
Author Topic: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.  (Read 4172 times)

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #150 on: December 31, 2018, 07:20:01 AM »
Not as much as I ought to be.

In particular, there is one specific medication, that after YEARS, literally, years, of trying, including putting together culled research article fulltexts, and collating them, highlighting the most useful information, and talking my GP, the senior GP who runs the clinic I go to for my medical needs, he eventually agreed to support my being on it.

It's called memantine. An NMDA antagonist, (this mode of action is shared by PCP, ketamine, and other dissociative anaesthetics, such as the noble gas xenon, nitrous oxide, and others, although memantine is very, very different from these, in that it's a low-trapping, relatively low affinity antagonist with rapid dissociation kinetics, and a very long duration of action, and is also partially voltage-gated in it's binding kinetics, meaning unlike the dissociative drugs, memantine selectively binds to only NMDA receptors in the depolarized state, after the channel opens, thereby inhibiting only excessive NMDA receptor activity without compromizing normal function. It CAN be dissociative, but only in very large doses, massive compared to typical doses.)

Originally developed for alzheimer's disease treatment, it has quite a few other very laudable traits, although these are woefully littleknown and underexploited.

For example in patients with chronic pain who need to take powerful, and addictive painkillers of the opiate type, memantine does the following:

It more or less abates psychological compulsive need tendencies, or even caring about them, to the point where I had to literally remember to go and take them, felt no desire caused by the pain meds to use them at all.

It STAMPS on tolerance acquisition, slowing it drastictally.
It also greatly diminishes any tolerance one already may have.
It works wonders on physical withdrawals, vastly minimizing their impact and unpleasantness, the awful overloading, akathisia and other nasty symptoms of physical withdrawal if one does drop their dose, miss a dose or decide to go cold turkey and fuck them off even, or is prevented from taking their dose (saved me once, after being held a day, overnight and into the next day after being wrongfully arrested by the filth. Due to it's loooooong action, I didn't withdraw at all, despite being denied my pain meds, as the day before I'd taken a large dose of memantine, a couple of hundred mg orally, although from personal experience, such dose ranges are what I've found through trial and error, well, just trial really, to suit me best. Kept the dogs at bay 100%, without it, I'd have been in a living hell on earth after that long off the doses of pain meds I am on.

Also, it can help boost memory and cognitive performance, diminish excitotoxicity, and promote neuronal survival through several mechanisms.

And in me, personally, the memory problems, cognitive 'brain fog' I struggle with so often, and sometimes debilitatingly, the executive dysfunction, all the psychological-neurological problems of that kind just fucking evaporate into the aether as if they never were. As a bonus, I overload less by far, fear responses are dampened, but not to a level where acute danger signals would be overridden, it helps with physical pain, and unlike opioids, it helps a lot of people with pain of a neuropathic sort which just doesn't respond much if at all, for some, to opiates until the sufferer of nerve injuries is given a dose of opiate sufficient to render them unconscious completely. Brings my motivation up. I'm not someone I'd say is depressed, but there's a powerful antidepressive quality to it, and mood-elevating effects without being akin to something like speed. A gentle uplifting stimulation with no peripheral cardiovascular adrenergic type effects, no jitteriness, it's literally a lifesaver, wonder-drug with a million and one benefits when I can get hold of any.

It's the difference between life and death, day and night, white and black, pleasure and pain, it is THAT much of a boon to me. So many things it helps with, with a lot of side effects, and each and every single one of those side effects a GOOD one. Or a fucking brilliant one.

It can even be used to potentiate opioids, both allowing a lesser dosage of opioid to be used, and if mixed in as a dual-component solution into an injectable opioid, the rush is made phenomenally long-lasting and enough to knock a horse over.

