Author Topic: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.  (Read 4262 times)

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Offline Calandale

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #120 on: December 30, 2018, 01:59:32 AM »

What you miss because of your ignorance is that there literally couldn't have been a worse President than Hillary.  If she was in now, Syria would be like Libya where there's child slave markets in the streets.

I thought she sets them up in pizza shops?

I know you're too much of a basic bitch to understand but Alex Jones is a fraud and a huckster.

Seems right up your alley.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #121 on: December 30, 2018, 02:00:55 AM »
If Trump has a dick pic who will be shocked? Nobody.

Nothing at this point shocks me about him. I know he wants Ivankas pussy, you don't need any Intel to know that

I think it has to be more twisted than just a common dick pic or Mueller wouldn't be wasting time with it.

Just a wild guess though. :laugh:

Offline odeon

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #122 on: December 30, 2018, 03:59:30 AM »
If Trump has a dick pic who will be shocked? Nobody.

Nothing at this point shocks me about him. I know he wants Ivankas pussy, you don't need any Intel to know that

I think it has to be more twisted than just a common dick pic or Mueller wouldn't be wasting time with it.

Just a wild guess though. :laugh:

A group shot, maybe? One night in Moscow?
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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #123 on: December 30, 2018, 07:43:33 AM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

Yes it has.  It armed and funded them too.  I know it's not nice to think about but it's reality.  The US created Al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan and the Saudis to fight the Soviets.  Not the Russians, the Soviet Union, which is dead.  The US worked with Al Qaeda before 9/11, during and after.  They acted as their airforce in Libya and have funded and armed them in Syria.
Because Russia was invading Afghanistan. The tribal areas grouped together, and we supported them. They then turned our weapons we gave them and used them for terrorism, I think the point you're missing is: Intent. We didnt intend to create any terrorist groups, we just didn't want Russia in the area gaining more control, so we were in a proxy war.

Kind of like what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. They almost always are the agesser, and so then somebody has to clean up the mess. Unfortunately it's the USA, and frankly I wouldn't be that critical of them because you in Europe have enjoyed pretty stable conditions in your neck of the woods despite Russia being your neighbor. If they could annex Europe they would

The Soviet Union might be dead but the idea isn't. Along with all their nuclear weapons

The Soviets.  The US didn't stop supporting Al Qaeda after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lol don't start the story in the middle.  The US launched a military coup using neo Nazis in Ukraine In 2014 to remove the elected leader then installed a US puppet.  Ukraine outlawed the Russian language in Crimea thst is mostly Russian speaking. 

The Soviet Union was a Communist regime.  Russia now is a capitalist country.
I didn't start the story in the middle. You obviously for whatever reason don't understand intent and love the motherland. But we can agree to disagree

Russia is not a capitalist country. It's run by a former KGB agent acting as a defacto dictator. But do tell me more, they want their land back. That's why they jumped the fence in the Ukraine, they always want more land.

Frankly I wish we didn't protect you Europeans. You're so ungrateful

Is that you Donald?   :lol1:

Yes it's a capitalist country.  The Soviet Union imploded 30 years ago.
Be sure to read Benji.

In basic terms one may label the Russian economy as capitalist. But certainly not a free-enterprise economy, free market NOR a capitalist country in context of American capitalism.

More accurately one would label Russia’s economy as a statist-corporate economy working in an authoritarian environment. Russia’s large corporations often get orders from the government- this does not happen in a free enterprise economy. Russia’s economy is tightly controlled by the government via banking and elite government holdings of stock in major companies. So just as South Korea and Japan- are corporate - statist economies- with a lack of free market freedoms. Japanese, Korean and Chinese companies- and economy have industrial policies, and take actions not on free market economic supply and demand- but on ORDERS and directives- based on a nexus of Government, Banks and corporations- working together at the behest of the government and its set industrial policies- VERY different from the American capitalist free market economy.

