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Offline Walkie

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #105 on: June 27, 2019, 05:00:38 PM »
My MP is a Brexiteer. 
Oh? which party?  I only know of two parties that strongly supported Brexit. Those were The socialist Party (Marxist) and Farage's lot, UKip, of course. Both the Tory party and the Junior Tories (AKA Labour) were split down the middle by the issue, as everybody knows....In short, I get the very strong impression that I'm supposed to draw a conclusion from that info, but that just isn't realistic  if you think about it.

Shut up Ken Loach
I imagine that's intended as a critique of his  recent film "I, Daniel Blake" ? I suppose it's too much to hope that you actually troubled to watch it before forming an opinion?

The people who vote Labour here are fucking the candidate and sending her a sympathy vote.
Well . it's lucky for your  MP  (whoever s/he is) that  he  didn't have you campaigning on his behalf.  I reckon  you'd have  lost him/her even the sympathy vote, with that attitude.  Seriously, you've certainly lost mine already.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 05:02:53 PM by Walkie »

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #106 on: June 27, 2019, 05:56:01 PM »
They call themselves Progressives because it sounds a lot nicer than "Cultural Marxists".

I'm sure I'll regret jumping in here, but can we can one thing straight?
Nobody wants to call themself  a "Cultural Marxist"" because there's no such thing.   So far as I can gather, it's just an alternative  term of abuse for an SJW. We all know you hate SJW's , Al.  Doesn't everybody ? But please stop palming them off on the political left. We don't want them any more than you do.
SJWs are just the modern equivalalent of the smug, self-righteous   Victorian do-gooder. Except they're uglier and doing much less good.

Marxism , on the other hand, is anti- capitalist by definition.  Somebody who's absolutely  fine with Capitalism, just so long  as  the back lesbian Muslim gets her turn at cracking the whip is not a Marxist, no sort of Marxist at all.

Wikipedia has a pretty good definition...

Marxism is a theory and method of working-class self-emancipation. As a theory, it relies on a method of socioeconomic analysis that views class relations and social conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and takes a dialectical view of social transformation...

...According to Marxist theory, in capitalist societies, class conflict arises due to contradictions between the material interests of the oppressed and exploited proletariat—a class of wage labourers employed to produce goods and services—and the bourgeoisie—the ruling class that owns the means of production and extracts its wealth through appropriation of the surplus product produced by the proletariat in the form of profit.

Now I surely don't expect you to agree with that philosophy  Al. But do you honestly think that your average SJW would agree with it?  :LOL:

It is the problem with soundbye definitions. What did Marxists think of Capitalism? What did they think of they people that benefited from Capitalism? What did they think of workers?

The virtous and noble struggling working class were oppressed by evil lazy oppressive business owners. The business owners were hording the means of production and keeping the working class in thrall. If you were a worker you were the noble victim. And if you were a business owner you were an immoral slaver.

Now from here you can associate all members of society into one of these positions the struggling artist for example would be noble. The aristocrat a lazy immoral degenerate benefiting on the misery of millions. Now you have divide a society AND promoted your want for workers to own the means of production.

But where else do we find a whole group of people painted as the victim and the other as the oppressor? Where the mere being in that group defines you as oppressed or oppressor irrespective of anything you have done or said or believe?

Feminism. To be an oppressor you have only to be a man. If you are a man you are necessarily part of the Patriarchy, and probably better just shut up and check your privilege. You did not think Feminism was simply the movement for men and women to be equal did you? Dammit mansplaining...

Progressive created the Progressive Stack and this drive their actions not the guise of help or progresive society or pretending they just want inclusivity and equality.

The Progressive Stack is Marxist divisiveness on steroids. How many ways CAN you (in the guise of wanting equality and inclusiveness) divide and polarise a society?

Now it is not at all to say that there should not be inclusiveness or equality or any of these kind of things but can we at least admit that the Progressivism movement that seeks to silence voice different to their own, call anyone who disagrees with them some kind of bigot and unperson them if they are able to, is interested only in equality of outcome not equality of opportunity, and all with a seeks to cast people as either oppressed or oppressors based only on broad collectivist assumptions nor specific to any one person but speaking generally on all based on a stupid ideology and dishonest narratives that underpin it?

Al, I really think you give these movements more power than what they really encompass. The more people involved in a movement the less "secret motives" they can get away with. Isn't it possible that people, in a wave of change, can just agree on things, and then use their purchasing power and voting power to support their beliefs? If you call that progressivism or feminism with sinister and secret motives, I think that is inaccurate. Its the same way as viewing any other movements or paradigm shifts. Like when some mass shooter goes crazy- are all the mass shooters conspiring? Are all the mass shooters Nazi-obsessed who play video games to shoot Jews? Or are they all incels with a deep seated hatred against women? Are they are mentally ill and taking medications? No. Some believe they are related, or faked, or all part of some vendetta against guns. But they are real people, with real fucked up ideas, and even more fucked up actions.... So in the same way, a person who calls themself a liberal or a conservative are not conspiring to infiltrate this country's media or with some hidden agenda to oppress men. That's just plain inaccurate.