I've had a dose of a couple of hundred milligrams of memantine for example, turn a 300mg intravenous dose of 6-monoacetoxydihydromorphine, a potent opioid that can be prepared by a simultaneous demethylation-esterification induced by heating dihydrocodeine freebase, with 2ml of a 33% solution of anhydrous hydrogen bromide as a solution in glacial acetic acid per gram of DHC base, in 2ml of regular GAA as solvent to 90-100 'C for two hours, then workup by simply adding methanol, and rotavapping off the methyl ester of the acetic acid/traces of gaseous (and highly toxic, carcinogenic) methyl bromide formed, adding a little more methanol at a time until it tests no longer acidic to wide-range PH indicator paper, and stripping off that last little bit of methanol.

Then all thats needed are solvent washes, of the formed dihydromorphine-6-acetate, yield nearly quantitative, although a small proportion of the 3,6-diester, dihydroheroin is formed. Although it isn't at all an undesirable or unwelcome byproduct considering one is intending to synthesize an extremely similar, potent opioid to begin with. But more or less selective for 6-O-demethylation. The traces of HBr present after, catalyzing a subsequent fischer esterification, to form the ester from the glacial acetic acid solvent, giving the acetate and some HBr salt of the opioid as the result.

Quick, easy and a very pleasant, potent product from crappy dihydrocodeine.

Mixed 300mg of that, without removal of dihydroheroin, in whatever proportion it was formed, 200mg memantine or so, into the same syringe, and shot as one would, IV, and fuck ME..the IV rush that accompanies IV of many potent opiates, it wasn't just amplified to a huge degree, it was prolonged massively. Not the usual minutes, but over 3/4 of an HOUR!, and so damn hard, was I rushing, before the main effects even began, that I could barely even stand up, but was lurching from support to support, stair rails, tables, sofas, just to keep from my knees buckling from the intensity of the sheer chest-pounding euphoria.

And to put the dose into perspective, tolerance-wise, at the time, I could easily withstand and enjoy a 1.5g dose of intravenous morphine, or even an entire gram of dipropionylmorphine (the dipropionate ester, the propionyl analog of heroin, it lasts longer, up to 15 or even 17 hours, compared to 6 hours for morphine sulfate or heroin, it hits harder, more euphoric, better rush, more potent than H by weight, at least as potent again to H as H is to morphine [H is about 2.5-3x the potency of morphine, when both are given IV], its just all round a superior compound compared to diamorphine. And I've had both of them uncut, prepared from pharmaceutical grade morphine, DEFINITELY uncut, not dealer-schpiel to sell product, but verified by attending upon the process personally from beginning to end. From extraction of pure, pharm grade morphine from morphine XR capsules, purification, esterification, purification again and workup. So I can safely say I KNOW there was no cut, in what I am making the comparisons based against), at the time, I could IV a fucking GRAM dose of dipropionylmorphine and just smile, light a cigar and lay back with a beer, without fear of overdose, or even nausea.

Even taking the greater potency of dihydromorphine compared to morphine, and the esters likewise, into account, there's no way 300mg of 6-monoacetoxydihydromorphine could have done THAT to me, then, without the memantine,

But despite all these multitude of boons granted me by memantine, my GP supporting it, apparently he has to get specialist approval from a specialist of some kind, before I actually see it on my prescription. I've been waiting over a year AFTER he said 'yes'. And it's pissing me off big time. Always promises of jam tomorrow. Well tomorrow never comes. The only memantine I get, I have to buy myself, or else I had a gift of a couple of grams of pure memantine powder (doses start from 5-10mg in alzheimers patients although for my uses I find 100-200mg ideal per dose, either once or twice daily)

Medical system, even with our NHS could be a LOT better. It isn't super-expensive, it's just an off-label use. Because it's only approved for moderately severe alzheimers disease. Which of course I do not have.

But shit, it's not a drug of abuse, and I was able to be put on chlormethiazole for my seizures at just my request, on the grounds of it's being the GABAa agonist type anticonvulsant drug which I prefer above all others, same goes for sedative-hypnotics, I just personally like it better than any other. And it works for me, works fast and works well, and I HAVEN'T, astonishingly, developed a physical dependency to it; it just seems to work well with the way I'm personally wired up.