Lol.  I like how you attack Russia for working pretty much the same way the US works.  To make out the US has true free markets is outrageous.  Big companies like Boeing get subsidies from the public and the profits are for the company.  Look what happened when the banks failed, the public bailed them out with trillions of dollars.  Public pays the costs, private companies and their friends in government etc enjoy the profits.  Obama's 'affordable health care' stops competition across state borders and from other companies.  It's like that across the board, with student loans the most absurd.  Because of this crony capitalism you have the rise of socialism haha.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #124 on: December 30, 2018, 07:51:56 AM »

What you miss because of your ignorance is that there literally couldn't have been a worse President than Hillary.  If she was in now, Syria would be like Libya where there's child slave markets in the streets.

I thought she sets them up in pizza shops?

I know you're too much of a basic bitch to understand but Alex Jones is a fraud and a huckster.

Seems right up your alley.

The irony being that you're as bad as Alex Jones's fans on the opposite side of the spectrum.  You're too much of a basic bitch and don't have any critical thinking skills.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Lestat

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #125 on: December 30, 2018, 08:48:24 AM »
Doesn't ANY image of the sunburned satsuma count as a dick pic?

And pulling out of syria? what did you all expect? he's finished fucking them, so what did you expect but for him to pull out?

All that's left (for someone with his standards at least) is to wipe his dick on their face and upload it to a real cheap-ass porn site.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #126 on: December 30, 2018, 11:44:54 AM »

What you miss because of your ignorance is that there literally couldn't have been a worse President than Hillary.  If she was in now, Syria would be like Libya where there's child slave markets in the streets.

I thought she sets them up in pizza shops?

I know you're too much of a basic bitch to understand but Alex Jones is a fraud and a huckster.

Seems right up your alley.

The irony being that you're as bad as Alex Jones's fans on the opposite side of the spectrum.  You're too much of a basic bitch and don't have any critical thinking skills.

By 'opposite side' it seems you mean objective reality.

As opposed to your carefully crafted conspiracy theories.

You've put so much work into them that your level of investment means you
(a) know a great deal about the matters and (b) cannot be convinced you are wrong.

It's not worth trying to argue with such folk. It's worth talking to anyone who falls
under their sway though.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2018, 11:46:54 AM by Calandale »

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #127 on: December 30, 2018, 12:00:22 PM »

What you miss because of your ignorance is that there literally couldn't have been a worse President than Hillary.  If she was in now, Syria would be like Libya where there's child slave markets in the streets.

I thought she sets them up in pizza shops?

I know you're too much of a basic bitch to understand but Alex Jones is a fraud and a huckster.

Seems right up your alley.

The irony being that you're as bad as Alex Jones's fans on the opposite side of the spectrum.  You're too much of a basic bitch and don't have any critical thinking skills.

By 'opposite side' it seems you mean objective reality.

As opposed to your carefully crafted conspiracy theories.

You've put so much work into them that your level of investment means you
(a) know a great deal about the matters and (b) cannot be convinced you are wrong.

It's not worth trying to argue with such folk. It's worth talking to anyone who falls
under their sway though.

I know Russiagate is a hoax.  I was against the Iraq war.  Those who doubted the claims of 'reality' were called conspiracy theorists, yet everything they said turned out to be true and everything the 'reality' pushers were pushing was a lie.  Pretty much the same with every war.  I turned out to be right about Libya and Syria too.  Here's a great example of 'reality' turning out to be a pack of lies before the first Iraq war.

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #128 on: December 30, 2018, 12:02:27 PM »
I've been wrong about a great deal of issues.  And have had to change my mind pretty much 180.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Calandale

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #129 on: December 30, 2018, 12:09:53 PM »

Offline Jesse

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #130 on: December 30, 2018, 12:48:51 PM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

Yes it has.  It armed and funded them too.  I know it's not nice to think about but it's reality.  The US created Al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan and the Saudis to fight the Soviets.  Not the Russians, the Soviet Union, which is dead.  The US worked with Al Qaeda before 9/11, during and after.  They acted as their airforce in Libya and have funded and armed them in Syria.
Because Russia was invading Afghanistan. The tribal areas grouped together, and we supported them. They then turned our weapons we gave them and used them for terrorism, I think the point you're missing is: Intent. We didnt intend to create any terrorist groups, we just didn't want Russia in the area gaining more control, so we were in a proxy war.