Also I disagree that to be an oppressor according to feminism you have to be a man. Society, if you look back in history, WAS lopsided with regards to the rights a man or woman had, to choose, and be many things. The same structure oppressed men who crossed gender lines as well. And that whole society was held up by both men and women seeking to fit in. That is until minorities began to push back and demand the freedom to do so. American society was structured not in the favor of crossing gender lines, and certainly not in women's favour. we can agree on this because of historical facts and laws. Well overtime the "legalised" right to oppress women was dismantled, along with the rights to oppress people of colour (civil rights). Culturally things were and are slower to change. Culturally there has to be a consensus about the value of each other's lives, and pursuit of happiness. But at least legally we can keep things equal.

So we have two kinds of movements really...the one that pushes against legalised/state sanctioned oppression of folks based on some naturally occurring characteristic (could be gender, disability, race, etc), and then the other movement to support actions and ideas to move us to a place where there is more acceptance and understanding about the differences and diversity of people. Both are crucial for a peaceful society (a peaceful society being a safe society for as many as possible). And you can have asshats in any place (thats pretty much how humanity works), but I can guarantee that the asshats are not representative of everyone. And even asshats can change their ways when its demonstrated that theres a better way.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #107 on: June 27, 2019, 06:05:41 PM »
SG, extremely well put. Thanks for that.

That's the kind of post that makes it worthwhile being a member here.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Walkie

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #108 on: June 27, 2019, 08:10:15 PM »
Yep, knew I was gonna regret jumping into this thread :LOL:

Al, why the heck did you quote my whole post in full , if you only really wanted to refer to precisely five  words of the thing? And then you had to re-quote them  didn't you, ( misquoting three :LOL:) cos they were lost in the wall of text .   I'm sure nobody wanted to read the whole argument over again. and even if they did, they only needed to scroll up a little way .  Is there something wrong with your "delete"" button?

The reason why the last section makes sense ...
after reading further, I've changed my mind about it making sense. .  I admit,  I wasn't reading it that closely,  and -for whatever reason-  failed to  grasp that it was just another diatribe against Feminism.

Quote because of the context of the early arguments. If I convinced you that men COLLECTIVELY were oppressing you and trying to raise themselves up at your expense and that you were a victim of this gendered tyranny, do you think this would still fall under equality and inclusiveness and tolerance? Do you think you would easily accept the concept of Patriarchy? Privilege? Mansplaining, Manspreading, Bro-terruptions, Manslamming? Do you think that when faced with the reality that men and women on average earn a different year income? Would you readily endorse that as oppression without considering that not only do women choose (on average) lower paid work than men do on average and are less likely to do STEM degrees, specialised degrees, or work with a remote allowance, danger money or excessive overtime. IF they do this then on average they will get paid less BUT if you were convinced this was injustice due to male oppression and Patriarchy, right?

If you were thinking these things as a natural extension of this oppressor/oppressed polarised gender model, did this come out of.....Humanism which is about equality of everyone or egalitarianism with is about everyone being equal? Was it perhaps coming out of Feminism? Being that these concept are not only derived from Feminist ideology but is ingrained in Feminist theory and academia, it is hardly surprising that this motivates people to operate out of a righteous indignation of the oppressed. A male does not need to do anything to be "Part of the Patriarchy" or to be considered to have "privilege" or be "Oppressive". This is an original sin. A taint ascribed to him by virtue not of what he has said or done by because of his genital and/or chromosomes. Yet the people who will devalue if not demonise men thusly are often believing doing this is benefiting women and society. They believe this is in the name of equality and inclusiveness and tolerance. All whilst doing this shit.

These ""I"'s and "" yous" are pretty damned confusing here, Al. Took me several readings to suss that it's not supposed to bear any relation to what I think (up until which point , i felt really offended) nor even is it about  what you think , but rather  what "they" think , in your view.

I've already told you what i think of those who think  that moralising and  demonising one another is in any sense progressive.

Anyone who thinks that a better solution to the evils of this world is to name , shame and castigate the all-too-human  so-called evildoers  is neither Marxist, Christian , nor even altogether sane.

which observation is meant to include all such  idiots , not just the two named varieties, as I (mistakenly) thought would be obvious.  I specified Christianity rather than Feminism because the case for the moraliser/ demonisers being poor representatives of  whatever philosophy  they claim to represent  is  more debatable in the case of Feminism... especially when talking to yourself   :LOL: Before tackling that ,  i wanted to make it very clear that  I'm not in agreement with any such people, nevermind what they call themselves;

 Heck,  If I judged all belief systems  by their loudest , most morally righteous re[resentatives, then I would have to become a Nihilist.  And I gathered (maybe wrongly) that these are the people that you're really taking to task, when you slam into Feminism.

So you will forgive me if I do not meekly submit to the whole Feminism is simply the want of equality of the genders bullshit and that the crazy Feminists are the only ones who submit to the crazed notions about Patriarchy et al. Soundbyte definitions are not worth shit.

I don't expect you you meelky submit to anything , Al. I'll be more than happy if you can manage to grasp other people's POV, then  have an open-minded discussion about it,  But the moment someone says a word like Patriarchy, you see red and project all sorts of shit at them, then attack that same shit.

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about Patriarchy:
Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Some patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage

Such social systems certainly do exist, and there's a neutral  sort of definition for you.  Acknowledging their existence doesn't make someone a rabid feminist (nor a rabid anything at all, just a realist)  , nor does speculating to what extent it influence people's psyches when they grow up in that kind of culture.  But hey! I just recalled a thread where you blew up at everybody else, just because we were trying to discuss that.

Specifical;ly, you wouldn't have it that rape might have anything to do with cultural influences (such as Patriarchy, obviously )  it had to be committed by inherently evil people.  End of.