And chlormethiazole can certainly be abused or used recreationally, it's a downer of the old-fashioned nigh extinct these days wallbanger style. Dangerous or deadly in overdose, but most effective and with a kick no benzo will ever be able to aspire to. If all that it took to get me on that, despite it's not being licensed here for anticonvulsant usage, only for temporary severe anxiety or short term insomnia treatment, as well as in in-patient alcohol detox; is personal preference, then surely my GP can make the decision on his own back, and his clinical choice is his to make?

It's becoming SO frustrating, knowing that a fix for so many issues with a single medicine, that literally works miracles exists, is not expensive, is available in this country on the NHS, that the senior GP who owns the clinic agree'd with me that yes, I should be allowed to start on it, that it is there, but always jam tomorrow but none today.

That I've seriously considered synthesizing it, from the ground up, constructing the methylated adamantane core of it (it's a relative of amantadine, an antiviral drug actually), saving the money up for a R&D effort, and enough reagents once the synthesis is perfected, workup and cleaning perfected and optimized etc. that I could then knock out a kilo batch, maybe even 5kg and have it last me many many years.

So comfortable? could be worse, I could be stuck in a dark ages shithole for healthcare like the US (seeing as I'm not frothing with money coming out of my ass and ears and nose all at once), or could be in some arab-infested jihadi hellpit like syria. But the docs look down on chronic pain patients just because they need opiate painkillers to be able to physically remain able. Without them, I'd not even be able to lie down, I'd be in so much constant horrendous pain with my hips, walking would be a nightmare and I'd be pretty badly disabled, worse than I am as things are, in terms of mobility. Even WITH the painkillers I'm in I should be walking with a cane. I just haven't GOT a cane anymore, after I had to whack someone over the head with mine, and it broke the cane after I'd given the recipient a good noggin floggin'. So I need to get the time and remember to build myself a nice new one, out of the right wood, ebony, I think, is what I'd like, Perhaps with mahogany patterning, inlaid with silver inscriptions and decorative work that I'll have to craft myself using the technique of lost-wax casting for the lettering and scrollwork, take the time to cut precise depth and width incisions into the cane to set the silver lettering and decorative inlays, as well as cast the metal parts of the part wood, part metal handle. Along with a concealed locking mechanism that can be unlocked with something like pressure applied to a small hidden switch in something like a decorative head of a mythological beast of greek legend (I've always had a fondness for ancient greek legend and mythology), to allow a reinforced carbon fiber blade with a toughened glass or fused quartz blade edge, something that won't show up on X-rays in the handle, and to get myself (albeit not cheaply) a piece of iridium metal to machine (with difficulty I should imagine, too, given the extreme resilience and hardness of iridium) for an end-cap for the bottom that won't wear down. (Ir is both extremely heavy, if ever I need whack a pikey over the bonce with it, very dense, either just under, or just over the density of osmium, by a fraction of a percent, it's also both VERY chemical-resistant, attacked only by halogens at high temperatures, fluorine gas at least, not sure if the other halogens would attack it, as well as molten, fused caustic alkali metal hydroxides at several hundred degrees 'C, and molten sodium/potassium cyanide. But it's just as physically hard and tough as it is chemically resistant. Used in an alloy with osmium, another platinum-group metal for giving a thin surface plating to the nibs of high-end fountain pen nibs to prevent them suffering wear, due to the extreme hardness of the metal)

I've got just the design in mind, I just need to save for the materials, and then apply the time and effort to sufficiently fine craftmanship. I've already got a set of gem-setting pliers, for jewellery manufacture, as the animal head, a cobra with spread hood, or perhaps one of the large vipers, or the viper-like elapid snake of australia known as the death-adder, although a hooded cobra would look great, could inlay the oo lemiscate-shape on the back of the hood of a snake like a Rinkhals spitting cobra in niobium, anodize it to give it a lovely play of colours, whilst the rest of the head would be cast in silver, with just a trace of other alloying elements to harden it, would like to inset a pair of different coloured gemstones into the eyes too, say a sapphire in one eye, and an emerald for the other, or a ruby and an emerald pair.