Kind of like what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. They almost always are the agesser, and so then somebody has to clean up the mess. Unfortunately it's the USA, and frankly I wouldn't be that critical of them because you in Europe have enjoyed pretty stable conditions in your neck of the woods despite Russia being your neighbor. If they could annex Europe they would

The Soviet Union might be dead but the idea isn't. Along with all their nuclear weapons

The Soviets.  The US didn't stop supporting Al Qaeda after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lol don't start the story in the middle.  The US launched a military coup using neo Nazis in Ukraine In 2014 to remove the elected leader then installed a US puppet.  Ukraine outlawed the Russian language in Crimea thst is mostly Russian speaking. 

The Soviet Union was a Communist regime.  Russia now is a capitalist country.
I didn't start the story in the middle. You obviously for whatever reason don't understand intent and love the motherland. But we can agree to disagree

Russia is not a capitalist country. It's run by a former KGB agent acting as a defacto dictator. But do tell me more, they want their land back. That's why they jumped the fence in the Ukraine, they always want more land.

Frankly I wish we didn't protect you Europeans. You're so ungrateful

Is that you Donald?   :lol1:

Yes it's a capitalist country.  The Soviet Union imploded 30 years ago.
Be sure to read Benji.

In basic terms one may label the Russian economy as capitalist. But certainly not a free-enterprise economy, free market NOR a capitalist country in context of American capitalism.

More accurately one would label Russia’s economy as a statist-corporate economy working in an authoritarian environment. Russia’s large corporations often get orders from the government- this does not happen in a free enterprise economy. Russia’s economy is tightly controlled by the government via banking and elite government holdings of stock in major companies. So just as South Korea and Japan- are corporate - statist economies- with a lack of free market freedoms. Japanese, Korean and Chinese companies- and economy have industrial policies, and take actions not on free market economic supply and demand- but on ORDERS and directives- based on a nexus of Government, Banks and corporations- working together at the behest of the government and its set industrial policies- VERY different from the American capitalist free market economy.

Lol.  I like how you attack Russia for working pretty much the same way the US works.  To make out the US has true free markets is outrageous.  Big companies like Boeing get subsidies from the public and the profits are for the company.  Look what happened when the banks failed, the public bailed them out with trillions of dollars.  Public pays the costs, private companies and their friends in government etc enjoy the profits.  Obama's 'affordable health care' stops competition across state borders and from other companies.  It's like that across the board, with student loans the most absurd.  Because of this crony capitalism you have the rise of socialism haha.
Okay so you're missing the point, and or are trying to change the goal posts. The reason the banks got bailed out is because they had to be, least there was total chaos and you'd have raping and pillaging in the streets. Getting subsidies is not the same as the government owning the companies, Benji. I know youre not this dumb or maybe you are, either way Russia's economy is small. It will always be small. Because they're not true capitalist much like the Chinease economy. In short nobody trusts a communist or a 'semi presidential republic' whatever the hell that means lol

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #131 on: December 30, 2018, 12:58:40 PM »
And believe me our socialism is nothing like yours over in Europe.

Our country makes it hard for anybody to get assistance, your country practically signs you up when you're  born. There is a lot of corruption in our politics however. That I will agree

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #132 on: December 30, 2018, 01:00:23 PM »
If Trump has a dick pic who will be shocked? Nobody.

Nothing at this point shocks me about him. I know he wants Ivankas pussy, you don't need any Intel to know that


I think it has to be more twisted than just a common dick pic or Mueller wouldn't be wasting time with it.

Just a wild guess though. :laugh:

A group shot, maybe? One night in Moscow?

Offline odeon

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #133 on: December 30, 2018, 01:47:52 PM »
I know Russiagate is a hoax.  I was against the Iraq war.  Those who doubted the claims of 'reality' were called conspiracy theorists, yet everything they said turned out to be true and everything the 'reality' pushers were pushing was a lie.  Pretty much the same with every war.  I turned out to be right about Libya and Syria too. 