The reason why we have the rape culture, pay gap, safe space, privilege, manspreading, hate speech, outrage culture bullshit is due to the Progressives. Only precisely NONE of that is Progressive nor inclusive nor equalising.

Ah yeah. here we go again.  Can't have a rape culture. Well, let's re-phrase that : we can have a rape culture, unfortunately, but we can't have a word for it. because AL believes that very phrase  is prejudicial and inherently demonises men. But then you had a go at the rest of us for making excuses for rapists , as you saw it. So ...were we demonising those men, or were we being too kind to them? which?  and why should anyone care? becvause i think it's all-too-clear that your emotion gets the better of your brain on that subject.

As for the pay-gap, well, that too actually exists, for all sorts of reasons that might or might not have anything to do with prejudice against women. . I'm sure you'd argue it has nothing to do with prejudice, nor with gender stereotyping.  But if you want to write that phrase out of the dictionary , then tough , you can't take part in attempting to explain it away can you?

I really don't llike it when people want to write words out of the dictionary just because those words act like red rags to them ; just because those words can be used in some ugly prejudicial way, if some ugly prejudiced person uses them. I don't like it when Feminists take that attitude, and  guess what? i don't like it when you do either, Al.  I see no reason on earth to make a special exception for you.

In respect to the "only loud voices", what you mean the....?

Thats a near-total  misquote, but nvm, I meant the sort of so-called feminist  who snaps "check your privilege "at any man who ventures an opinion. Ugh.  But if you're tarring all feminsts sts with the same brush , then I guess that makes you no better.  Some feminists are prjudiced against all men and some men are prjudiced all feminists.  So it goes. Everybody's  prejudiced in one way or another.  It's the people who get self-righteous with it who really get up my nose.

As to your comments about religion? I do not much care about religion either. If you wanted to make the point about ideology and zealots and such, yes, it is in religion too. Ideological conformity and Authoritarianism and the like does exist in religion and religious practice as does the concept of original sin and the righteous conviction and want of some to display to all their righteous purity.

I am actually not a fan of religion and wonder if that is a point you wanted me to agree to or not.

No,  you missed the point entirely , even given three guesses.  My thinking ran thus: Al doesn''t know jack shit about Marxism , but he surely knows a bit about Christianity, so if I draw a parallel here, then he'll more easily grasp  what Im trying to say.  Epic fail on my part, evidently. 

My  point was  that holier-than-thou moralising isn't worth shit, and does nothing to whatsoever to reduce the evil in the world . never mind what phiosophy you purport to follow: Feminist, Marxist, Christianity,  Conservative , whatever.  Marxism isn't about Holier-than-thou moralising, it's about looking at the bigger picture. As is Christianity,  though not all so-called Christians see it that way , do they?  And same goes for Feminism, to the best of my knowlege, come to that.  So judging Marxism on the basis of the ravings of holier-than-thou Feminists is doubly unfair to Marxism was what i was getting at there.

 Pick any -ism yopu like, then you always get the divisive holier-than-thous making the loudest noise about it ,and totally misrepresenting it (in most cases).   That's a basic law of human nature.

It would be nice if you agreed with my POV above, but I'll settle for you understanding it. F ailing that,  I'll settle for getting the hell out of this thread.  cos  it's getting to be too much like hard work already :LOL:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 08:31:31 PM by Walkie »

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #109 on: June 27, 2019, 08:28:46 PM »

Also I disagree that to be an oppressor according to feminism you have to be a man. Society, if you look back in history, WAS lopsided with regards to the rights a man or woman had, to choose, and be many things. The same structure oppressed men who crossed gender lines as well. And that whole society was held up by both men and women seeking to fit in. That is until minorities began to push back and demand the freedom to do so. American society was structured not in the favor of crossing gender lines, and certainly not in women's favour. we can agree on this because of historical facts and laws. Well overtime the "legalised" right to oppress women was dismantled, along with the rights to oppress people of colour (civil rights). Culturally things were and are slower to change. Culturally there has to be a consensus about the value of each other's lives, and pursuit of happiness. But at least legally we can keep things equal.

Phew! somebody who's read the same sort of Feminist books that Ive read  :hug:  :plus:'
And who's brave enough to attempt to explain all that to Al .

I agree  with MSOW, that was a really good post (I mean, all-in-all. not just the bit I quoted)

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #110 on: June 27, 2019, 09:14:11 PM »
I’ve not read those books on feminism that Walkie and SG must have read, nor any books on feminism at all in reality. The idea of women being equal to men and of there being structures within society (nowadays mostly cultural in the places where most of us live - correct me if I'm wrong please) preventing that has always been pretty darn obvious to me. The idea that, after thousands of years of stark inequality, that we would change a few laws and all of the associated cultural baggage would just magically disappear, always seemed patently ridiculous to me.

Every now and then I encounter an expression like “rape culture” or “toxic masculinity” and I make a genuine effort to find out what it’s about from all points of view, and form a balanced opinion based on what I learn, combined with my own experiences and knowledge. I could always just go to some MRA website and form my opinion based on what they tell me to think, but I hope I'm not that kind of idiot.
And, like most people these days, I used to naively buy into the idea of the toxic, man-hating, nasty, extreme feminists who were trying to take feminism to places that it never needed to go. But, rather than creating some kind of a caricature of these people in my own mind, based on what their detractors say about them…. when I heard someone described as an extreme man-hating feminazi I made an effort to seek out what they were saying in their own words. Usually by tracking down articles they had written. And so far… I’ve found the criticisms to be largely based on cherry picked and misrepresented and out-of-context words. And I've learned a lot in the process. And made a few mental notes along the lines of “I’m going to have to buy at least one of her books” (which I tend not to follow up on).