Anyhow though, even as it is, just BEING on these meds, for pain, which comes from undeniable injuries sustained in childhood (hard to fake falling on a large spike of glass, and having to drag yourself home for several miles with it having penetrated through the patellar tendon into the joint, blood everywhere, in hospital) and getting my knee stamped on as I was recovering. Knee surgeries, lots of steroid shots into my knee joint, as well as into both hips. As well as knee surgery, nerve damage as a result....but just needing pain meds, even the docs who first prescribed them look at you as if you are a pariah.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #151 on: December 31, 2018, 08:31:59 AM »
I know Russiagate is a hoax.  I was against the Iraq war.  Those who doubted the claims of 'reality' were called conspiracy theorists, yet everything they said turned out to be true and everything the 'reality' pushers were pushing was a lie.  Pretty much the same with every war.  I turned out to be right about Libya and Syria too. 

Yeah stick to just posting pictures, it's all you're capable of.  You accused me of being crazy with 2 subjects in your last post then I gave you the evidence.  You're too retarded to learn or admit when you got things wrong.

I post pictures when your content becomes too crazy for a serious response. I was tempted to post one more now but I wanted to be nice. The Ancient Aliens guy would have been more to the point, though, considering that you're not giving me or anyone else any evidence, you're just parroting conspiracy theories and (deliberately?) rewriting history.

You just had no answers when you got proved wrong.  So you resort to your pictures.  I gave you evidence to prove points which you were calling me crazy for.  You were ignorant of the facts so you just grab for your comfort blanket  :hahaha:

Benji is right again.
I never thought I would say this. Between you and Benji, you have nothing and Benji has it all over you, whereas Richard and Benji are equally matched in their respective debate and there are good points all around. I mostly disagree with Richard but he gives many pauses to consider and gives well thought out positions. Benji mostly has the right of it but Richard trumps his positions occasionally. You are outclassed by both of them.

How the mighty has regressed.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Lestat

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #152 on: December 31, 2018, 09:51:44 AM »
I'm not sure 'trumping someone's position' is quite what it once was, anymore.

Same goes for holding the trump card. Means you've either got a sunburned teratoma in dire need of an attitude-adjustment delivered via the intermediacy of a large, heavy monkey wrench (afterall, what else would you use to wrench a monkey :tard:), or, if british idiom is used, a fart, in your hand.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline odeon

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #153 on: January 01, 2019, 04:56:19 PM »
I know Russiagate is a hoax.  I was against the Iraq war.  Those who doubted the claims of 'reality' were called conspiracy theorists, yet everything they said turned out to be true and everything the 'reality' pushers were pushing was a lie.  Pretty much the same with every war.  I turned out to be right about Libya and Syria too. 

Yeah stick to just posting pictures, it's all you're capable of.  You accused me of being crazy with 2 subjects in your last post then I gave you the evidence.  You're too retarded to learn or admit when you got things wrong.

I post pictures when your content becomes too crazy for a serious response. I was tempted to post one more now but I wanted to be nice. The Ancient Aliens guy would have been more to the point, though, considering that you're not giving me or anyone else any evidence, you're just parroting conspiracy theories and (deliberately?) rewriting history.

You just had no answers when you got proved wrong.  So you resort to your pictures.  I gave you evidence to prove points which you were calling me crazy for.  You were ignorant of the facts so you just grab for your comfort blanket  :hahaha:

Benji is right again.
I never thought I would say this. Between you and Benji, you have nothing and Benji has it all over you, whereas Richard and Benji are equally matched in their respective debate and there are good points all around. I mostly disagree with Richard but he gives many pauses to consider and gives well thought out positions. Benji mostly has the right of it but Richard trumps his positions occasionally. You are outclassed by both of them.

How the mighty has regressed.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #154 on: January 01, 2019, 05:12:09 PM »
Fracking will get banned. 

