Compare. Add your own
Liberal places tend to be more affluent, expensive yet generous with their social safety net. High taxes though, High cost of living.
Conservative places tend to be more behind the times, religious and more affordable with lower taxes and no real good social safety nets other than churches
Living in Northern California, there was both. The inner farm land areas were all Republican and the coast was all Democratic, big cities tend to be Liberal. Rual areas tend to be Conservative, as much as I hate to say this Is rather live in a Conservative area because the cost of living is better. It's a trade off I'd rather not have to make because I'm probably more socially liberal but it always comes down to money. The parties seem to be no different
It's interesting how political parties basically effect our everyday lives regardless if we like it or not, we need political free zones!

I think a basic inforstructor and government is needed however too far left of the issue and too far right always seems to rule the very middle that we all need.