Okay, that’s my virtue signaling quota for today. We should start up some topics on specific feminism talking points at least once a week, just to keep things interesting around here. I'm sure we can turn Al into a progressive feminist with a bit of gentle encouragement.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Walkie

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #111 on: June 27, 2019, 09:30:20 PM »
I'm sure we can turn Al into a progressive feminist with a bit of gentle encouragement.

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #112 on: June 28, 2019, 01:10:02 AM »
Not sure if I ever met an actual Marxist. Commies, sure, but Marxists, I don't think so.
Wow. Well maybe there's not such a pressing need for Marxism in your neck of the woods. When you live in the post-industrial North and Midlands of England, the all-to-real consequences of social inequality are costantly in your face .

In my city , we have three competing Marxist parties ( at least one of which is actually  thriving ) as well as one lone Communist who bravely sets up stall in the City Centre whenever the sun shines. I've inadvertently hung around Marxists all my adult life.  I mean, I was staunchly attempting to completely  ignore Politics, but most of the people to whom  I've been naturally drawn (purely on grounds of intelligence, creativity,  character etc ) turned out to be Marxist on closer inspection. No getting away from the buggers.  :LOL:

And you never met a single one? wow!

I've met several who *claimed to be* Marxists. Every single one was actually a Communist. There is a difference.
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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #113 on: June 28, 2019, 01:13:17 AM »
I'm sure we can turn Al into a progressive feminist with a bit of gentle encouragement.

MOSW owes me a keyboard now. There's coffee all over it.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #114 on: June 28, 2019, 04:33:56 AM »
Oh? which party?  I only know of two parties that strongly supported Brexit. Those were The socialist Party (Marxist) and Farage's lot, UKip, of course.

My MP is a Tory Brexiteer. I was UKIP. I never joined the Brexit Party. The far-right and two of the NI unionist parties supported Brexit, as well as the continuing Liberal Party.

In short, I get the very strong impression that I'm supposed to draw a conclusion from that info, but that just isn't realistic  if you think about it.

I live in the sunlit uplands of a glorious Tory stronghold, with beautiful countryside only a stone's throw away. The city can keep their crime.

It's true about the candidate. Dirty people, Labour.

I imagine that's intended as a critique of his  recent film "I, Daniel Blake" ? I suppose it's too much to hope that you actually troubled to watch it before forming an opinion?

I've seen his stuff before. When you actually drill down into the story, you end up having not a lot of sympathy. Blake was having sex with her. In Ladybird Ladybird she was hanging around with deadbeats and not looking after her kids. It's Tory hate with Ken Loach. It'd be alright if he had a point.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2019, 05:25:29 AM by Tequila »

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #115 on: June 28, 2019, 08:59:14 AM »
Al, I really think you give these movements more power than what they really encompass. The more people involved in a movement the less "secret motives" they can get away with. Isn't it possible that people, in a wave of change, can just agree on things, and then use their purchasing power and voting power to support their beliefs? If you call that progressivism or feminism with sinister and secret motives, I think that is inaccurate. Its the same way as viewing any other movements or paradigm shifts. Like when some mass shooter goes crazy- are all the mass shooters conspiring? Are all the mass shooters Nazi-obsessed who play video games to shoot Jews? Or are they all incels with a deep seated hatred against women? Are they are mentally ill and taking medications? No. Some believe they are related, or faked, or all part of some vendetta against guns. But they are real people, with real fucked up ideas, and even more fucked up actions.... So in the same way, a person who calls themself a liberal or a conservative are not conspiring to infiltrate this country's media or with some hidden agenda to oppress men. That's just plain inaccurate.

Also I disagree that to be an oppressor according to feminism you have to be a man. Society, if you look back in history, WAS lopsided with regards to the rights a man or woman had, to choose, and be many things. The same structure oppressed men who crossed gender lines as well. And that whole society was held up by both men and women seeking to fit in. That is until minorities began to push back and demand the freedom to do so. American society was structured not in the favor of crossing gender lines, and certainly not in women's favour. we can agree on this because of historical facts and laws. Well overtime the "legalised" right to oppress women was dismantled, along with the rights to oppress people of colour (civil rights). Culturally things were and are slower to change. Culturally there has to be a consensus about the value of each other's lives, and pursuit of happiness. But at least legally we can keep things equal.

So we have two kinds of movements really...the one that pushes against legalised/state sanctioned oppression of folks based on some naturally occurring characteristic (could be gender, disability, race, etc), and then the other movement to support actions and ideas to move us to a place where there is more acceptance and understanding about the differences and diversity of people. Both are crucial for a peaceful society (a peaceful society being a safe society for as many as possible). And you can have asshats in any place (thats pretty much how humanity works), but I can guarantee that the asshats are not representative of everyone. And even asshats can change their ways when its demonstrated that theres a better way.

NO. SG, I really think you let these history revisionists give you a very ideological skewed view of history.
"we can agree on this because of historical facts and laws. Well overtime the "legalised" right to oppress women was dismantled"
That is your take and your interpretation of history but sure as fuck is not mine. So NO we can't agree just because you say we can. Perhaps best to at least try to not assume you know what anyone else is thinking.

