Author Topic: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.  (Read 4263 times)

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #90 on: December 26, 2018, 05:22:37 PM »
People in the intelligence community are saying that McGivern only includes what he wants to believe.

But re what the investigation should be about: With people as stupid as Trump & Co, they shit all over the place, unable to help themselves. They aren't good at hiding their tracks. Of course they end up in the investigation.

Please don't pretend you knew who McGovern was.  He used to be CIA himself and really got involved when he saw ex colleagues lying about the Iraq war.  In reality he includes information that they don't like.  The intelligence agencies lie about everything. 

Politics is full of corruption.  Trump and the Kushner family especially.  Trump is too much of an outsider who is too independent to be trusted.  The Clintons are far more corrupted but get away with everything.  Though Mr Clinton was let off when he bombed Iraq.  When impeachment was dropped he stopped bombing Iraq.

Not "was". "Is". He's not dead, just old. And I do know who he is, even though I'm betting our sources differ.
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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #91 on: December 27, 2018, 08:16:26 AM »
People in the intelligence community are saying that McGivern only includes what he wants to believe.

But re what the investigation should be about: With people as stupid as Trump & Co, they shit all over the place, unable to help themselves. They aren't good at hiding their tracks. Of course they end up in the investigation.

Please don't pretend you knew who McGovern was.  He used to be CIA himself and really got involved when he saw ex colleagues lying about the Iraq war.  In reality he includes information that they don't like.  The intelligence agencies lie about everything. 

Politics is full of corruption.  Trump and the Kushner family especially.  Trump is too much of an outsider who is too independent to be trusted.  The Clintons are far more corrupted but get away with everything.  Though Mr Clinton was let off when he bombed Iraq.  When impeachment was dropped he stopped bombing Iraq.

Not "was". "Is". He's not dead, just old. And I do know who he is, even though I'm betting our sources differ.

Na.  He provides sources and has debunked 'Russiagate'.  You just quickly looked him up on Wikipedia.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Jesse

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #92 on: December 27, 2018, 10:19:35 AM »
Well because ISIS is defeated! So he had no need for him. I mean you really cannot make this stuff up

I hope the world doesn't go to hell in a hand basket during the next two years bit it probably will.

Well everyone, at least ISIS is no more so we have that to look forward too.  :laugh:

That's odd.  Because some of the voices criticising Trump were saying how could Trump stab the Kurds in the back after they helped you DEFEAT ISIS.
Nothing funnier than some overseas schmoe that likes Donald. I guess though we will all have to wait and see if ISIS is really defeated, but I think the point is Terrorism begets terrorism. Even if they are no more some dummy will just take up their banner and form a new group and that is the point Mr. World affairs

Offline Jesse

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #93 on: December 27, 2018, 10:49:13 AM »
Well because ISIS is defeated! So he had no need for him. I mean you really cannot make this stuff up

I hope the world doesn't go to hell in a hand basket during the next two years bit it probably will.

Well everyone, at least ISIS is no more so we have that to look forward too.  :laugh:

"No more" or "defeated", they are not mutually exclusive. What do you mean? You arent pretending that defeat means exterminate are you?

It was accepted knowledge on both sides of the aisle that ISIS had been reduced to a shadow of its former self.

Now with Mattis resigning and Trump pulling out of Syria everyone is pretending his war against ISIS was negligible. Fake news that only the ignorant or stupid believe.

Make a case by all means that  even at their drastically reduced numbers, they are a threat that the Russians and Kurds cant handle. Make a case that their recruiting efforts are somehow depleting their ranks quickly. Make a reasoned case but dont regurgitate stupid fake media talking points.

When you say something is no more, then if it comes back what do you call it? The one thing I know about Terrorism is even if you stop one faction another pops up in its place, it's kinda like the game wack-a-mole at the carnival. In any regards I do not trust a reality tv star acting like he's a statesman to know anything about planet earth let alone middle eastern politics. The only fake news I can see comes out of his mouth on a daily basis in the form of lies that his rabid fan base believe. Because in reality it's not just an ordinary following - It has turned into a cult

You can think outside the box as a leader but when you start lying everyday and your groupies believe you that's when you lose all credibility. Ending wars are a great thing, but when the processional general (Mattis) says he's had enough of Trumps bullshit that's when you know things are gonna get ugly, know why Trump can't keep hardly anybody in his administration? Because he's running this country like it's Trump tower. Nobody tells the baby king anything! Your fired!

