It is the problem with soundbye definitions.
Yeah, there are a heckova lot of problems with soundbyte definititions. I dont think you've quite managed to nail one of them down yet though.
What did Marxists think of Capitalism?
The virtous and noble struggling working class were oppressed by evil lazy oppressive business owners. The business owners were hording the means of production and keeping the working class in thrall. If you were a worker you were the noble victim. And if you were a business owner you were an immoral slaver.'ve heard of the Straw Man Fallacy, I'm sure. And you think it's OK to use low-down debating tactics, so long as you're in the right? Or do you honestly believe that twaddle and can't be arsed with referring to actual sources?
That sentimentalised, moralising narrative (in the quote abiove) bears about the same relationship to Marxism that "hating the sinner but loving the sin "bears to Christianity.
To extend that analogy, an actual Marxist (as opposed to the caricature Marxist who lives inside inside your head) would say that we're all in the thrall of Capitalism, in much the same way that the Material World is in the thrall of an evil god called Satan, according to Christian mythology). The difference betwen the Marxist and the Christan is that a Marxist frames the problem (and the solution) in materialistic, mechanistic terms , rather than quasi-spiritual terms .
Anyone who thinks that a better solution to the evils of this world is to name , shame and castigate the all-too-human so-called evildoers is neither Marxist, Christian , nor even altogether sane.
Now from here you can associate all members of society into one of these positions the struggling artist for example would be noble. The aristocrat a lazy immoral degenerate benefiting on the misery of millions. Now you have divide a society AND promoted your want for workers to own the means of production.
will you please stop fleshing out that cartoon figure in your head and arguing with him? He's not worth wasting your breath on.
But where else do we find a whole group of people painted as the victim and the other as the oppressor? Where the mere being in that group defines you as oppressed or oppressor irrespective of anything you have done or said or believe?
Feminism. To be an oppressor you have only to be a man. If you are a man you are necessarily part of the Patriarchy, and probably better just shut up and check your privilege. You did not think Feminism was simply the movement for men and women to be equal did you?
Nope. To admit a shameful truth to you, I used to be almost as pissed off with Feminism as you are, Al, because I judged it by it's loudest, brashest , stupidest so-called exponents, same as you. Besides which I smugly asssumed that men and women were equal already, and that anyone who thought otherwise was a brainless dinosaur. Besides which, my vapid, utterly self-centred, blonde-haired bimbo of a girfriend liked to call herself a Feminist, which didn't help. ( I was going though a bit of funny phase, and loved her precisely
because she wasn't my type, not even my usual gender-preference, in case you wonder)
Then I was forced to read a teeny bit of Feminist psychology as part of a course i was doing, and it sounded remarkably intelligent and thought-provoking. And
then I (entirely volutarily) read a whole book on Feninist Psychotherapy (by a man) and it blew my brains out, and forced me to reconstruct my ideas about Feminism from scratch ....
Well, well, well, we can
all be stupid , even me.

How many ways CAN you (in the guise of wanting equality and inclusiveness) divide and polarise a society?
Yep, that's a very pertinent question which I very often wonder about myself. It's truly scary. But I'm taking this out of context , I know. What
youseem to be doing is mindlessly lampooning a bunch of crazed cultural figureheads , without ever seriously asking where they're really coming from , and who or what might be pulling their strings? which, to my way of thinking. would be to swallow the exact same bait that their disciples swallow, to no better effect.
The Progressive Stack is Marxist divisiveness on steroids.
Here we go. Just countering one brand of twaddle with a different brand of twaddle. Marxism is anything but divisive. So the moment you insert a phrase like ""Marxist divisiveness" into it, your argument serves no purpose whatsoever, except to reinforce a prejudice (in this case, against the political left)
Now it is not at all to say that there should not be inclusiveness or equality or any of these kind of things but can we at least admit that the Progressivism movement that seeks to silence voice different to their own, call anyone who disagrees with them some kind of bigot and unperson them if they are able to, is interested only in equality of outcome not equality of opportunity, and all with a seeks to cast people as either oppressed or oppressors based only on broad collectivist assumptions nor specific to any one person but speaking generally on all based on a stupid ideology and dishonest narratives that underpin it?
Um, yeah, this begins to sound like sort of genuine and reasonable argument at last. But I can't asess it, because, frankly, ins 5.48 am here in Britain, and you just did my brain in, Al.