Why did men have more rights and women less. I will give you two choices:
1) because men were legalising themselves to oppress women because that was a thing men collectively liked doing.
2) Lack of modernity and all it entailed mean BOTH men and women were STUCK in really restrictive roles BECAUSE that was the only viable option for them and to ensure the survival of the species, AND in these roles men were trapped as the breadwinner with most of their time spent at work trying to earn money and killing themselves trying to earn the money to support their very dependent and ever growing family and the women were trapped at home having more and more kids and dependent on their husbands to stay away from home working themselves to death and missing out on their kids that they never got any peace from, AND only ONE of these two people HAD earnings and the ability to pay and contract and be responsible for the rest of the people in that family and THAT was NOT the Wife or kids. If the wife earned what the husband gave her as allowance or whatever, who was responsible for taxes, rates, damages, or any other obligation? Wife who is not earning or husband. Who NEEDS rights to extinguish responsibilities. If HE has the responsibilities WHO needs the rights?

See a lot is said about rights and very little about obligations. A lot is said about how hard it was on women and very little about how hard it was on men. Like men were on some fucking holiday retreat with the wives as slaves. Why is it cast with such emphasis?

Truth is that it was a giant shit sandwich and has really fuck all with how much men wanted to be women or women wanted to be men. It was that things were shit all around. Imagine the relationship you would have with your family as a Father. Every time your wife is pregnant there is the fear she will die and you will lose the love of your life as so many other wives die in childbirth and the kid is likely as not to die in childbirth or soon after from various diseases. An extra mouth to feed means more hours or more laborious or remote job or more hours. Even if you could prevent having kids, and you can't, there is always the fact that who is going to look after you when you are busted up and worn out and too old to work any more? Who was going to look after your wife and any of the little ones left that may be too young to work or marry? That is on the off-chance that you live that long and are not killed in work and your wife does not die in labour. Hardly a holiday.

What if you are a woman? From late teens - early twenties, get married and start having child after child. Nursing, pregnant, recovering from childbirth (hopefully) and so on, which trying to look after your hardly every increasing brood at home with the pay your hardly at home husband brings in and trying to ensure as many of the kids as can survive through childhood illnesses and accidents. Because if they can survive, when your husband is dead or incapacitated, one or more of your children will take you in and look after you. Hardly a lady of leisure.

ANY of this sounds like one party oppressing the other or did it kind of sound like two people both trying to just get on best they can? So no, I do not accept your understanding and it does not reflect mine.

Why do Feminist texts NOT display the male female power roles and as above? I think we all know the reason and it has NOTHING to do with Feminists ALL just wanting men and women to be equal? Right? More about pushing divisive oppressor/oppressed narratives?

Yep, knew I was gonna regret jumping into this thread :LOL:

Al, why the heck did you quote my whole post in full , if you only really wanted to refer to precisely five  words of the thing? And then you had to re-quote them  didn't you, ( misquoting three :LOL:) cos they were lost in the wall of text .   I'm sure nobody wanted to read the whole argument over again. and even if they did, they only needed to scroll up a little way .  Is there something wrong with your "delete"" button?

The reason why the last section makes sense ...
after reading further, I've changed my mind about it making sense. .  I admit,  I wasn't reading it that closely,  and -for whatever reason-  failed to  grasp that it was just another diatribe against Feminism.

Quote because of the context of the early arguments. If I convinced you that men COLLECTIVELY were oppressing you and trying to raise themselves up at your expense and that you were a victim of this gendered tyranny, do you think this would still fall under equality and inclusiveness and tolerance? Do you think you would easily accept the concept of Patriarchy? Privilege? Mansplaining, Manspreading, Bro-terruptions, Manslamming? Do you think that when faced with the reality that men and women on average earn a different year income? Would you readily endorse that as oppression without considering that not only do women choose (on average) lower paid work than men do on average and are less likely to do STEM degrees, specialised degrees, or work with a remote allowance, danger money or excessive overtime. IF they do this then on average they will get paid less BUT if you were convinced this was injustice due to male oppression and Patriarchy, right?

If you were thinking these things as a natural extension of this oppressor/oppressed polarised gender model, did this come out of.....Humanism which is about equality of everyone or egalitarianism with is about everyone being equal? Was it perhaps coming out of Feminism? Being that these concept are not only derived from Feminist ideology but is ingrained in Feminist theory and academia, it is hardly surprising that this motivates people to operate out of a righteous indignation of the oppressed. A male does not need to do anything to be "Part of the Patriarchy" or to be considered to have "privilege" or be "Oppressive". This is an original sin. A taint ascribed to him by virtue not of what he has said or done by because of his genital and/or chromosomes. Yet the people who will devalue if not demonise men thusly are often believing doing this is benefiting women and society. They believe this is in the name of equality and inclusiveness and tolerance. All whilst doing this shit.

These ""I"'s and "" yous" are pretty damned confusing here, Al. Took me several readings to suss that it's not supposed to bear any relation to what I think (up until which point , i felt really offended) nor even is it about  what you think , but rather  what "they" think , in your view.

I've already told you what i think of those who think  that moralising and  demonising one another is in any sense progressive.

Anyone who thinks that a better solution to the evils of this world is to name , shame and castigate the all-too-human  so-called evildoers  is neither Marxist, Christian , nor even altogether sane.

which observation is meant to include all such  idiots , not just the two named varieties, as I (mistakenly) thought would be obvious.  I specified Christianity rather than Feminism because the case for the moraliser/ demonisers being poor representatives of  whatever philosophy  they claim to represent  is  more debatable in the case of Feminism... especially when talking to yourself   :LOL: Before tackling that ,  i wanted to make it very clear that  I'm not in agreement with any such people, nevermind what they call themselves;

 Heck,  If I judged all belief systems  by their loudest , most morally righteous re[resentatives, then I would have to become a Nihilist.  And I gathered (maybe wrongly) that these are the people that you're really taking to task, when you slam into Feminism.

So you will forgive me if I do not meekly submit to the whole Feminism is simply the want of equality of the genders bullshit and that the crazy Feminists are the only ones who submit to the crazed notions about Patriarchy et al. Soundbyte definitions are not worth shit.

I don't expect you you meelky submit to anything , Al. I'll be more than happy if you can manage to grasp other people's POV, then  have an open-minded discussion about it,  But the moment someone says a word like Patriarchy, you see red and project all sorts of shit at them, then attack that same shit.

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about Patriarchy:
Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Some patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage

Such social systems certainly do exist, and there's a neutral  sort of definition for you.  Acknowledging their existence doesn't make someone a rabid feminist (nor a rabid anything at all, just a realist)  , nor does speculating to what extent it influence people's psyches when they grow up in that kind of culture.  But hey! I just recalled a thread where you blew up at everybody else, just because we were trying to discuss that.

Specifical;ly, you wouldn't have it that rape might have anything to do with cultural influences (such as Patriarchy, obviously )  it had to be committed by inherently evil people.  End of.

The reason why we have the rape culture, pay gap, safe space, privilege, manspreading, hate speech, outrage culture bullshit is due to the Progressives. Only precisely NONE of that is Progressive nor inclusive nor equalising.

Ah yeah. here we go again.  Can't have a rape culture. Well, let's re-phrase that : we can have a rape culture, unfortunately, but we can't have a word for it. because AL believes that very phrase  is prejudicial and inherently demonises men. But then you had a go at the rest of us for making excuses for rapists , as you saw it. So ...were we demonising those men, or were we being too kind to them? which?  and why should anyone care? becvause i think it's all-too-clear that your emotion gets the better of your brain on that subject.

As for the pay-gap, well, that too actually exists, for all sorts of reasons that might or might not have anything to do with prejudice against women. . I'm sure you'd argue it has nothing to do with prejudice, nor with gender stereotyping.  But if you want to write that phrase out of the dictionary , then tough , you can't take part in attempting to explain it away can you?

I really don't llike it when people want to write words out of the dictionary just because those words act like red rags to them ; just because those words can be used in some ugly prejudicial way, if some ugly prejudiced person uses them. I don't like it when Feminists take that attitude, and  guess what? i don't like it when you do either, Al.  I see no reason on earth to make a special exception for you.

In respect to the "only loud voices", what you mean the....?

Thats a near-total  misquote, but nvm, I meant the sort of so-called feminist  who snaps "check your privilege "at any man who ventures an opinion. Ugh.  But if you're tarring all feminsts sts with the same brush , then I guess that makes you no better.  Some feminists are prjudiced against all men and some men are prjudiced all feminists.  So it goes. Everybody's  prejudiced in one way or another.  It's the people who get self-righteous with it who really get up my nose.

As to your comments about religion? I do not much care about religion either. If you wanted to make the point about ideology and zealots and such, yes, it is in religion too. Ideological conformity and Authoritarianism and the like does exist in religion and religious practice as does the concept of original sin and the righteous conviction and want of some to display to all their righteous purity.

I am actually not a fan of religion and wonder if that is a point you wanted me to agree to or not.

No,  you missed the point entirely , even given three guesses.  My thinking ran thus: Al doesn''t know jack shit about Marxism , but he surely knows a bit about Christianity, so if I draw a parallel here, then he'll more easily grasp  what Im trying to say.  Epic fail on my part, evidently. 

My  point was  that holier-than-thou moralising isn't worth shit, and does nothing to whatsoever to reduce the evil in the world . never mind what phiosophy you purport to follow: Feminist, Marxist, Christianity,  Conservative , whatever.  Marxism isn't about Holier-than-thou moralising, it's about looking at the bigger picture. As is Christianity,  though not all so-called Christians see it that way , do they?  And same goes for Feminism, to the best of my knowlege, come to that.  So judging Marxism on the basis of the ravings of holier-than-thou Feminists is doubly unfair to Marxism was what i was getting at there.

 Pick any -ism yopu like, then you always get the divisive holier-than-thous making the loudest noise about it ,and totally misrepresenting it (in most cases).   That's a basic law of human nature.

It would be nice if you agreed with my POV above, but I'll settle for you understanding it. F ailing that,  I'll settle for getting the hell out of this thread.  cos  it's getting to be too much like hard work already :LOL:

"Is there something wrong with your "delete"" button? " Fucking stupid question isn't it Walkie? Don't bother. Yes it was and it was no less disingenuous than any of the rest that followed.

Lot of strawmanning and I don't know an expectation that you have that I may own your thoughts of what I think about things I don't actually think of for reasons that I am not invested in. A Wikipedia definition? Hilarious, because Wikipedia always gets it right *cough* Gamergate *cough* and after insulting me, strawmanning me, making a few ridiculous assertions in an attempt to try to make some vague point you get to an indignant flounce.

Yeah Walkie, Good luck with that. Ridiculous effort.

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #116 on: June 28, 2019, 09:31:58 AM »
Fuck Al, I've only got 56 Gb for the month on my mobile plan. Every time I flick past one of your posts there's another Gb up in smoke.

Quite the historian aren't we? Both the choices you presented to SG to explain the historical second-class status of women were ludicrous. Maybe Walkie or SG can recommend some good feminist books that will get you more in touch with your feminine side?
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #117 on: June 28, 2019, 10:26:19 AM »
Sorry MOSW...this is a long one too...  :zoinks:

Al, I think women having the right to divorce their husbands, to not be counted as property of their husbands, to take part in party politics, to vote, to take control of their own reproduction, to get into institutions of higher learning and work as professionals in high paying positions... those are things which women could be deprived of and had no legal protections against their discrimination. dismantling those in the justice system has been happening. For example, women can now vote....and they don't even need their husband's (or father's) permission.

So yeah, historically, and legally, things have changed. I don't see how we can disagree on those salient points. You don't even need to read a book to check those facts, but I'm sure there are very good ones out there. And yes, the oppressive attitudes towards women affect men as well, for men too were&are often expected to fill a role regardless whether or not they can, or want to. Its a societal structure that hurts both because it doesn't accept and utilise the talents and gifts of everyone, only because of some assumption about characteristics...

In relationships there should be no expectations such as "you are wife so you are husband so you should...". Instead the couple ought to be mature, and free, enough to decide among themselves what roles and obligations each will fill. And the children, who now have rights, ought to be able to live a life that prepares them for the roles THEY choose or develop within themselves. Depriving children of education, nutrition, and rest are all things that could be legally done in the past, but nowadays cannot. It affected boys, and also affected girls who could be deprived of education and learning skills that would have advanced them past the sentence of sitting wife.

Anyways, are people in general mature enough to build relationships where division of labour and roles are thoughtfully agreed upon? Or are people usually impulsive, and tend to default to established stereotypes and schemas? I don't know if many people think very deeply... there hasn't been a culture of deep thinking, of meditation and reflection. Most people when they encounter another person, particularly one who is different, default to stereotypes as their basis of a relationship. you can see the problems with this...particularly if the person forming the assumptions is in a position of power.

very seldom is a person reflective enough to default to a higher foundation for building relationships: that of a human being. When they meet another person they might be aware of stereotypes, but the idea of a human being must be stronger in order to build a good foundation with the other person. Its easier to see certain people as full human beings than others given our exposure to some versus others (and the type of exposure), and that is the cultural fallacy we have to combat. Esp as people who are different or stigmatised. We have to be seen, and then we have to have a spotlight shone upon our humanity. That is what moves people to push back against stereotypes.

you see, when we meet another person we automatically need to form ideas about whether the person is a threat, whether they are related, whether they are in a position of power, whether we can trust them, etc. To make these snap decisions, most of us use what we know from stereotypes, media portrayals, stories we've heard, etc. Then we feel confident enough to approach them from that standpoint, which can be harmful if the standpoint is implicitly biased. This bias will affect how people feel about the persons emotions, anger, work, progress, and any other number of things. it can create reactions that are unfairly harsh, or dismissive.

 To combat this bias, movements can do two things: they can either change the portrayals and stereotypes using media exposure and other types of exposure (But this way doesn't change our thinking, it just changes our information). Or they can seek to change the grounds upon which we meet and judge people (by seeking deeper consideration for what it means to be human, and how to recognise and elevate the humanity of each other). Being aware of stereotypes is important, but having a grasp of seeing the humanity and individuality of each person is maybe more important. it takes practice and work so its harder......but once grasped, it is incredibly liberating.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #118 on: June 28, 2019, 10:01:05 PM »

Most of what you are doing is exactly what an ideology like Feminism would have you do because an ideology is designed to view everything through that filter. That is what you are doing.

When you say "And yes, the oppressive attitudes towards women affect men as well, for men too were&are often expected to fill a role regardless whether or not they can, or want to. Its a societal structure that hurts both because it doesn't accept and utilise the talents and gifts of everyone, only because of some assumption about characteristics"

Well yes BUT not only is this view in slightly the wrong context BUT it is secondary to the main thrust of your argument which is essentially "Women were possessions of men throughout history until Feminism came along and change that and Feminism fought for civil rights and so how can you not love this?"

Well.....mainly because it is wet soggy bullshit. It is that filter you view it through. I know you may find this hard to believe but Feminist books are likely to frame things to support Feminist ideas.

So women were men's property until Feminism came along? My Grandfather owned my Grandmother. His Father owned his mother? Yes or no? Okay, let's visit that BIG assumption. I want you to be honest. You want to buy cattle? Where would you have gone to buy cattle? How many could you buy? What restrictions where on you to buy them? What if you wanted to buy a house? Same questions. What if you wanted to buy a motor car? What if you wanted to buy another wife to add to the collection? Same question. What? But aren't they just "property"?

Okay new set of questions. You have a piece of art and you do not like it anymore. You decide you want to break it. Are you allowed to completely break it into pieces? What about your house? You decide you want to knock it down and build a new one. Are you allow to do that? You have decided you hate your car. Are you allow to take a sledgehammer to it? You do not like one of your cattle. You decide to "put it down". Are you allowed to do that. Grandpa does not like Grandma. IS he allowed as her "owner" to destroy and dismember her? She IS his possession and property right?

No SG, do not say that she is his property but a different class of property or that the examples are unfair. The comparison to women being a man's property were ALWAYS bullshit and NEVER stood up to even cursory examination. YES I DO know this came out of a reference to women being chattel of a man and yes I know the Feminist spin was to take this on without examination to what context it was used in or for.

I have already addressed how it was used. Financially responsible for. If a wife of a man went into a store and convinced a shopkeeper that she would buy the dress to take now and her husband would pay, the husband was on the hook for that cash. If she caused damage, he would be up for that too, in contracting or financial obligation was not on her, it was on him. The same way our children whilst not being our property, we are responsible for. If little Johnny sets the school on fire or little Jill break her little friend's teeth, Little Johnny and Little Jill's parents are going to have to face lawsuits and financial punishment. In times gone by the husband was solely on the financial brunt of that. THAT is how it was used.

"But why would they use that specific term to describe women"? Don't know and I don't fucking care. Maybe the people who were wrote that could not think of a particular word or did not want to parse out what they meant, maybe they were un-PC, maybe they did not like their wife and were thinking of them when they wrote it, maybe they were dyed in the wool misogynists?
Don't care.
What I DO care about is the fucking lie I am indicating above being used with all the other dishonest narratives to fuel an ideology to demonise men and boys and remove agency from women and girls, in righteous moralisation, all whilst purporting being for equality and inclusivity and tolerance.

Its bullshit.

Worse still Feminists are pretending that their station somehow ties them to the ACTUAL slavery and plight of Black people sent to the Americans. "Yes we were essentially slaves too and good on you fighting the oppressor comrade" Load of bullshit.

Again, harking back to the earlier point of yours.
"And yes, the oppressive attitudes towards women affect men as well, for men too were&are often expected to fill a role regardless whether or not they can, or want to. Its a societal structure that hurts both because it doesn't accept and utilise the talents and gifts of everyone, only because of some assumption about characteristics"
This is the point but even as you bring it to light you conclude wrongly.

In no particular order:

Birth control
Better childbirthing practice to reduce both infant morality and mothers dying in labour
Vaccines to the worse diseases in society
Sanitary pads, tampons, and other hygiene items.
Social security - Welfare and Pensions.
Better health care
Better sanitation
Better work safety

Now remove them and what do you have? If you are struggling, look to a second world country or third world country. Whilst any individualised desire to break social conformity may be nestled in your heart, you are shit out of luck and it is not your fault NOR is it some Patriarchal conspiracy. It is simply that the society needs to modernise BEFORE this can happen. Pretty much all of these things need to happen. No use better birth control if diseases are rife and the chance of your children dying young and not being able to look after you in old age is high, you necessarily need to have a lot of kids. No use just getting better sanitation because there are still no vaccines and diseases are still passed on quickly and ruthlesly in the young and the sick and the old. So again stow that but I want to dream of not being that which society tells me, because you had better hope that charity and goodwill will look after you when you get old cannot work or otherwise support yourself and there are no adult children to look after you in your old age.

Society worked not because it was its best form but because based on what it had this was the optimal way of progressing at that time. Rights were afforded to those that need them to execute their societal obligations and responsibilities. Neither gender was being ill-treated even though things were hard on each person and everyone was trapped in the rigid roles of society.

If ALL these things changed (and they did in a really short period of time - think from 1900-2019 or better 1930's-1960's for HUGE changes) in ALL of those above points what happens to society? Is it NOW moving into an era where society does not need to be as rigid?

1. Your kids have a reasonable expectation to live into adulthood so there is a better chance that load of expense can be split over more children
2. But you do not need to have as many children because now they do not need to take that burden.
3. Because you do not need to have as big of a family, you do not need to have as many kids and you can now moderate how many you have
4. Better still because your wife is no longer at risk of dying every year of yet another childbirth and does not have to dedicate her time trying to ensure all of her brood will survive through to adult hood AND she now has tampons and the like, the ability to access the workforce is really opened.

NOW ALL of that going on and society is now READY for big changes. Without it...not so much, but now it is.

Left up to its own resources things will start to gradually filter down. There will be fear and resistance and negotiation, and gradually the changes will be made, incrementally.

But what happens when you add Feminism into the mix? A well organised activist movement pushing for the very changes that your society is now primed to slowly make? They get made a little quicker. Them pushing for something that becomes the status quo mean they were the cause as they claim? No. That they set the stage for equality and equal rights for women? No. That equal rights exist ONLY because of Feminism and would not without them? No.

Feminism of old had A place in the changing of society to where we are now but it was FAR from causal. Feminism of new is a fucking joke. Feminist ideology that it has manufactured for itself is fucking disgraceful and those that worship at its altar are doing themselves no favours. They help propagate the Feminist lies and misrepresentations.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Does the president have too much power?
« Reply #119 on: June 28, 2019, 10:17:14 PM »
I've met several who *claimed to be* Marxists. Every single one was actually a Communist. There is a difference.
I know there's a difference; or rather several alternative differences depending on which definitions you buy. And, ofc, it's entirely possible to be both Communist and Marxist  :apondering: ...theoretically speaking. 
So I'm intrigued to know exactly where  you're coming from here? if you don't mind expanding on that? (not trying to grill you, nor debate the point; just intrigued,  like i said)