Need I go on? This isn't a company. It's a country

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #94 on: December 28, 2018, 04:35:13 AM »
People in the intelligence community are saying that McGivern only includes what he wants to believe.

But re what the investigation should be about: With people as stupid as Trump & Co, they shit all over the place, unable to help themselves. They aren't good at hiding their tracks. Of course they end up in the investigation.

Please don't pretend you knew who McGovern was.  He used to be CIA himself and really got involved when he saw ex colleagues lying about the Iraq war.  In reality he includes information that they don't like.  The intelligence agencies lie about everything. 

Politics is full of corruption.  Trump and the Kushner family especially.  Trump is too much of an outsider who is too independent to be trusted.  The Clintons are far more corrupted but get away with everything.  Though Mr Clinton was let off when he bombed Iraq.  When impeachment was dropped he stopped bombing Iraq.

Not "was". "Is". He's not dead, just old. And I do know who he is, even though I'm betting our sources differ.

Na.  He provides sources and has debunked 'Russiagate'.  You just quickly looked him up on Wikipedia.

Actually his name first came up a long time ago, when Bush went to war. And I was discussing my sources as opposed to yours, not McGovern's. I'm guessing yours are still mostly whatever conspiracy theorists that are the current fad among kooks such as yourself, because let's face it, Benji, you're all over the place.

As for the current mess, McGovern's opinions carry little actual weight. I very much doubt he's got access to anything Mueller's investigation doesn't.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #95 on: December 28, 2018, 10:12:02 AM »
People in the intelligence community are saying that McGivern only includes what he wants to believe.

But re what the investigation should be about: With people as stupid as Trump & Co, they shit all over the place, unable to help themselves. They aren't good at hiding their tracks. Of course they end up in the investigation.

Please don't pretend you knew who McGovern was.  He used to be CIA himself and really got involved when he saw ex colleagues lying about the Iraq war.  In reality he includes information that they don't like.  The intelligence agencies lie about everything. 

Politics is full of corruption.  Trump and the Kushner family especially.  Trump is too much of an outsider who is too independent to be trusted.  The Clintons are far more corrupted but get away with everything.  Though Mr Clinton was let off when he bombed Iraq.  When impeachment was dropped he stopped bombing Iraq.

Not "was". "Is". He's not dead, just old. And I do know who he is, even though I'm betting our sources differ.

Na.  He provides sources and has debunked 'Russiagate'.  You just quickly looked him up on Wikipedia.

Actually his name first came up a long time ago, when Bush went to war. And I was discussing my sources as opposed to yours, not McGovern's. I'm guessing yours are still mostly whatever conspiracy theorists that are the current fad among kooks such as yourself, because let's face it, Benji, you're all over the place.

As for the current mess, McGovern's opinions carry little actual weight. I very much doubt he's got access to anything Mueller's investigation doesn't.

It did, but I doubt you knew anything about it.  What are you doubting?  Give me a list.  You're the one pushing kooky conspiracy theories about Russian ghosts. 

If Mueller had anything Trump would already be finished.  He wouldn't be scrapping the barrel with hookers.  It's embarrassing.  Mueller is a proven crook and liar. 

And it's utterly hilarious that now the US is pulling out, Al Qaeda has surrendered.  And Israel bombed Syria on Christmas day.  I've said from the start the US has been supporting Al Qaeda in Syria and that this is Israel's war and I've been proven right.  You've been falling for CNN's garbage about the Mueller investigation for 2 and a half years and each conspiracy theory about Russia gets debunked but you never learn.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #96 on: December 28, 2018, 10:14:56 AM »
Well because ISIS is defeated! So he had no need for him. I mean you really cannot make this stuff up

I hope the world doesn't go to hell in a hand basket during the next two years bit it probably will.