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #134 on: December 30, 2018, 02:15:26 PM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

Yes it has.  It armed and funded them too.  I know it's not nice to think about but it's reality.  The US created Al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan and the Saudis to fight the Soviets.  Not the Russians, the Soviet Union, which is dead.  The US worked with Al Qaeda before 9/11, during and after.  They acted as their airforce in Libya and have funded and armed them in Syria.
Because Russia was invading Afghanistan. The tribal areas grouped together, and we supported them. They then turned our weapons we gave them and used them for terrorism, I think the point you're missing is: Intent. We didnt intend to create any terrorist groups, we just didn't want Russia in the area gaining more control, so we were in a proxy war.

Kind of like what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. They almost always are the agesser, and so then somebody has to clean up the mess. Unfortunately it's the USA, and frankly I wouldn't be that critical of them because you in Europe have enjoyed pretty stable conditions in your neck of the woods despite Russia being your neighbor. If they could annex Europe they would

The Soviet Union might be dead but the idea isn't. Along with all their nuclear weapons

The Soviets.  The US didn't stop supporting Al Qaeda after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lol don't start the story in the middle.  The US launched a military coup using neo Nazis in Ukraine In 2014 to remove the elected leader then installed a US puppet.  Ukraine outlawed the Russian language in Crimea thst is mostly Russian speaking. 

The Soviet Union was a Communist regime.  Russia now is a capitalist country.
I didn't start the story in the middle. You obviously for whatever reason don't understand intent and love the motherland. But we can agree to disagree

Russia is not a capitalist country. It's run by a former KGB agent acting as a defacto dictator. But do tell me more, they want their land back. That's why they jumped the fence in the Ukraine, they always want more land.

Frankly I wish we didn't protect you Europeans. You're so ungrateful

Is that you Donald?   :lol1:

Yes it's a capitalist country.  The Soviet Union imploded 30 years ago.
Be sure to read Benji.

In basic terms one may label the Russian economy as capitalist. But certainly not a free-enterprise economy, free market NOR a capitalist country in context of American capitalism.

More accurately one would label Russia’s economy as a statist-corporate economy working in an authoritarian environment. Russia’s large corporations often get orders from the government- this does not happen in a free enterprise economy. Russia’s economy is tightly controlled by the government via banking and elite government holdings of stock in major companies. So just as South Korea and Japan- are corporate - statist economies- with a lack of free market freedoms. Japanese, Korean and Chinese companies- and economy have industrial policies, and take actions not on free market economic supply and demand- but on ORDERS and directives- based on a nexus of Government, Banks and corporations- working together at the behest of the government and its set industrial policies- VERY different from the American capitalist free market economy.

Lol.  I like how you attack Russia for working pretty much the same way the US works.  To make out the US has true free markets is outrageous.  Big companies like Boeing get subsidies from the public and the profits are for the company.  Look what happened when the banks failed, the public bailed them out with trillions of dollars.  Public pays the costs, private companies and their friends in government etc enjoy the profits.  Obama's 'affordable health care' stops competition across state borders and from other companies.  It's like that across the board, with student loans the most absurd.  Because of this crony capitalism you have the rise of socialism haha.
Okay so you're missing the point, and or are trying to change the goal posts. The reason the banks got bailed out is because they had to be, least there was total chaos and you'd have raping and pillaging in the streets. Getting subsidies is not the same as the government owning the companies, Benji. I know youre not this dumb or maybe you are, either way Russia's economy is small. It will always be small. Because they're not true capitalist much like the Chinease economy. In short nobody trusts a communist or a 'semi presidential republic' whatever the hell that means lol

They caused the mess.  They didn't have to be bailed out and if it was a true free market they wouldn't have been.  I didn't say it was, they are in it together.  It's socialism, for the rich. 

Their economy is small but they have changed things around with exports like gas and grain under Putin. 

If the US was a true free market society then libertarians like Ron Paul could rest easily.  Check out Noam Chomsky- Free Market Fantasies.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry: