Fair does then, he needs someone's foot up the chocolate starfish. Sideways. Up to the bellybutton of the deliverer's leg.
Sounds like a right royal sucker of cocks. Although they'd probably have crucified him if he was an all but literal halo-and-wings-and-holy-flaming-sword archangel, if all he'd done was smoked rock, and hell, done it once, they'd have strung him up. Not that I'm advocating smoking crack in general. But it doesn't automatically make you a lying skeezy cheating thieving scumbag whore on the street. I've tried it myself and I'm none of those things.
Well unless the filth are involved, to them, I could, would, and will lie to christ on the cross and keep a straight face. But generally, I'm a man of my word, when dealing with actual PEOPLE.
(no, I don't smoke it as a matter of course, I've just tried it a few times over the course of a lifetime, maybe 5-6 times tops, but probably more along the likes of 4 maybe 5 times. Definitely four at least, not sure about five. Can't say as I find it particularly special, and certainly wouldn't consider blowing out loads of money on it, even if I HAD shittons of money. And if I had shittons of crack, I'd just sell it instead, and keep back a few rocks for myself after selling 95% of it. I'd far prefer the money to the crack, thats for sure. I don't seem to recall ebay having an option saying 'pay for your lab supplies in crack cocaine'

, a couple of eastern european contacts might take such an offer, not that I've asked them or am ever likely to, but ebay and most of my proper contacts wouldn't be too happy about being paid on stone haha.
Might be able to get through times of no crack by pawning glassware, but the reverse doesn't hold true, I shouldn't think. So no thanks

I'm rather attached to my pretties....myyyyyyy pppreeeecciiiooouuuusss.....

Fucking DESPISE women abusers. Thats one of those relatively few things where my first instinct is to let my knuckles to all the talking.