Well everyone, at least ISIS is no more so we have that to look forward too.  :laugh:

That's odd.  Because some of the voices criticising Trump were saying how could Trump stab the Kurds in the back after they helped you DEFEAT ISIS.
Nothing funnier than some overseas schmoe that likes Donald. I guess though we will all have to wait and see if ISIS is really defeated, but I think the point is Terrorism begets terrorism. Even if they are no more some dummy will just take up their banner and form a new group and that is the point Mr. World affairs

The US has been protecting the Jihadists the whole time.  Now the US has announced it is leaving Al Qaeda have surrendered lol.  The US created ISIS and Al Qaeda.  The best way for terrorism to end is for the US to fuck off and focus on its own problems
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Jesse

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #97 on: December 28, 2018, 10:41:42 AM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 10:46:50 AM by Jesse »

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #98 on: December 28, 2018, 11:17:17 AM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

Yes it has.  It armed and funded them too.  I know it's not nice to think about but it's reality.  The US created Al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan and the Saudis to fight the Soviets.  Not the Russians, the Soviet Union, which is dead.  The US worked with Al Qaeda before 9/11, during and after.  They acted as their airforce in Libya and have funded and armed them in Syria.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline odeon

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #99 on: December 28, 2018, 11:38:54 AM »
People in the intelligence community are saying that McGivern only includes what he wants to believe.

But re what the investigation should be about: With people as stupid as Trump & Co, they shit all over the place, unable to help themselves. They aren't good at hiding their tracks. Of course they end up in the investigation.

Please don't pretend you knew who McGovern was.  He used to be CIA himself and really got involved when he saw ex colleagues lying about the Iraq war.  In reality he includes information that they don't like.  The intelligence agencies lie about everything. 

Politics is full of corruption.  Trump and the Kushner family especially.  Trump is too much of an outsider who is too independent to be trusted.  The Clintons are far more corrupted but get away with everything.  Though Mr Clinton was let off when he bombed Iraq.  When impeachment was dropped he stopped bombing Iraq.

Not "was". "Is". He's not dead, just old. And I do know who he is, even though I'm betting our sources differ.

Na.  He provides sources and has debunked 'Russiagate'.  You just quickly looked him up on Wikipedia.

Actually his name first came up a long time ago, when Bush went to war. And I was discussing my sources as opposed to yours, not McGovern's. I'm guessing yours are still mostly whatever conspiracy theorists that are the current fad among kooks such as yourself, because let's face it, Benji, you're all over the place.

As for the current mess, McGovern's opinions carry little actual weight. I very much doubt he's got access to anything Mueller's investigation doesn't.

It did, but I doubt you knew anything about it.  What are you doubting?  Give me a list.  You're the one pushing kooky conspiracy theories about Russian ghosts. 

If Mueller had anything Trump would already be finished.  He wouldn't be scrapping the barrel with hookers.  It's embarrassing.  Mueller is a proven crook and liar. 

And it's utterly hilarious that now the US is pulling out, Al Qaeda has surrendered.  And Israel bombed Syria on Christmas day.  I've said from the start the US has been supporting Al Qaeda in Syria and that this is Israel's war and I've been proven right.  You've been falling for CNN's garbage about the Mueller investigation for 2 and a half years and each conspiracy theory about Russia gets debunked but you never learn.

a) I'm not pushing anything. It's all over the news.
b) Mueller takes the time he needs. I'm sure Cohen, Flynn and Manafort all think it's embarrassing.
c) I'm not sure why you're talking about Al Qaeda, nor why you think you've been proven right. Or, for that matter, what you'd be right about. You're not making much sense.
d) Russia's meddling in the US election is a fact, not a theory. The question is about Trump's involvement in the Russian meddling.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Jesse

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #100 on: December 28, 2018, 11:58:23 AM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

Yes it has.  It armed and funded them too.  I know it's not nice to think about but it's reality.  The US created Al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan and the Saudis to fight the Soviets.  Not the Russians, the Soviet Union, which is dead.  The US worked with Al Qaeda before 9/11, during and after.  They acted as their airforce in Libya and have funded and armed them in Syria.
Because Russia was invading Afghanistan. The tribal areas grouped together, and we supported them. They then turned our weapons we gave them and used them for terrorism, I think the point you're missing is: Intent. We didnt intend to create any terrorist groups, we just didn't want Russia in the area gaining more control, so we were in a proxy war.

Kind of like what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. They almost always are the agesser, and so then somebody has to clean up the mess. Unfortunately it's the USA, and frankly I wouldn't be that critical of them because you in Europe have enjoyed pretty stable conditions in your neck of the woods despite Russia being your neighbor. If they could annex Europe they would

The Soviet Union might be dead but the idea isn't. Along with all their nuclear weapons

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #101 on: December 28, 2018, 12:23:08 PM »
People in the intelligence community are saying that McGivern only includes what he wants to believe.

But re what the investigation should be about: With people as stupid as Trump & Co, they shit all over the place, unable to help themselves. They aren't good at hiding their tracks. Of course they end up in the investigation.

Please don't pretend you knew who McGovern was.  He used to be CIA himself and really got involved when he saw ex colleagues lying about the Iraq war.  In reality he includes information that they don't like.  The intelligence agencies lie about everything. 

Politics is full of corruption.  Trump and the Kushner family especially.  Trump is too much of an outsider who is too independent to be trusted.  The Clintons are far more corrupted but get away with everything.  Though Mr Clinton was let off when he bombed Iraq.  When impeachment was dropped he stopped bombing Iraq.

Not "was". "Is". He's not dead, just old. And I do know who he is, even though I'm betting our sources differ.

Na.  He provides sources and has debunked 'Russiagate'.  You just quickly looked him up on Wikipedia.

Actually his name first came up a long time ago, when Bush went to war. And I was discussing my sources as opposed to yours, not McGovern's. I'm guessing yours are still mostly whatever conspiracy theorists that are the current fad among kooks such as yourself, because let's face it, Benji, you're all over the place.

As for the current mess, McGovern's opinions carry little actual weight. I very much doubt he's got access to anything Mueller's investigation doesn't.

It did, but I doubt you knew anything about it.  What are you doubting?  Give me a list.  You're the one pushing kooky conspiracy theories about Russian ghosts. 

If Mueller had anything Trump would already be finished.  He wouldn't be scrapping the barrel with hookers.  It's embarrassing.  Mueller is a proven crook and liar. 

And it's utterly hilarious that now the US is pulling out, Al Qaeda has surrendered.  And Israel bombed Syria on Christmas day.  I've said from the start the US has been supporting Al Qaeda in Syria and that this is Israel's war and I've been proven right.  You've been falling for CNN's garbage about the Mueller investigation for 2 and a half years and each conspiracy theory about Russia gets debunked but you never learn.

a) I'm not pushing anything. It's all over the news.
b) Mueller takes the time he needs. I'm sure Cohen, Flynn and Manafort all think it's embarrassing.
c) I'm not sure why you're talking about Al Qaeda, nor why you think you've been proven right. Or, for that matter, what you'd be right about. You're not making much sense.
d) Russia's meddling in the US election is a fact, not a theory. The question is about Trump's involvement in the Russian meddling.

Yes.  You've been pushing the conspiracy theories about Russia and Trump for over 2 years, and yep the mainstream media has been pushing them too. 
He's wasting taxpayers money on a sham investigation.
None of those have anything to do with 'collusion'. 
I know you don't understand and it doesn't make sense to you.
With $4700 worth of Google ads?  Are you fucking insane? 

And oh dear, it's all going a bit wrong...

New Knowledge, a leading firm on Russia related cyber issues, was one of the two firms whose report on Russian activities during the presidential election was published by the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month.

The report claims that the Russians troll farms used all social media platforms and even mobile games such as Pokemon Go to influence the election and allegedly sway voters to President Trump.

“The scale was massive,” New Knowledge researchers wrote of Russian disinformation, with the alleged campaign “reaching 126 million people on Facebook, posting 10.4 million tweets on Twitter, uploading 1,000+ videos to YouTube, and reaching over 20 million users on Instagram.”

But the credibility of the cybersecurity firm took a hit after revelations in the New York Times that it collaborated with another firm, American Engagement Technologies, to replicate those very same alleged Russian tactics during the Alabama Senate race.

The secret effort, dubbed as the “Birmingham Project,” was facilitated by AET, a firm run by former Obama official Mikey Dickerson and funded by Silicon Valley billionaire Reid Hoffman, allocating $100,000 for the project.

The internal report of the Birmingham Project openly states that the group “ran a digital messaging operation to influence the outcome of the AL senate race” between September and December of 2017, according to BuzzFeed.

According to BuzzFeed, Dickerson and Sara Hudson, a former Department of Justice employee who went on to work for another firm funded by Hoffman, spoke at a private meeting in September where they said their secret project managed to suppress Republican votes, energize Democratic voters and plant a “false flag” against the Republican campaign.

The Birmingham Project's internal report also takes credit for the high Democratic turnout and a drop in Republican turnout and said their campaign led to increased votes for write-in candidates.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #102 on: December 28, 2018, 12:25:47 PM »
Oh dear.  What a farce. 

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #103 on: December 28, 2018, 12:30:27 PM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

Yes it has.  It armed and funded them too.  I know it's not nice to think about but it's reality.  The US created Al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan and the Saudis to fight the Soviets.  Not the Russians, the Soviet Union, which is dead.  The US worked with Al Qaeda before 9/11, during and after.  They acted as their airforce in Libya and have funded and armed them in Syria.
Because Russia was invading Afghanistan. The tribal areas grouped together, and we supported them. They then turned our weapons we gave them and used them for terrorism, I think the point you're missing is: Intent. We didnt intend to create any terrorist groups, we just didn't want Russia in the area gaining more control, so we were in a proxy war.

Kind of like what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. They almost always are the agesser, and so then somebody has to clean up the mess. Unfortunately it's the USA, and frankly I wouldn't be that critical of them because you in Europe have enjoyed pretty stable conditions in your neck of the woods despite Russia being your neighbor. If they could annex Europe they would

The Soviet Union might be dead but the idea isn't. Along with all their nuclear weapons

The Soviets.  The US didn't stop supporting Al Qaeda after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lol don't start the story in the middle.  The US launched a military coup using neo Nazis in Ukraine In 2014 to remove the elected leader then installed a US puppet.  Ukraine outlawed the Russian language in Crimea thst is mostly Russian speaking. 

The Soviet Union was a Communist regime.  Russia now is a capitalist country.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline Jesse

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Re: Trump pulls out of Syria, forces "Mad Dog" Mattis to resign.
« Reply #104 on: December 28, 2018, 12:42:17 PM »
No the United States hasn't been protecting the Jihadists, we backed Osama Bin Laden because he was fighting a war with Russia, and Russia aggression. Osama then later took what we gave him and his group and turned it into a holy war. That isn't starting with intention to create a terrorist group, it turned into a terrorist group because they're opportunists, if anybody is to blame for that it's Russia

But I do agree, that we need to mind our own business. But then again War is profitable, and surprise that's why they do it. Either way, you could say by defacto the USA started al qaeda, because of a proxy war with Russia. But If anybody started these terrorist groups that split it was Russia.

Yes it has.  It armed and funded them too.  I know it's not nice to think about but it's reality.  The US created Al Qaeda with the help of Pakistan and the Saudis to fight the Soviets.  Not the Russians, the Soviet Union, which is dead.  The US worked with Al Qaeda before 9/11, during and after.  They acted as their airforce in Libya and have funded and armed them in Syria.
Because Russia was invading Afghanistan. The tribal areas grouped together, and we supported them. They then turned our weapons we gave them and used them for terrorism, I think the point you're missing is: Intent. We didnt intend to create any terrorist groups, we just didn't want Russia in the area gaining more control, so we were in a proxy war.

Kind of like what Russia is doing in the Ukraine. They almost always are the agesser, and so then somebody has to clean up the mess. Unfortunately it's the USA, and frankly I wouldn't be that critical of them because you in Europe have enjoyed pretty stable conditions in your neck of the woods despite Russia being your neighbor. If they could annex Europe they would

The Soviet Union might be dead but the idea isn't. Along with all their nuclear weapons

The Soviets.  The US didn't stop supporting Al Qaeda after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Lol don't start the story in the middle.  The US launched a military coup using neo Nazis in Ukraine In 2014 to remove the elected leader then installed a US puppet.  Ukraine outlawed the Russian language in Crimea thst is mostly Russian speaking. 

The Soviet Union was a Communist regime.  Russia now is a capitalist country.
I didn't start the story in the middle. You obviously for whatever reason don't understand intent and love the motherland. But we can agree to disagree

Russia is not a capitalist country. It's run by a former KGB agent acting as a defacto dictator. But do tell me more, they want their land back. That's why they jumped the fence in the Ukraine, they always want more land.

Frankly I wish we didn't protect you Europeans. You're so ungrateful