My mum grew up with fuck all. It didn't turn her into a thief.
could say the exact same thing about my Mum. Where did I say that
all poor people are desperate? and that
all desperate people turn to theft? just that there's an undeniable correllation between these things; and that the notion that people live in squalid conditions because they're contemptible people is a totally nuts way of explaining that correlation. It's a lot like that Nazi propaganda that said Jews were dirty people who carried nasty diseases, whilst squashing them into ghettos with such poor sanitation that it turned into a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Your average German citizen was dumb enough to fall for that sort of "logic"", and - surprise , surprise, so are a lot of comfortably-off people (and even some of the poor people too) today. In the UK, the Tory party has sucessfully demonised the poor, using similar rhetorical tricks and propaganda. So, naturally, whenever you throw little bits of that toxic propanda into this forum as mindless little sound-bites, it gets right up my nose; and i sincerely
hope you're just trolling when you do that.
About me - if you knew...
Well, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'd much sooner know about
you than about your (mostly obnoxious) opinions and your (presumably empty) boasts. But you're not giving us the chance to know about
you, are you? (not that I altogether blame you for that

This is not the best place for exposing your vulnerability, is it?)