Thanks Les
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #155 on: January 01, 2019, 05:13:11 PM »
For the brainwashed  :zoinks:

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Lestat

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #156 on: January 01, 2019, 08:53:12 PM »
I'm glad I don't live in an area that they have started fracking up (think of it phonetically...), I've heard nothing good about it, EVER. A great many reports involving noxious chemical-laden, stinking slop coming out of the taps, even reports of flammable water, and usually the water supply coming out looking like it just came out of someone's arse after a dodgy prawn curry and way too much gut-rot special brew lager consumed the night before by a particularly shabby, dirty hobo.

I don't want it anywhere near me, they want to start that round here, they can go frack their mothers instead. I don't want to come OUT of a shower covered in more dirt than I went in there to get rid of. Or wash my hair, and find that when I go to light a cigar, my head ends up as a ball of flame. I really, really do shudder to think what drinking that stuff does to anybody who gets desperate enough to try, after everyone has already bought up all the bottled water and bagged ice from anywhere nearby, who can't travel. From the things I've heard about fracking, I wouldn't want it on my skin, or to breathe the fumes given off from the tap water houses in the area end up with, much less bathe in it or worse, drink it.

Hell, I'd have second thoughts about crapping in it, for fear it might turn my arse ring into a giant tumor hanging down to my ankles and dragging my dick down with it until it's stretched by several entire inches and I have no choice but to tie it into my shoelaces to stop my jap's eye getting gravel stuck in it as I walk, or being burnt by people's discarded cigarette butts :autism:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline odeon

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"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #158 on: January 02, 2019, 10:07:49 AM »
I'm glad I don't live in an area that they have started fracking up (think of it phonetically...), I've heard nothing good about it, EVER.

So far the water's not flammable or the toilet has exploded ;)....yet.  Other places not too far away aren't as lucky. Most are embracing it with open arms and can't sign the land leases fast enough. Wells and ponds have been sucked dry though...fracking takes a shitload of water.

But the area is poor. Most see dollar signs and jobs right now in their fight to survive...only when the oil dries up and they're unemployed again will they see what it did to the the mines that caught on fire and still burn underground north of here, streams and creeks that still have a tint of orange after 30 years, and the strip mining that left things barren and took years for nature to reclaim.

A few have banded together and figured out that normally a minimum number of signatures is needed to establish a new well (if a judge doesn't over ride it) some holdouts remain wallpapering rooms with the letters and being silent about it to their "friends". But the oil companies will continue to send out letters and reps...they are relentless...and time is on their side. 

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #159 on: January 03, 2019, 01:34:17 AM »
I know Russiagate is a hoax.  I was against the Iraq war.  Those who doubted the claims of 'reality' were called conspiracy theorists, yet everything they said turned out to be true and everything the 'reality' pushers were pushing was a lie.  Pretty much the same with every war.  I turned out to be right about Libya and Syria too. 

Yeah stick to just posting pictures, it's all you're capable of.  You accused me of being crazy with 2 subjects in your last post then I gave you the evidence.  You're too retarded to learn or admit when you got things wrong.

I post pictures when your content becomes too crazy for a serious response. I was tempted to post one more now but I wanted to be nice. The Ancient Aliens guy would have been more to the point, though, considering that you're not giving me or anyone else any evidence, you're just parroting conspiracy theories and (deliberately?) rewriting history.

You just had no answers when you got proved wrong.  So you resort to your pictures.  I gave you evidence to prove points which you were calling me crazy for.  You were ignorant of the facts so you just grab for your comfort blanket  :hahaha:

Benji is right again.
I never thought I would say this. Between you and Benji, you have nothing and Benji has it all over you, whereas Richard and Benji are equally matched in their respective debate and there are good points all around. I mostly disagree with Richard but he gives many pauses to consider and gives well thought out positions. Benji mostly has the right of it but Richard trumps his positions occasionally. You are outclassed by both of them.

How the mighty has regressed.

You are really a derpoholic
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Lestat

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #160 on: January 03, 2019, 02:57:46 AM »
'So far the water isn't flammable OR the toilet hasn't exploded yet' ?

So which is it? :tard:

And if you need an exploding toilet, I'd be happy to help. I've a few creative ways to make toilets explode, either when next flushed, or just about in time for you to dive out of the way, if you are quick; depending on your personal preferences. And bowl, cistern or both? since you are one of us, I'll even offer a discount on my services. Besides, I haven't exploded a toilet in quite some time, would be fun to keep my hand in (in terms of self-detonating privies, that is, not to keep my hand in the toilet :autism:)

If you want simple, just tie a string to one finger, just long enough to pull the bog seat down as you run for it, get a large chunk of potassium metal, sodium if it's all that's available (don't bother with lithium, it's too tame by far, and doesn't even much like to catch fire in water), say, about the size of an orange, and flush it down the loo.

Make sure you start the flush BEFORE you chuck the K or Na in the bog, because trust me, you'll want to put at least 15 meters or so between you and the toilet within the space of a couple of seconds. Because that is all you'll get before the toilet explodes violently.

Which reminds me....there is at least one toilet, for some unfathomable reason, lurking behind the garden shed. No idea where it came from, because I'm 99.5% sure *I* didn't steal it and put it there for later use. But it is, nevertheless, there. I wonder.....I just years fireworks would be a bit belated, but all the same...
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline odeon

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #161 on: January 03, 2019, 03:08:01 AM »
I know Russiagate is a hoax.  I was against the Iraq war.  Those who doubted the claims of 'reality' were called conspiracy theorists, yet everything they said turned out to be true and everything the 'reality' pushers were pushing was a lie.  Pretty much the same with every war.  I turned out to be right about Libya and Syria too. 

Yeah stick to just posting pictures, it's all you're capable of.  You accused me of being crazy with 2 subjects in your last post then I gave you the evidence.  You're too retarded to learn or admit when you got things wrong.

I post pictures when your content becomes too crazy for a serious response. I was tempted to post one more now but I wanted to be nice. The Ancient Aliens guy would have been more to the point, though, considering that you're not giving me or anyone else any evidence, you're just parroting conspiracy theories and (deliberately?) rewriting history.

You just had no answers when you got proved wrong.  So you resort to your pictures.  I gave you evidence to prove points which you were calling me crazy for.  You were ignorant of the facts so you just grab for your comfort blanket  :hahaha:

Benji is right again.
I never thought I would say this. Between you and Benji, you have nothing and Benji has it all over you, whereas Richard and Benji are equally matched in their respective debate and there are good points all around. I mostly disagree with Richard but he gives many pauses to consider and gives well thought out positions. Benji mostly has the right of it but Richard trumps his positions occasionally. You are outclassed by both of them.

How the mighty has regressed.

You are really a derpoholic

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #162 on: January 03, 2019, 10:14:32 AM »
'So far the water isn't flammable OR the toilet hasn't exploded yet' ?

So which is it? :tard:

There are two kinds or 'or' operation.....

Though, I think 'and' was better to express this.

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #163 on: January 03, 2019, 10:58:40 AM »

You are really a derpoholic

It's true - but, in this case, I think there really was no better answer.

As I said, you really don't want to get in the weeds with a conspiracy nut.
They've a lot invested in it, and most people don't. They shouldn't be trolling
the general public, who aren't deeply concerned with their particular fetishes,
but rather within those places where the establishment experts interact directly with the public.

They can't do that though - because that's precisely where the people with the appropriate
knowledge will be able to refute them, and they will look like absolute loons. Although honestly,
THIS one is pretty clear, prima facie.

There are cover-ups, conspiracies, and the like, but that's why we need a strong and independent
journalism. I think that between the options out there today, we have that. Certainly, if Faux could
have come up with anything damning on Killery or O'Bomb'em, they would have reported it. What's
in the public eye seems to clearly indicate (to me) that Drumpf is unfit to serve and that his campaign and
transition team were involved in illegal acts, regardless of anything further the special needs prosecutor
investigation ends up beyond this (and there are still plenty of open questions - as there were with

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #164 on: January 04, 2019, 09:46:58 AM »
I knew exactly what was meant. But there was far more comedic potential to be exploited by taking it the usual way.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.