave me, okay so the file is too big. But basically:

Can't have 7 days before surgery,

Salicylates: ascriptin, aspirin, alka seltzer, anacin, bufferin, ecotrin

24 hours before:

Ibuprofen, Advil, medipren, motrin, nuprin

7 days before herbs I can't take,

Cats claw, echinacea, ephedra,  evening primrose, feverfew, flaxseed, garlic, ginger, ginseng, goldenseal, green tea, kava kava, nettle, saw palmeto, st. johns wort, valerian, vitamin e

Can't have 36 hours before surgery: anti inflammatories

Clinoril, dolobid, feldine, indocin, naprosyn, voltaren

Specific direction: anti coagulants

Coumadin, lovenox, persantine, plavix, pletal, ticlid

Others, Alcohol, Marijuanna, other recreation drugs

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2018, 02:52:21 PM »
Yep, that sounds almost like my instructions before hernia surgery.  Except they sent me home before I pee'd after the catheter was removed.  I spent more than a few hours at home wondering when I would do my "business" on both ends before I should panic.  Oh and talk about overkill...because I have a mild allergy to latex.....mild skin rash....they felt they had to stick a breathing tube down my throat.  MY gag reflex went into overdrive they said on both the entry and the withdrawal.  My throat was so fucking sore, even the pain killers were worthless.   >:(
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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2018, 03:00:37 PM »
Oh yep. I'm still waiting to do my business #2 ; but can pee without any problems, the problem with hernia surgery (especially if you have an open repair) is you cannot bear down. It's incredibly painful, I'm also not taking the Narco pills they gave me because they cause horrible constipation

Just Advil and Maximum strength Tylenol so far.

I'm really happy they didn't have to cath me. Oh god that is bad, having a tube in your penis. Other than that the Thyriod surgery is something I've never experienced before I'm just hoping it isn't too painful.

I didn't have any problems with the breathing tube thank god. They should have put the oxygen line through your nose, to avoid the gag reflex and avoid a sore throat. Sounds like a bad anesthesiologist
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 03:11:18 PM by Jesse »

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Re: Medical Malpractice?
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2018, 03:07:59 PM »
FWIW I think conventional medical practice is to chemically shrink a tumour before removal.  I would want any tumour out ASAP.  Hit me with the drugs later.
Right? The doctor was all, well we can leave it in and watch it. I'm all how about "no" lol

I want it out. It's already a tumor. It's already diseased. I don't want harmful radiation and chemicals to get rid of it just take it the fuck out,  :laugh: